posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:51 AM
Dear God people, just examine the characteristics of water and heat. A plane flying at altitude is in cold air, right? Ok. Then the hot air from the
engines heats the air that the plane in flying thru to the point that water vapor condenses around the molecules of heated air and makes a trail in
the sky. So far so good.
Then, in a matter of seconds, or a minute at most, the contrails disappear. Why? Because the colder air surrounding the contrails quickly chills the
molecules again, and they return to their previosu temps, and disappear from sight. If you have ever seen a jet with a contrail, usually the contrail
disappears behind the jet, within a few miles.
ONLY chemtrails can remain after the cooling period, whioch is almost immediate. Water vapor CANNOT hold temperatures independently when in the
upper atmosphere!! Impossible!! What on earth would the chemtrail deniers attribute the contrails to? How could anyone explain how water molecules
could remain warm for long periods of time while surrounded by cold air? What is keeping the ' contrails ' warm? If it is water vapor, like a
contrail, then there are only water molecules to deal with, and they will cool almost immediately after the jet passes.
If it is NOT simply water molecules, then the scenes we all see are explained easily: Either they have heavier elements in them, something besides
water, that allows for the continued and lingering trails to be seen, ot they do not, simple. Contrails are only water vapor: They CANNOT linger
longer than a few minutes at best, and they CANNOT 'turn into ' vast cloud cover. It is not physically possible to explain HOW the water molecules
are being kept heated in a cold and surrounding atmosphere.
It is easy to explain chemtrails tho: they are OBVIOUSLY made up of elements that can remain suspended for long periods, and are NOT dependent on
temperature for their existence. That is a fact. There is no way that simple water made contrails can exist after a short time: It cannot be shown how
to keep the water particles warm enough to sustain the condensation effect and subsequent appearance from the ground of trails.
So, you believers in CONTRAILS ONLY, please explain what keeps the ' contrails ' warm enough to remain since they are being surrounded by cold air
and would no doubt return to their previous temps in a minute or two. Temperature is the entire story of contrails, and chemicals and elements are the
story behind chemtrails, simple. No other explanation makes any sense scientifically or logically.
I watch the sky often, and picking contrials out is easy: they go away, usually after the jet is halfway across the sky. Chemtrails do NOT go away
and linger and make cloud banks and strange colors and leave residue behind in some cases. But until someone can explain keeping air warm in a
freezing cold atmosphere I will believe the truth: Chjemtrails are real, and contrails are too. but they each have specific characteristics and
abilities, each easily observed.