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Website evolution

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:32 AM
Hi all:

I haven't visited this website in 4 or 5 years and I found a lot of people trying very, very hard to debunk other peoples theories. This situation let me thinking about how many people is in this website just to discredit other persons thoughts or accounts. This is a very different website, I hope that doesn't get any worst than what it is now. Disagreeing with other persons opinions is good and even healthy but some guys are just blind very sad.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by xxrunnerxx

Why haven't you been around for so long?

Debunkers are common everywhere. Most of them are okay (if a bit blind), but some are nothing more than trolls. They don't believe or disbelieve anything they say, they only say it to get someone else worked up and to start fights. It's pathetic, really.


EDIT TO ADD: Why is this in Aliens & UFOs?

[edit on 28-10-2007 by SimiusDei]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:04 PM
So what would you have us believe? Look at the current crop her recently:

1. Caret Drones (aka Alienware, probably)
2. sleeper's sperm extractor alien (doesn't count as adultrey)
3. Wild fires caused by aliens in Italy, California
4. Roswell, again (OK. I like Roswell)
5. Kecksburg revisited (This'll be interesting)
6. Stargates are real. One's in Baghdad, unfortunately
7. Disclosure is happening! It is! It is! Just wait!
8. Lights in the sky (several)
9. Faces on Mars (more)
10. An ominous black cloud
11. Mothra and Mr. Roddie, alien anchor beings
12. UFOs "powering up" (more lights in the sky)
13. Mars, Venus, Uranus, and the Moon inhabited by humans (just like Earth with O2 atmosphere, water, cities)
14. Serpo exchange project to Zeta Riticulii
15. Dan Burisch and j-rod
16. It's a big Universe, therefore aliens are here
17. NASA controlled by Illuminati/Masons
18. Haiti (intentional hoax by a smart French guy)
19. GhostRaven intentional False Flag hoax "for research"
20. Shuttle shot down by aliens
21. Alien in the bushes pictures (uh, not)
22. It's CGI, I'm an expert - No it's not, I'm an expert - Yes it is - No it's not
23. O'hare (pretty cool!)
24. I dreamed of aliens. was I abducted?
25. Aura Rhanes, hot alien captain in a red dress
26. Orthon, the blonde from Venus

There's some good stuff once in awhile, but not often. If you want to believe anything anyone says, go ahead, but don't blame someone for pointing out that 90% of it is crapola, wishful thinking, and intentional hoaxes. That's not 'denying ignorance.' The record, some of which is above, stands by itself. Trolls who intentionally interject stuff they don't believe happen once in awhile, but dfortunately not often and they quickly go away. But as far as skeptics being 'blind?' That's a word we ususally associate differently, e.g. "Blind belief"

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:25 PM
reply to post by schuyler

S, didn't you ever go fishing? Half the fun is not knowing what you've got till it's out of the water.

For every fish that tastes good over a campfire, there's a whole bunch of small/useless/nasty junkfish.

This is the world, not a stocked pond.

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