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"Matters of National Security" -- What a Freaking Joke!

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posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:38 PM
Why are we, the American people, still accepting this ridiculous excuse for why we are not allowed access to certain information.

Sure, nuclear reactor locations, or something of that nature, I could understand being "classified" for matters of national security. Funny thing is, THOSE are published all over the net.

Yet, basic things that we have a right to know are often kept from us and we are, once again, fed the whole "national security" line.

Q: Hey, why don't you release the rest of those Pentagon tapes? A: It's classified matter of national security.

Q: Why aren't you releasing the CIA's documents on the Kennedy brothers' assassinations? A: For matters of national security.

Q: Hey, Bush and Cheney; Why will you only testify together in front of the 9/11 commission and why are you refusing to do so under oath? A: To protect national security.

Blah blah blah.

Why in the hell are we still taking this crap? How can we possibly have a free nad JUST society when our leaders won't tell us ANYTHING they don't want us to know? Why is this stupid "national security" blanket still being allowed to keep our government officials all cuddly and warm?

You tell me, just how in the hell is releasing videos from near the Pentagon on 9/11 adversely affecting the security of the nation?

If you ask me, any politician from here on out that uses the national security crap should automatically be entered into impeachment proceedings.

If they insist on continuing to use lame excuses anytime they don't want to tell us something, perhaps they should at least have the decency to change it to, "No, I can't answer that for matters of PERSONAL security."

I mean c'mon! What could possibly make their ways as suspicious as laying a blanket statement down every time you don't want to spread the information? How can ANYONE support this government knowing that they withhold any information they choose? Aren't we, the people, the ones who are supposed to be doing the deciding in this country?

How does that old quote go? "The very idea of secrecy is repugnant in a free and just society."???

How can we live in a society of the people, by the people and for the people when the sociopaths in charge of this country can decide what we can and can't know about the goings on within our own government? Even worse, they don't even hide the information in a clever way. "Matter of national security" is nothing more than a cop out to keep these evil doers protected from their own actions. It's disgusting and it is WRONG.

This is OUR country and YOU don't have the right to hide ANYTHING that pertains to it OR it's well being from us. You would think that most Americans would have noticed the problem long ago since our government officials can use this lame excuse and virtually avoid ANY kind of prosecution. So, what the hell? Can I kill someone and then avoid the trial by declaring that the murder I committed was a matter of national security? Hell, if they can do it, I should be able to do it as well.

In reality, the whole "national security" argument is nothing more than the high level politicians' way of pleading the fifth. The only difference is, "matter of national security" doesn't sounds as least to John Q. Public.

I think it's about time that we pulled these guys out from under that umbrella of "national security" and hold them accountable for their actions. The secrecy issue amongst the politicians in America is sickening, especially when you think of the almost COMPLETE lack of security that we, the public, have.

What the hell is it going to take to get the majority of us to wake up to these lies a realize that the government IS hiding something from us? How can we continue to live in a country where "secrets" are the rule instead of the exception. Why do we let these tyrants do anything they want so long as they deem it too important (for reasons of national security) to release to the public?

I, for one, find this excuse both tiresome AND scary. What exactly are these guys doing that would (obviously) piss us off so bad that they must keep it a total secret? In addition to that, who exactly gave these pompous jokers the idea that they actually have a RIGHT to without these secrets from us?

The whole deal seems a bit fishy to me.



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