posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:49 AM
yeah, thats no good.
there are a couple spots on the back/side of our house that was clearly a hole at one point and was patched. it looks like it was packed with this
gummy type crap. matches the color of the house.
i wonder if the same thing happened here.
i don't know what to tell ya. i'd hate to hurt the little fella but i would if it was messing my house up.
last summer i was having trouble with squirrels. i wanted to get rid of them but i didn't really want to hurt em.
i got a knock off 9mm airsoft gun(shoots plastic pellets)...i had my son shoot me in the back with my shirt on, then shirt off to see how it felt to
make sure it wouldn't kill or really hurt em.
i shot several of them last year with that little gun and they seem to get the hint.
those little airsoft deals are only like $15 and it won't even break their skin.
they are not accurate but also safer than a pellet/bb gun
if you miss with a bb, it 'could' pop a hole in a window or something but these plastic deals no way....
i would try that but then again, i have the time to camp out in my back yard like a sniper, waiting to tag em.
i like to figure these animals have as much of a right to be here as i do but, i paid long money for this house and sometimes you just have to step