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American Conspiracy: Why Does the World Hate Us? - Is The Hate Planned or Earned?

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:01 AM
If you live in the United States, there is a good chance you have heard about the hatred that some members of the world feel for us. If you live outside of the United States, there is a good chance you either hate us, or know someone that does.


Well, if you listen to our "elected leaders" in this country, we are hated "because of our freedom" or because there is a vast anti-American conspiracy out there that spreads lies and disinfo about us and crimes we commit against their society.

Is that really true? Could there really be a conspiracy out there that's being perpetrated by parties unknown that is designed to turn the planet against us?

What could we have done, as a nation, that might lead to us being hated almost world wide?

If you are a typical American citizen who gets their news from the government approved sources, you may have trouble finding an answer.

Well, right off the bat, there are the "typical" reasons why we are so hated. When some people look at America, they see nothing but a war mongering, greedy and oppressive country whose citizens suffer from an extreme lack of morality. While this, as a whole, is NOT true. I suppose you have to step back and bit and look at what behavior that we tend to reward with the spotlight here.

Some of the biggest headlines from our country are about whorish celebrities and the totally immoral way they live. If that isn't taking the headlines on a given day, you can bet that SOMETHING involving money is. It's almost as if you have to be a complete piece of garbage to receive any kind of world-wide exposure. Is it any wonder that someone who has never been here associates John Q. Citizen with these people? After all, they wouldn't be making the news if we didn't want to see them or hear about them.

From there, they have our history to consider. We, as a people, have endorsed genocide and oppression pretty much from day one. The American Indian is, without doubt, a symbol of the ruthlessness of the human race, however, the fact that it happened here causes the responsiblity to fall on our heads, at least as far as it goes with the rest of the world. From there, we advance to the way black people were treated in this country until, oh, 30 years ago or so. Not only did we keep them as slaves, even after they were "freed", we continued to treat them like animals by refusing to share "our" society with them.

While the views of our ancestors no longer apply to the average citizen, there are still people in this country who would like to return to the ways of the past and some of those people tend to make it to high places within our government.

Now, when it comes to these things, we all know that most EVERY country out there has it own version of our past, but, we are so very in the spotlight that it somehow makes our past more important. When you combine the spotlight with the fact that we are, effectively, the largest superpower in the world it makes a fine recipe for resentment. When it comes to the United States and it's past, people of other regions tend to forget their own bloody and evil history.

Our vanity and lack of morality is enough for some countries to hate us, but, what about the war mongering?

There was a time when our country was looked at with respect for the way we dealt with "villains" throughout the world. We would only interject ourselves when we could "serve the greater good" of mankind. While that isn't necessarily true, if you look at how the winners wrote history, it does appear that way.

However, that time ended after World War II.

Since that time, we have had an active policy of inserting ourselves into pictures where we were not wanted and, in some cases, changing the the future of a region for the worse. In Vietnam, our "intelligence" agencies had stepped into the picture to CREATE an enemy for the "industrial military complex" that Ike warned us all of during his final days in the White House.

Instead of jumping in to help an oppressed people, we began a policy of installing leaders that suited the financial wants of our "keepers" in America, most of the time creating a MUCH worse living environment for the peoples of the region in question.

From Europe and Asia to South America and Africa, we have made a habit of CREATING brutal dictatorships and giving power to vicious tyrants in order to have access to certain information or resources that we wanted AT THE TIME. Then, we turn around a decade later and wage war against the countries or leadership and label them "terrorists" or whatever "word for the day" you want to insert.

Just recently, we have waged war against Afghanistan and the "militia" that we created to fight the Russians. Iraq and the dictator that we supported for as long as it benefited us and we are preparing for war against Iran (in my opinion at the behest of Israel --note: This is my OPINION) and a government that we are responsible for who we now call terroristic.

Indeed, the United States has unofficially become the "Police Force of the Planet". If a country steps "out of line", in terms of the best interests of the elite, we are sure to step in either through military force or through arming the local "militias" that support the interests of the elite. When we do this, it is usually AGAINST the will of the local people an leads to a MUCH WORSE lifestyle for them in the long run. Just as an example, I'm pretty sure Iraq was never a great place to live (by American standards), but I can't imagine it being much worse under Saddam than it is right now and all for what? A war for profit?

According to estimates, the CIA alone is responsible for over 6 million deaths worldwide since it's inception. What is the CIA? And intelligence agency or a world wide death squad? Hell, they are willing to go so far (for their own benefit) as to fill OUR streets and citizens with illegal narcotics for their own benefit (and kill a president of the United States if you believe as some do), what do you think they are willing to do to the citizens of other countries?

Add all this and continuing allegations of torture, and it's not hard to imagine why the rest of the world hates and/or fears us.

Now, some of these things may very well be nothing but someone's overactive imagination catching on. The transgressions of our "government" and it's agencies may very well be exaggerated to an extent. However, even if they are HEAVILY exaggerated and you just look at a FRACTION of the evils that our government has thrust upon innocents in most other countries (at one time or another), it's not very hard to see why they hate us.

Just taking these few things into account, I don't really see why a conspiracy would be NEEDED to turn the world against us. If anything, I would see the effort of an "everyone must hate America" conspiracy would be nothing but wasted energy when you take into account the things that have been done in the name of our great country.

But hey, maybe I'm wrong. There may well be a small group of people sitting in a room right now conspiring on the next way to earn America the undying hatred of a small country and it's people.

*******(Continued below, please do not reply yet)*******

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:03 AM
Either way, if this hatred is the result of our governments' doing or a foreign conspiracy, why should that matter to us here in America?

Because, every single day we are creating new and REAL terrorists throughout the world. Every child who sees his father blown apart by our bombs and every one that loses his family as the result of our involvment has a seed of hate planted in his/her brain. Every adult that may have loved us yesterday now has the possiblity to be turned to feeling a necessity for violence in order to cease us stomping all over their culture and beliefs.

It should matter to us because we have a government that carries out crimes against humanity on a daily basis using our military (whom I do NOT blame, at least the ones that feel they are doing their duty and aren't carrying out their own personal evil desires) and doing so on OUR behalf.

The leaders that we "supposedly" elected to speak and act FOR US are doing things for profit and power that does NOTHING but turn those future terrorists against US, the "innocent" citizens of the United States.

How long will it be before WE are the targets for REAL "terrorists" that actually DO have the capability to hit us hard and hit us at home? At the rate we are going, and the way our government chooses to handle things, it's only a matter of time before we wake up to an explosion and a mushroom cloud outside of our front door.

And maybe, just maybe, we have it coming.

"But how can you say that?" you ask.

Well, I say that because we DO have the power to change things.

Sure, our elections may be rigged and our liberties may be being taken from us pieces at a time, but, we still have the power to effect the direction this country takes from here on out. The problem is, we just don't seem to care enough anymore to USE that power we have. In fact, if there IS a conspiracy at work here, it's to keep us from caring enough to change things while we are still capable of doing so.

Are we, as a whole, really happy with the way our government is handling things in our name? Is it necessary for us, as a nation, to be involved in what will likely lead to World War III?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm not too happy with it.....

I love my country and I love what it's supposed to stand for. However, through vast domestic conspiracies and misleading propoganda, we are being "governed" by evil evil people who support evil agendas. And we have a responsibility, as Americans, to do SOMETHING about it before some REAL foreign enemy decides to do something for us.

Remember, if some foreign enemy, be it Russia, China, North Korea or some other does indeed attack us on our own soil; It will NOT be the elite of America that suffer. They have already (according to some and believed by many) made provisions for themselves and their people in the event it happens. No, the ones that will suffer will be US, the everyday American citizen, and our loved ones who don't have the luxury of sheltering ourselves from the fallout.

Is that the future you want for our nation?


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by SimiusDei

the hate has been earned through horrid practices and repeated violations of international law to simply suit the ends of america.

i'm not going to simply say that it's all bush's fault and the iraq war and whatnot... but those things haven't actually helped at all. they just made all the violations of international law public

we've been doing it for decades now, but in secret. toppling governments and installing dictators, violating the international laws we set up ourselves... funding a state the breaks international agreements.

it's all earned here.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:48 AM
Hate is a strong word to use, especially with the new hate crime and thought crime laws being drafted and put in place.
I personally bear no malice towards the American people and wish them no harm, as do many others. What I do feel though is exasperation at the way many Americans blindly dig their heels in and get all "patriotic" whenever someone criticises "the American way" or their government. Support for the state, right or wrong it's MY country etc.

My sister-in-law is a case in point. She watches Fox news all the time, hangs on the words of people like O'Reilly, has never traveled outside the USA and has no concept of or knowledge of other cultures and peoples. She comes from a long line of Republican voters and will blindly support them and defend their actions without examining or investigating what they are doing.
I even find this in the workplace, working as I do for a large US corporation. Myself and my colleagues look after the needs of everything outside of North America yet the US are always making the rules without consultation with the attitude of what works in the US is good for the rest of the world. In a way it's a kind of blind arrogance in assuming that the rest of the world should be like the USA and we spend a lot of time explaining to them the realities of the world.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:54 AM
America is hated because it has done what every other country has to rise to the economic/imperial top: slaughter, exploit, and scam, but since their the new kid on the block, and most other empires have fallen from glory, its a bit of a jealousy problem. Look at history, every great empire has been created by the point of the sword or through economic ruthlessness.
England: The many colonies of the Americas(but everyone was doing it) were founded with wealth in mind. The natives who got in the way were killed, assimilated, or forced to work. The scramble for Africa and what soon followed: boer wars etc.

Spain: South America, this one is kinda self explainitory

France: Napoleon and his fun jaunt through Europe, Morocco, the America's

Germany: Well, even before WWII Germany bullied their way onto the Imperial scene shortly after becoming a country with Wilhelm's Weltpolitik

There are many more, but I don't feel like listing them. So, when people criticize America's imperialist tactics, the so called unjust wars, and the violations of international law, just remember, the rest of the world did first, America just learned from the best.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:39 AM

on one hand you have cheap oil, cheap food, and all the world has been brought up to think you guys were the greatest.

now were older and know the truth we question why you would do such horrid things in the name of peace????

How much $$$$ have been poured into Africa ( example only ) and you guys run into iraq on blind faith and full of righteousness yet when a larger problem like africa still do.....what???? you would rather descimate a nation, eradicate a culture based upon the say so of a lunatic then aid properly the third world. it aint jealousy, it is more..... pity......

the most powerful naion on earth and not a clue on how to help even yourselves.

you not only let a madmen onto the throne, you chose to keep him even as your own rights were stripped away, and now ask why does the world hate me???

I lived in europe for a few years and had the fun of hosting an american uni group. after three days the teacher came to me and asked for a traditional scottish pub. i laughed and said you'd have to go to the highlands for that but they probably wouldnt talk to you anyway. she was confused. so i asked if any students have tried Haggis yet?? No no. what did they have for lunch??? McDonalds, KFC. And breakfast?? macdonalds, Starbucks....

She still couldnt see it

so i said ok, you trot off to the highlands and find a nice town where people are great. you enjoy their bar for a night and go home raving about how bloody good it was. 5 years later, that sme town has macdonalds, Starbucks and KFC for uni students to enjoy the traditional Scottish town.........

As I said ignorance.

The greatest thing i heard an american say was Matt Damon who came to Australia after a bourne. ( supremecy i think ) He was asked about 9/11. Matt said ' we could have gone one of two ways. we could have sat back and asked ourselves why does the world hate us??? what have we done or not done??? OR we could have locked and loaded our guns....'

***** this wasnt an attack persay. I live in Australia and am nearly as guilty as you guys!

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:44 AM
Jasn, I think you just wrote the book. I haven't read every lines, but it sounds like you're speaking something that can be realized, perhaps you should consider to publish your own book.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

hahaha, thanks. But no non-fiction books in Jasn's future
I'm not that learned YET. I hope I can get to that point, however, I am working on it.

So far it seems the votes are in the "Earned" category. Anyone care to dispute this? I would love to hear your reasoning and no, I'm not saying that in a John Lear smart arsed sort of way. (Though, John IS still the man.)


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Why Does the World Hate Us?

Ignorance and jealousy. Nothing more.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Ah, okay. Care to explain? Ignorance and jealousy cover a great many bases.


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
Care to explain?

There is nothing to explain. It is very simple.

Ignorance ... means that they don't understand or know the facts about America. They hate what they THINK America is - but they don't really know what it is because they are either too brainwashed with anti-American rhetoric or they are stupid.

Jealousy - means exactly that. They want what America has but they can't have it because they are too busy screwing up their own countries. Failed socialism. Failed communism. Failed shira law. America IS BETTER. They know it. Deep down they know it. They are jealous because they can't have it so, like little school girls, they bad mouth what they can't have.

All simple. Nothing is needed to be explained.
The anti-Americans can't stomach the truth but here it is -
Jealousy and ignorance. Nothing more.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Ah, okay. So it's just ignorance and jealousy in a very general sense, correct?

While I do agree that people in other countries envy us (as I have been told by my Peruvian buddy), I doubt that jealousy and ignorance are the "major" reasons for the anti-Americanism that tends to spread like a wildfire here lately.


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by SimiusDei
I doubt that jealousy and ignorance are the "major" reasons for the anti-Americanism

Believe what you want. I am SURE that they are the ONLY reasons.

I wish we'd cut off all foreign aid. I wish we'd cut off all our foreign trade.
Let the world TRY to get along without us. (they wouldn't get far)
Let 'em wallow in their own muck and ignorance for a good long time.


posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:29 AM
well as an aussie, I neither envy you nor am jealous of you. I have a better quality of life and seriously would be better off without you guys. But, i dont think your refferring to Aussies!

The third world does need help though. it is the question which has plagued man since day 1.

If I am strong should I help others less fortunate and do i have a moral/ethical obligation to do so??? If I do so, then I open myself to attack in some manner and critisicm from all. If i do NOT help, can I say I am the greatest???

Morality and Ethics. Not a cool problem to have.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by SimiusDei

Well SimiusDei, this question disserves an honest answer of a person who lives outside of the United States, in The Netherlands as you can see in my avatar.
I answer your questions in the way as I honestly see it.
Despite my English writing, I do the best I can, and try to keep it short.
I use your story to answering your questions and to explain my thoughts about the things you write about.

I am 61 years old now, and the truth is that I can write this answer in a free country only because of what the American people and especially there soldiers have accomplished in WWII. [ I don’t forget the other allies of course.]

If you live outside of the United States, there is a good chance you either hate us, or know someone that does.

1. Do I hate the American people? NO.
2. Do I know personally someone that does? NO.
3. Do I know of people who does? YES.


Well, if you listen to our "elected leaders" in this country, we are hated "because of our freedom".

I see this as an absolute lie, and that’s where they are very good in, just like many not US "elected leaders" do.
Of course there are many people who desperately wish the same freedom.

or because there is a vast anti-American conspiracy out there that spreads lies and disinfo about us and crimes we commit against their society.

Again an absolute lie, and that’s also where they are very good in, to mislead people, just like many not US "elected leaders" do.

What could we have done, as a nation, that might lead to us being hated almost world wide?

This is the way as I see it, and many will laugh, hate, or spit on me for it.
Especially after the ending of WWII, there are already enormous powers in the US of who president Eisenhower spoke and warned.

1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower hold his final speech as president of the USA. He insistently warned of the dangers an influential military-industrial complex would have for the future of the USA and the world.
And don’t forget the power of your secret services either.

These powers, try to gain and accomplished with all the necessary means the following, in many countries other then the US.
As much power and influence to secure and expend there interests, explore as cheap as possible the important recourses of those countries and to sell them with as much as profit is possible.
The already poor people of those countries pay the big bill for this of course, and there is your source for the hate.
They are the powers that also created terrorism, and those powers who created terrorism themselves, are now use every mean and reason to fight it, even if they must created the reason by themselves, because they are the ones who are benefit enormously from it.
I am convinced that the former Soviet Union, now Russia has done and doing exactly the same.

Well, right off the bat, there are the "typical" reasons why we are so hated. When some people look at America, they see nothing but a war mongering, greedy and oppressive country whose citizens suffer from an extreme lack of morality.
While this, as a whole, is NOT true.

Of course this isn’t true.

From there, they have our history to consider. We, as a people, have endorsed genocide and oppression pretty much from day one. The American Indian is, without doubt, a symbol of the ruthlessness of the human race, however, the fact that it happened here causes the responsibility to fall on our heads, at least as far as it goes with the rest of the world.

Every country or nation has also his history to consider, I am a Dutchmen and I know of the terrible things we have done in other countries in our history.

From there, we advance to the way black people were treated in this country until, oh, 30 years ago or so. Not only did we keep them as slaves, even after they were "freed", we continued to treat them like animals by refusing to share "our" society with them.

Well, this is also one of the terrible things of our history, because we where the “suppliers” of those people.

There was a time when our country was looked at with respect for the way we dealt with "villains" throughout the world.

Well SimiusDei, the more I reed, the more I see that you have in fact many of the same thoughts as I, so I keep it by this.


[edit on 28/10/07 by spacevisitor]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Ignorance and jealousy. Nothing more.

Now you showing a massive amount of ignorance by saying that and parroting what Bush force feeds you. Its not ignorance because people are better educated on the subject than they were 10 years ago and its not jealously because people from countries with a higher standard of living than the US think the same thing as those with a lower standard.

The OPs thoughts on the subject are entirely correct.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

ignorance and jealousy?

come on, it's far more complicated than that. breaking international law...being responsible for more acts of war and violence than any country in the last 50 years... slaughter of civilians

come on, we actually celebrated a direct violation of international law that resulted in civilian casualties in both the liberal and conservative press. we captured a hospital in the process several patients died. attacking any hospital is a violation of international law...
under american law, any violation of international law that results in civilian casualties is punishable by the death of whoever ordered the attack
...instead, we celebrate the illegal attack as a victory
.......................not to mention the other war crimes committed in fallujah

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:51 AM
they hate us for the facts not a conpiracy.The gulf of Tunkin being declassified.Isreal attacked to get us into war false flag.

So Isreal pissed off declassified the following:

Isreal declassified they attacked us in 1980 paid by USA to blame Hezbollah.Attacking a marine base killing 310 marines with a truck bomb.
To start a war.

My father had both his arms broken in that attack.

Yes the Famous Reagen move of pulling out of middle east followed.
You may remember the speech.

I hate to tell you after reading these 2 declassified documents I hate my own country.

And these are just 2 examples.there are many more.

If Isreal released this info about another country doing this to the USA would you not think of them as evil or hate them?

This isnt a conspiracy its declassified fact.

Plus the 1950 IRAN cia take over.

I wonder why they hate us?

Don't ask me for links I am not a Library research it yourself like I have.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Bushwacked]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Bushwacked]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by spacevisitor

Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. Don't worry about your English, it's very clear and understandable.

It is nice to have an outside perspective of things, which is honestly what I was looking for here.

I have had friends from Syria, Peru, Mexico and various other foreign countries who told me basically the same things as you.

What I found funny about them was, they were SO proud to be in America and they actually LOVED this country more than most native citizens. They also understood my feelings as far as loving the country and hating it's government as they were in the exact same position in their country. The only real difference was, their leaders were up front about being "dictators", even if not so by title, whereas our leaders still want us to believe they are serving our best interests.

Thanks again,

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Bushwacked

Thanks for you reply. While it should be obvious that I agree with you from my OP, I do have one issue with your post.

While links to sources for your information are not required, they are considered polite to aid in fellow members backing up what you say without them having to search for (sometimes) hours finding it for themselves.

It's not that you should be a library of information haha, just cool to provide them to aid easy research for your fellow members.


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