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Opinions on this site [patriots question 911]

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:31 PM
Just curious as to what peoples thoughts are on this site (more so the non believers in the conspiracy theories)?. I have shown this to people that believe in the "official" 9/11 story and love to debunk (and name call) the conspiracy :tinfoil: theorists yet no one will comment on the content of the below.

Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Government Officials Question the 9/11 Commission Report

Many well known and respected senior U.S. military officers, intelligence services and law enforcement veterans, and government officials have expressed significant criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report or have made public statements that contradict the Report. Several even allege government complicity in the terrible acts of 9/11. This website is a collection of their statements. It is not an organization and it should be made clear that none of these individuals are affiliated with this website.

Listed below are statements by more than 110 of these senior officials. Their collective voices give credibility to the claim that the 9/11 Commission Report is tragically flawed. These individuals cannot be simply dismissed as irresponsible believers in some 9/11 conspiracy theory. Their sincere concern, backed by their decades of service to their country, demonstrate that criticism of the Report is not irresponsible, illogical, nor disloyal, per se. In fact, it can be just the opposite.

Up until last year I believed in the official story, having been sent home from work in London on that terrible day and watching it unfold and literally working 20 seconds walk from the underground station on 7/7 (Aldgate).

Never for the life of me would I have considered this to be an inside job or at least, allowed to happen (ie someone turning a blind eye) but someone was kind enough to point me in the direction of and all the documentaries pertaining to the conspiracy theories. Then, after much viewing (and nausea) I decided there was a hell of a lot more to it than what I had originally believed. Lets leave it at that =/


ps. sorry if the site is a repost, i did do a search, honest =]

EDITTED for external source content thingy.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by rapturas]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:58 AM
They are obviously lying, those unpatriotic liberal progressive pinkos.

But seriously, its good you posted this... Im sure many of us had not read that site before. The debunkers around here will likely say some nonsense to dismiss this...they'll throw in a couple of straw men, along with a series of other fallacies. Good luck.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:34 AM
The whole Silverstein billion dollar insurance policy months before, and the millions in put options on the airline industry 'days' before throws a big ol' monkey wrench into the scheme of things.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by rapturas

My opinion is that it stinks.

They use a person who was killed during the attacks to promote the theory.

Frank A DeMartini

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by Boone 870
reply to post by rapturas

My opinion is that it stinks.
They use a person who was killed during the attacks to promote the theory.
Frank A DeMartini

ok but that doesnt mean that his comments prior to the attack are unjustified, right?

Frank A. DeMartini – WTC victim. Architect and WTC Construction Manager, North Tower, 88th floor. Demartini first worked at the World Trade Center when Leslie E. Robertson Associates hired him to assess damage from the terrorist truck bombing in 1993.
* Video interview 1/25/01: "The [Twin Tower] building was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jetliners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door. This intense grid ­ and the jet-plane is just a pencil puncturing that screen netting. It really does nothing to the screen netting."
* Editor's note: The Boeing 767-200s that impacted the Twin Towers on 9/11 were only slightly larger than 707s and DC 8s, the types of jetliners whose impacts the World Trade Center's designers anticipated. The maximum takeoff weight of the 707 is 15% less than the 767.
* Bio:

And besides, you are saying the whole website stinks based on one person being killed and his opinions being used?
Maybe if he were still alive he would be reiterating his points? and lets be honest, the site included the so its not like they are hiding anything, right?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by rapturas

Maybe if he was still alive he could be reiterating his points or maybe not.

That's just one person. How many more dead patriots are there questioning 9/11?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by jpm1602
The whole Silverstein billion dollar insurance policy months before, and the millions in put options on the airline industry 'days' before throws a big ol' monkey wrench into the scheme of things.

Hanging your hat on either of these things is a bad, bad decision.

The fact that you're GAWKING at Dirty Larry Silverstein's (gasp) BILLION DOLLAR INSURANCE POLICY shows that you haven't looked at the facts of that situation at all. The irony is that Silverstein did try to insure the buildings for about a (gasp) BILLION DOLLARS...but his stingy insurance policy didn't please his backers:

Trade Center Financing on Shaky Ground
In its court papers, Swiss Re shows how Silverstein first tried to buy just $1.5 billion in property damage and business-interruption coverage. When his lenders objected, he discussed buying a $5 billion policy. Ultimately, he settled on the $3.5 billion figure, which was less than the likely cost of rebuilding.

In my opinion, Silverstein and the "put options" are one step below holograms on the heirarchy of conspiracy absurdity.

Focus on the building collapses. It's truly the only glimmer of hope for a conspiracy here.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:14 PM
I was watching Flight of the Condor last night. It's from the 80s and shows Fay Dunaway going into the twin towers to the CIA office. In the end they find that the CIA killed a bunch of people for middle east oil. I think the motives of the military industrial complex are much more plausable than Bin ladin's motives.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870
reply to post by rapturas

Maybe if he was still alive he could be reiterating his points or maybe not.

That's just one person. How many more dead patriots are there questioning 9/11?

Hehe well unless you believe in spirits i'd say none, but as far as im concerned, thats irrelevant.

So basically you are saying that when someone is dies, their opinions made during their life no longer count?

Im not sure why you discredit the whole site based on the use of one persons opinion that is unfortunately dead now. Its not like they are saying Frank stated 9/11 was an inside job before it happened; and why should they leave him off their site? it still pertains to the WTC's does it not? he was a victim, no?

If what he said was taken out of context or if they hadnt mentioned that he was a victim and had died/gone missing then maybe your doubts would be a little more justified.

Maybe we should agree to disagree and move on and let others form their own opinions based on what we have already said as i can see us just going around in circles. By all means, pick a few more people off that site and give further reasons why the website stinks or find evidence as to why Frank should have not been included. The fact he is dead does not mean his opinions should be disregarded as far as im concerned but that, is just my opinion.

Thanks for the input though :thumbsup:

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:37 PM

originally posted by rapturas
Im not sure why you discredit the whole site based on the use of one persons opinion that is unfortunately dead now. Its not like they are saying Frank stated 9/11 was an inside job before it happened; and why should they leave him off their site? it still pertains to the WTC's does it not? he was a victim, no?

Look at the title of the web site, "patriotsquestion911", how could he question 911 if he was killed on 9/11?

I think that it is disgusting to use the tragedy of one man to promote a silly theory.

That is my opinion!

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Boone 870

originally posted by rapturas
Im not sure why you discredit the whole site based on the use of one persons opinion that is unfortunately dead now. Its not like they are saying Frank stated 9/11 was an inside job before it happened; and why should they leave him off their site? it still pertains to the WTC's does it not? he was a victim, no?

Look at the title of the web site, "patriotsquestion911", how could he question 911 if he was killed on 9/11?

I think that it is disgusting to use the tragedy of one man to promote a silly theory.

That is my opinion!

Well he isnt directly questioning 9/11, thats obvious but what he has stated before he died, to me, is relevant even if it isnt to you.

I personally think you are slightly over reacting here! So maybe if they created a subsection for people that have made comments that relate to key points about 9/11 but were dead before or killed during the event, that would make you less disgusted? I personally dont think they are promoting the tragedy of one man to get their "silly" theory across but anyway, you are entitled to your opinion like we all are =]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by rapturas]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by rapturas]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:25 PM

I was watching Flight of the Condor last night. It's from the 80s and shows Fay Dunaway going into the twin towers to the CIA office. In the end they find that the CIA killed a bunch of people for middle east oil. I think the motives of the military industrial complex are much more plausable than Bin ladin's motives.

Couple things - it was THREE DAYS Of The CONDOR, also it was FICTION!
aka not true, but made up! Basing conspiracy theories on 1970's era
thriller novel?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:21 PM
I beg to differ Essedarius. Follow the money. I believe it has 'everything' to do with it.

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