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Bush is staying in office...dictator and we are attacking iran

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Techsnow

Why is it that one minute we are defending iraq against iraq, giving them the best missile shield on the planet.. .then they (government) try to take iraq.. and also attack iran.. The most laughable part is that they (afghan&iraqi troops) are killing our troops with weaponry sold to them by the US & UK governments... its a joke... Mark Thatcher in the 80's for example.. it should be treason.

The Yank & UK governments muscle in on everything, destroying everything in their path, women and children alike.. ...and no one ever says jack all..

Why as a population dont we just stop working... all of us.. in protest of this crap that we have to put up with - ONE GIANT PROTEST - for one day.

Show them that the people still have power, show them that we do not want war, that we have no quarell with our fellow man, that we are bored with their ploys of war.. it all makes me sick.. we stand by like puppets.

OK we wanna go to war - right.. tell the public that they have near nuclear weapons or that they are building a nuclear reactor..that should win us votes... its all rubbish... WE ARE SO BLIND

At the rate of knots at which we are going.. our governments will take us all to hell. We have even managed to cross swords with Russia, almost.

Something is happening that we cant see, all the world leaders are coming to a head and to one giant bloody climax .. we will be in the thick of it.

When i think about it, there is nothing really that we can do... as in Burma, when a revolution breaks out, they would cut standard communications and use their secret telephony/comms network... the people could be smashed apart in days.. UNLESS SOMEONE HAD A LONG TERM PLAN. [think about it]

[edit on 30-10-2007 by tallporl]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by ATSGUY
this is the kind of person that you would want to have tied to a pole and have people lining up to punch the living crap out of him over and over again!!!

I would act like I was going to punch him, but I'd shank him with a shiv, instead.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by section8citizen
I think it is very possible the HRC could be the one, and mark my words, she is going to be our next President...end of story. What I learned from the Gore/Bush election was that the elections could be easily manipulated. What I learned from Kerry/Bush was that it was all a smoke screen. It makes no difference WHO you vote for, the next President is already chosen and they will "win".

Well it depends. If America would get off it's lazy ass and protest a party nomination.

For example: EVERYONE hates Gulliani. Yet the "Polls" show him leading in some district. When the Rep. party nominates this buffoon, protest. Tell them to nominate Ron Paul, or you're voting Democrat. Not that it'd matter because "they" choose one from each party. Doesn't really matter whether they're Dem. or Rep. They're both chosen for a reason. And that reason is International policy.

The only one who opposes International policy is Ron Paul. The only way to change the way our current government operates is to elect Ron Paul. period.

and this is from a "straight-democrat" voter in the past to presidential elections.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by ATSGUY

i dont know what you see thru your lenses but what i see thru mine is that the mad ayatollahs in iran will nuke us if they are not weakened /diminished/or get a brain inserted before they get their hands on nukes-------i'd sooner live under our present form of government than the insanity the muslim extreamists have in mind for the world.i would recommend that everyone that wants to be a muslim should emigrate to iran or saudi arabia and enjoy all the benefits they have------over there-------or maybe move to gaza and live in the squalor they chose for themselves because their "work" accidents are usually the result of blowing themselves up while they try to make weapons to murder jews with.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 02:00 PM
I hate to say it guys, but you did vote the madman back onto the throne...... and if it did happen, out of curiosity, who exactly would you attack?
Fellow Americans??? That's just what you would need, a civil war.......

If it happens, then it happens, I agree with others here that something big will be staged to fudge and blur all laws.

I only say this cause here in OZ we've had the same madman for 11 years!

But we all HAVE to vote, and he'd be one seriously dangerous pollie to win from the election annihalation that is coming ( hopefully! )


posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 02:15 PM
Interesting footage..
This man really wants war And it does not seem this man wants war becuz of some propaganda he saw on his TV.. I would like to know his "motives".
Whatever happens, our course in history is already made by the so called "elite". And as long as there is a military industry this big, there will be war. When there is no war, conflicts will be made and more innocent people will suffer. The only thing that can stop this is the public, but with the media mostly in control by the "elite" a public global uprising (what they fear most) will not happen. They will continue to lie and decieve untill they have reached there goal..
Only the internet can counter there propaganda.

An interesting link showing the power of media control, one of the best documentaries i have ever seen on the net:


posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 03:12 PM
I've always thought the same thing. I believe he will be our last President.

Did anyone else hear his speech about Cuba last week?

I'm totally amazed that no one has posted anything about this speech.

I heard alot of hidden messages in it .

I think it will be Cuba that keeps him in office and I live to close to Cuba for comfort.

Just think about how easy it would be to attack Cuba with a military base in South Florida.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it happens very soon.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 03:36 PM
Has anybody considered Ron Paul? I've been looking into his past and I've not found the same thing that would be found looking at the history of the other candidates. So far anyway...

He doesn't appear to be connected to the NeoCons or NWO. This guy believes in America as it should be. For the people, by the people, limited government in our personal lives.

The only way I see to defeat the scumbags in power is to elect someone they don't have any back pocket lobbyists to control. Ron Paul would be that guy. Of all the running candidates, he's the only one that has the over all long term experience running an office and bringing life into the world. He is a Doctor....

Just my opinion, read for yourself @

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by section8citizen
I think it is very possible the HRC could be the one, and mark my words, she is going to be our next President...end of story.

Hillary will NEVER be President for two reasons:
1) She is a woman - say what you will but most men will NOT vote for a woman regardless of party affiliation.
2) Even a lot of Democrats dislike Hillary and will NOT vote for her.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by tallporl
The Yank & UK governments muscle in on everything, destroying everything in their path, women and children alike.. ...and no one ever says jack all..

Perhaps you should read some history.

If it were not for the U.S. and the U.K., you would be speaking German or Japanese.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:00 PM
I find some flaws in your argument here.

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Hillary will NEVER be President for two reasons:
1) She is a woman - say what you will but most men will NOT vote for a woman regardless of party affiliation.

Are you sure she's a woman?

Just asking.

Secondly, and a lot less jokingly, you DO know that women are allowed to vote now, right?

Don't discount the women's and minorities votes. Not to mention those that would rather see a 3 legged goat as president to what the current admin. has brought to the table.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by ATSGUY

What he is saying is that Bush will take away the nuclear threat he believes Iran poses, prior to him leaving office. It doesn't mean Bush plans on staying after his term is over.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by MagicaRose
I've always thought the same thing. I believe he will be our last President.

Did anyone else hear his speech about Cuba last week?

I'm totally amazed that no one has posted anything about this speech.

I heard alot of hidden messages in it .

I think it will be Cuba that keeps him in office and I live to close to Cuba for comfort.

Just think about how easy it would be to attack Cuba with a military base in South Florida.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit if it happens very soon.

If he were plotting a coupe, he would not be putting "hidden messages" for you to find in his speeches. If you're trying to pull a fast one, the last thing you want to do is give anyone a heads up.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Seriously, the most ignorant thing I've read this week. I guess you're discounting the effort and sacrifice of the French Resistance, the Russians, the Canadians, etc. You really have to read a history book not published in the US.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by Kr0n0s
The reason I came to this conclusion is because, as someone already pointed out, the "PUPPET" that holds the title of President of The US has no power or say so in US policy.
So you see, there is no need to do this because regardless of who is in office there is and has been for a long time, another group pulling the strings.

I think you are absolutely correct in this. It doesn't matter which dummy is used if it's the same ventriloquist doing the talking.

I very much doubt that Bush will stay in office longer than constitutionally permitted, what would be the point? There is no reason to risk the outrage that would accompany such a move when you can simply put in place the next 'legitimate' frontman. The illusion of choice will keep the masses satisfied and the polarised debate will keep them distracted while the agenda rolls on, unmolested by the inconvenience of true democracy.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Seriously, the most ignorant thing I've read this week.

Wow, then you must read lots of extreme liberal publications.

I guess you're discounting the effort and sacrifice of the French Resistance, the Russians, the Canadians, etc.

Yes I am.
I am grateful and give them lots of credit for their role but without the U.S. and U.K., it would not have been a good situation for the world.

You really have to read a history book not published in the US.

Perhaps you should read some published within the U.S.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan

Originally posted by intrepid
Seriously, the most ignorant thing I've read this week.

Wow, then you must read lots of extreme liberal publications.

Interesting you should say this as I was quoting you. An obvious conservative? Do your fellow conservatives a favor, stop posting in this manner. I can hear them cringing as they read this.

You really have to read a history book not published in the US.

Perhaps you should read some published within the U.S.

Oh, I haven't read them but I'm sure they read "USA. USA, USA." Btw, without Google do you know anything about the battle for Stalingrad? Arnhiem? The French Resistance, etc?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 05:59 PM
Text First Post. Hello! All! Situation very grim,indeed....................When I was a boy I bought gasoline for a small motorcycle. The price was .35 cents a gallon. I was 14 years old. I am 45 years old now. I wonder what we shall do to deal with the suffering of all those weaker than ourselves on the way to our ultimate victory of the greedy,manipulating,controlling vermin that have lied to our fathers and our father's fathers, and their fathers. Bringing it to us to pass onto our sons and daughters the LIE that we now disbelieve and loathe...........I remember as a young man listening to some old fart outside a general store way out in the country,,,,,He went on about some politician that had been caught skimming money from a highway project of some sort and the old man with fire in his eyes went on to say that all politicians were all the same anymore. "We ought to march to the capitol and drag em' outta office and hang em' in the street". In Iran,Saudi Arabia,and maybe a few more countries they still hold regularly scheduled public executions. Including hangings and be-headings. All very bloody affairs, no doubt.
My point is that sooner or later somebody is going to start to ration food or gasoline or something. I think I waited too long and watched it all unfoald right b-4 my very eyes over the course of the past 20 years.
Looking alot like it's time to take to the hills with only the necessities. Horses,mules,soil turning implements,2 types of fire arms,hunting and defense/assoult. How far away could you get with the right stuff,not relying on anything gasoline and could you go far enough in the U S to live in peace, assuming that all crumble within the next five years?

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by earthman4
The moment he suspends elections I attack. I am proud of my country. I will fight for it.

You do know that there is no ATS in your 7ftx7ft concrete cell

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by jfj123

Why not ? I think he was trying to tell the Cuban people to rise up against Castro.
As he was giving this speech I could just see Castro mad as H***!
Then again, maybe the "people" didn't see or hear the speech.
Maybe his words were meant to put fear in Castro.

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