I just want to start this off by saying; I WAS going to quit smoking until the AMAZING level of ignorance I had to bear with here;
This "topic' started off as a claim that the "theory" of Climate change must be false, due to a lack of storm activity this year, however that
only highlights the fact that in a fractal weather system as dynamic as it is; the effects of unnatural change to OUR world cannot be exactly
predicted, but no one needs a scientist to know that if we pump all this toxic waste into the systems that created & sustain life on this amazing
planet, it will cause an imbalance, thus a change in climate. If you change the environment, you change the climate.... VERY simple.
- Now I'm going to clarify the many misconceptions stated in the 4 pages of this unnessesarily long thread;
1) - Al Gore's movie may have an agenda to push a carbon tax, but many people seem to forget that these bloodlines including Al Gore are still (half)
human, and have reason to be deeply concerned with the pollution that is also affecting our health to SERIOUS degrees... - Tell me; why the sudden
smoking ban, & continue to allow polluters who cause thousands of premature deaths due to emissions every year, per city...(Was on the News ONCE. Oh,
and the fact that scientists have now concluded that OIL is TOXIC at parts per billion should raise more than one eyebrow..
disclosureproject.org... ,
seaspower.com... -will PROVE beyond a doubt that we didn't need to be subjecting our world, ourselves, & future
generations with toxification 'cause technologies that would elliminate 80% of poverty & the need to spend 60 000$ in gas. -By reverse engineering
-Tip: Spend more time on REAL conspiracies, not supposed "theories", & you shall see the truth that shall set you free.
3) I thought Alex Jones was great until he indicated his IQ seems to be not so far off the par with mud, himself, as he totally ruined a GREAT new
documentary; ENDGAME by including his uneducated opinions about global Warming. - He always says "plants breath CO2, but what he is overlooking is
the fact that even if it were just pure, natural CO2 vanalizing what used to be pure, clean air; that would still be a problem ,for it would be an
imbalance. - But the simple fact is it is Carbon MONOXIDE, along with thousands of other toxins that make it not only difficult for plants to absorb
CO2, it is toxifying our own bodies... (I just lit a cigarette, this is so deep; Stress currently greater than will to live, since despite this being
ATS, most people still seem to have the slogan "Ignorance is Bliss" stuck in their heads). - Oh, and during this point in our Solar Systems
development, the sun should have a long-term trend of cooling, over the next billions of years, and if the other planet's caps are melting, it's
only a short-term solar flare/ magnetic effect that COULD be causing some climate change here, but making it worse by continuing to be slaves to the
oil industry because people love to deny everything except their own opinions is SERIOUSLY dangerous to all life on this planet. - Natural climate
change, (caused by sun, because due to ice-core samples, isotopes indicate it in fact has NEVER been this hot in 18000 years) could bring us close to
a threshold of extinction, & pollution will guarantee it. - Nostradamus didn't predict GW, but anyone with a brain looking at the crap in the bible
knows what the apocalypse is, unless it's refering to Niberu.
RE: Accusations of us rational, concerned people out there for being "tree huggers"; Unfortunately, there are none left, (trees) for not enough
people woke up to the concequences of reptilian-driven capitalism ... And for the Bush admin. to be silencing scientist's, etc. Wake up, & smell the
carbon Monoxide!
RE: It is NOT caused by man; (Does an exhaust pipe look like a man 2U)?
- We are to blame for simply not realizing this.
I'm astounded that there are STILL people debating climate change!?(Lots o kids here?