posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 01:57 AM
First thing is that he really doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would have a Class III permit, and I would be willing to guess that the gun is
an illegal modification which would mean 7 years in Club Fed, but I could of course be quite wrong. I have heard in some anecdotal conversations that
it is possible to convert an AK to full auto with nothing more than a small zip tie. I have not tried this on my own weapon, and will not post the
recipe here, but supposedly it can be done.
His wooden handguards have caught fire, likely helped by some residual Cosmoline.
The bolt doesn't get anywhere near as hot as the barrel, and remember that it's also slamming back and forth in the breeze, which helps cooling a
fair amount too.
The barrel is also quite possibly "shot out" after that little performance, although with an AK loss of accuracy is a relative term
Now if someone would run an M-16 with C-Mags side by side with the AK with its drum mags and we could see which one suffered a stoppage first, that
would be really interesting.