posted on Oct, 3 2008 @ 08:52 AM
Thanks for that bit of helpfull info. First let me say that you should go to the Dr. if you think you or a loved one has any infection MRSA or not.
After looking into what you said, I did find where Chlorine dioxide is being used to treat MRSA. Definatly something to ask your Dr. about if you are
We had a scare a few weeks ago. My niece who happens to only be 1 1/2 years old, had a hang nail on her toe. My sister clipped it off, no biggie
right? The next day, when my sister picked her up from day care, the ladies said they thought she was not feeling well. No fever, but she was just
not herself. By ten that night, she had a fever of 104.3, had vomited and was on her way to the ER. The Dr. said her toe had become infected, but
her white blood count was ok. Still to make sure he sent them to the childrens hospital in our area via amublance. By the time they reached that
hospital, her toe was black, her heart rate was up, and she was totaly lythargic. They poked her and prodded her with needles and IV's and she didnt
even wimper. Long story short, lots of antibiotics, and three long days later she went home. It was a staff infection.