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END The Alex Jones GAME

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posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Yes, it is. But I guess I just took it as you trying to make a 9/11 point.

My bad

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

no problem ! even with smileys, that happens a lot. I agree with your point about being independent with how you interpret any infrmation, regradless of the source, even if it's a source you trust

heck, I'm 40, I don't trust anyone

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by syrinx high priest

Yep, I'd say trust no one in media until you prove to yourself that they're telling the truth.

I'm not sure how many people listened to that Y2K audio from Jones in the opening post, but that is a good example, to me anyway, of how screwed up his "facts" are.

If there's anyone who hasn't listened to it, please do. It's funny, actually

William Cooper won't shut up there in the first part of the audio clip. Seems like he talks forever and ever. But eventually he plays the clips from the AJ Show.

If you think Jones is as much of a joke as I do, it'll be entertaining to listen to.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I'm really disappointed in your highly biased post. Alex addressed this issues you brought up as such...

You suggest because he rents space on a satellite owned by ABC is akin to saying you work for the NSA because you rent a phone line from them.. He simply has a contract and they has to honour it. But as usual a nice biased twisting...

The guy is very exaggerating in some cases, and I have caught him multiple times. HOWEVER I have also gone and done my homework and checked it out - and a vast majority infact the choking majority of the stuff he reports is Zone 1 - Mainstream Media (SOURCED). He sticks to this on purpose as he would be quickly sued iif he was making it up.

Your stating that he is linked to secret groups because like the Bohemian Grove because he was so desperate to expose them he posed as a male prosititute so that he could bring out the dirt on it? If you think that is some kind of front, then you probably think the Canadian Border Agents interrogating him for hours because he wanted to cover the Bilderberger meeting was just staged as well... You don't end up on a watch list because your in 'with the boys.'

Which leaves the documentary he sold for $700 - if that is all the dirt left you have to stick on him hes far FAR ahead of the rest of us.

Wether you like him or not, he's doing more to counter-balance the highly manipulated Murdoch media than you or I are, and who is going to stop this madman philosophy agenda by the corporate and government elites which is trying to stampede the nation.

But really I find most of the posts on ATS are just trolls to just record who is on whos side - or to determine how informed the public is on an issue (intel gathering), well you can put my name firmly behind Alex Jones, and his right to free speech, the bill of rights, and the Constitution...

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by XR500Final

Agreed, Jones is not perfect, but he has gotten out some very solid information that would probably remain buried otherwise.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by XR500Final
You suggest because he rents space on a satellite owned by ABC is akin to saying you work for the NSA because you rent a phone line from them..

You're the second one to make that type of comparison. I do believe, if my memory serves me correctly, Alex Jones has said a similar thing.

Are you guys forming your arguments in ways that he'd say the same words?

You're not really trying to argue like him too, are you?

Originally posted by XR500Final
and a vast majority infact the choking majority of the stuff he reports is Zone 1 - Mainstream Media (SOURCED).

This has also been mentioned. So I'll ask the question again: If this is true, what is the point of him being a news source if he just copies stories from mainstream media?

And if he's adding other "facts", he never mentions where he gets these "facts". He only says he got them from an "anonymous source". That's a joke.

Here, I'll try it: Hey, I got a signed document by Alex Jones saying he's on the CIA's payroll. I got it from an anonymous source. Due to him wishing to remain anonymous, I can't give you the document because his cover would be blown. But rest assured, it's real.

Don't believe it, do you?

So why Alex? Because he's on the radio? So now, whatever he says, it's true?

Talk about biased:shk:

Originally posted by XR500Final
Your stating that he is linked to secret groups because like the Bohemian Grove because he was so desperate to expose them he posed as a male prosititute so that he could bring out the dirt on it?

I gotta admit, I didn't know he posed as a male prostitute. I must have missed that part. But thank you very much for telling me that

Originally posted by XR500Final
If you think that is some kind of front, then you probably think the Canadian Border Agents interrogating him for hours because he wanted to cover the Bilderberger meeting was just staged as well...

Provide the footage of this interrogation, please.

Originally posted by XR500Final
Which leaves the documentary he sold for $700 - if that is all the dirt left you have to stick on him hes far FAR ahead of the rest of us.

Nice dodge:shk:

Originally posted by XR500Final
well you can put my name firmly behind Alex Jones,

Well you can put my name firmly behind the truth.

I guess we'll be on opposing sides.

[edit on 10/27/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:53 PM
Personally I like Alex Jones, which is not to say that I am an Alex Jones disciple. I enjoy his stuff and I think he has his finger on some disturbing trends in the US; the growth of oligarchic power and the drift toward a more intense and uncompromising brand of fascism.

His style and the way he delivers his message puts a lot of people off. They think he is too over the top and hyper. I know people who just can't stand him but my own take on it is I think the seriousness of the current situation demands a screamer like him. He's like a Paul Revere type. Once people are alerted to the warning they can get more information from calmer people elsewhere.

I don't think people should be too concerned about who thought of something first or who is making money off of all this controversy. People can sort that kind of thing out in their jail cells after the big round-up, if it comes to that. If it doesn't come to that it will be because people like Alex Jones busted their brass balls to stop it and a little financial reward will be a cheap price to pay.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 10:59 PM
You guys are saying it doesn't matter that he sold this guy out, and it doesn't matter who "predicted" 9/11 first...

First of all, if you were in a standoff, clearly some of you would trust Alex Jones to film your house. So how would you feel if he turned around and sold you out? I highly doubt you'd be fine with it. If you are fine with it........:shk:

Second of all, all of you Alex Jones people always claim "HE PREDICTED 9/11!", but then when shown that that's false, now it doesn't matter? If he had predicted it first, and William Cooper predicted it second, and kept saying HE was the first one to predict it, you people would be all over Cooper.

Examine the other side of a situation. Put yourself on the other side of a situation. Put yourself in the position of John Gray, or William Cooper, and see how disappointed, pissed off, angry etc you'd be before you jump up to defend Alex Jones, because then, you just sound like a hypocrite, because you know you'd be pissed off if that were the case.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:12 PM
The thing I find interesting, is the 'distancing' Alex Jones and David Icke impose on eachother - it's almost like one can't stand the other. Yet, when you watch Endgame, it's like hearing exactly the same issues David Icke talks about. They are both on the same page. Well, until you get to the Reptilian stuff. Then again, maybe that's all the 'secret history' stuff hidden away in the Vatican that nobody, not even Alex Jones, has access to. It would be a huge shock to humanity and belief systems (including Alex's - who is a Christian - so maybe he's heard about the Vatican stuff but doesn't buy any of it, hence why he doesn't go near it) to know that we interbred with the Annunaki at some stage of our history. There was a documentary on this on the National Geographic channel last night. I couldn't believe it.. a serious documentary discussing such prospects openly in the cold light of day without ridicule. But it's good to see more documentaries like this and Endgame coming to light.

Of course, it shouldn't matter that we have been created, just not the way Catholics would want to believe, hence the Vatican keeping it a secret. It would destroy their power base. That's my take on the Vatican thing anyway.

But back to Alex, I think he's right on the money. Especially as far as the history side goes. While watching Endgame, I thought back to my own history education at school and how we were taught about how the wars took place, but never thought about the puppeteers behind the curtain. We were taught about the Black Hand secret society behind the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand to start the first world war, but not the machinations behind it. Nor were we taught about the financing of both sides of the war machine. Nor were we taught about Nathan Rothchild's market manipulation / deception prior to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. We've never been taught to question our history. And the way Alex (and David Icke) lays it out, it's easy to see why. It paints a bleak picture of our true history. I bet we could trace it back into ancient times and reveal that we did indeed have (or were) "helping hands" with the building of the Pyramids of Egypt. That the Nazca Lines really were ancient runways, in an attempt for getting our 'gods' to return. That the ET encounters pictured on Sumerian tablets and dropa stones really did happen, and weren't just symbolic or mythological events - they really did happen, and that's why they were recorded.

Guys like Alex Jones I believe are working to redress the deceptions in history. To set the record straight. I have no problem with him.

[edit on 27-10-2007 by RiotComing]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

What you are talking about might be important from an academic or personal standpoint. I'm not saying that you don't have a case or that Alex's reputation shouldn't be revised downward from the standpoint of someone who studies the subjects he's involved in. I honestly don't know about that.

My point is "Do we have time for this kind of backbiting in the current situation?" I don't think so. I hope that we don't have some kind of 1930's Nazi style blood purge in the US as the first wake up call that people actually take seriously. If it comes to that, people aren't going to be bothering about whose toes Alex Jones stepped on in getting the message out.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

What you're saying basically amounts to all of us being lazy morons not willing to stand up and make change on our own. We have to wait for Alex Jones to do it. We have to form our plans and our strategy around what Alex Jones does.

Instead of allowing some guy to be the leader, why can't we all be one voice? Why are people so dependent on what he says and does?

All of these people that sit on their ass in their computer chair talking about needing to make change now, they all allow Alex Jones to be the one that's the major voice at these protests.

We ALL need to be a part of one big voice. We can't let some fear monger lead the pack and expect to convince people of the truth.

Fear can work, yes. This administration has proved that. But, my friend, they are far superior to Jones in that category. Bush and Cheney aren't running around with bullhorns screaming "AL QAEDA IS GOING TO THROW YOU IN DEATH CAMPS AND SLAUGHTER YOUR FAMILIES!"

He is just ineffective and counter productive.

And back to my point real quick about his "prediction" of 9/11, it matters a lot who did it first, because I guarantee you that if he didn't say such a thing, he wouldn't be near as big as he is now. A lot less people would know who he is. That stolen prediction was the key to his success.

[edit on 10/27/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by RiotComing

You just put my thoughts in to word exactly and I even watched Endgame and the National Geographic doc today. Was it the one with the "Starchild"? It has to be. I too was amazed I saw this on tv, especially because I just recently discovered this stuff by listening to David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Dr Deagle and a Dutch guy called Marcel Messing.
I do believe in the crossbreed/genetic manipulation theory and it would explain how the piramids and Mayan temples and stuff were built.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by RiotComing
so maybe he's heard about the Vatican stuff but doesn't buy any of it, hence why he doesn't go near it)

If Alex is who he says he is, and he has the best of intentions, I'd hate to think he won't go near it simply because of his Christian faith. That's bias and ignorance.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:37 PM
There is another way to look at this. Alex using ABC is a big slap in their face. It is they who get shamed. Its like using your enemies goods to expose your enemy!

Next, it is hardly believable that Alex Jones is after cheap cash like 700 bucks when time and time again he allows his video's to go for free ONLINE. Something is wrong with that picture.

Here is a good example why Alex Jones *ISN"T* disinfo, I use to think he was before btw.

He calls out the NO PLANE THEORY ON 9/11 and calls if out for what it truly is. If he truly was disinfo. He would support this theory, or Judy Wood, or he would spend a lot more time on the Pentagon. But he doesn't.

Also Alex Jones tries to avoid going after disinfo agents, that is a hallmark of disinfo. To bring doubt about others in the movement. As in the case of Fintan Dunne.

This is Fintan Dunne's fake list.

Now how in the world does that do anything for us? If you are normal, all you would end up doing is *DOUBTING* everyone! That is the job, the true job of disinfo.

Alex Jones doesn't engage in that to much. Disinfo agents call out others, time and time again. That is the plan, to make you doubt. That is why he tries to avoid that tactic.

What Alex Jones is, at times is misinformed. He is also emotional and over zealous. But one thing he is not boring. That is the key. He is where he is by being a loud mouthed exciting bull-horn.

Sometimes I can't stand his rants, sometimes he sounds crazy. But he is trying and has admitted to making mistakes.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I don't understand how you can call AJ a disinfo agent. He exposes so much of their secret society, just because he doesn't link it to the Vatican he's disinfo? It makes no sense. What would be the gain in that? If they want the Vatican to stay out of the picture, wouldn't it be better for them to have AJ not saying anything about any conspiracy at all? And so, the guy is not perfect, it doesn't make the truth that he exposes less true.
And maybe he doesn't link things to the Vatican cause he is a christian himself, and maybe he as a person isn't ready for the implications. Or he thinks it will put of a lot of religious people and that would hurt the cause. I just watched Endgame and there is no way that that film is disinfo, how could they possibly gain by that amount of exposure of their society?

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by enigmania

YES! It was the Starchild documentary. Simply stunning. It was a documentary with integrity too, didn't feel like one of those cheap 'made-for-tv' sensationalist goon freakshows.

NovusOrdoMundi, I agree with you. If Alex had any balls, he would be able to throw his own belief systems aside and be prepared to accept potential new realities / possibilities. If this is how it's gone down, then yes it is an ignorant stance, I agree. But then again, it was just a speculative guess on my part. Probably 100% off-the-mark!

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by talisman
Alex using ABC is a big slap in their face. It is they who get shamed.

And it is they who can shut his radio program down instantly if he were really doing any damage.

Originally posted by talisman
Next, it is hardly believable that Alex Jones is after cheap cash like 700 bucks

Why did he sell the footage?

Originally posted by talisman
He calls out the NO PLANE THEORY ON 9/11 and calls if out for what it truly is. If he truly was disinfo. He would support this theory

Do you have proof that that's what a disinformation agent would do?

Don't you think a smart disinformation agent would do the opposites of what people think a disinformation agent would do to avoid suspicion?

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I am not writing this in an argumentative way because I think you definitely have a right to your own judgement in the case of Alex Jones. I just don't take the faults that you point out as seriously as you do.

I don't know if you have had a chance to see the video Liberty Bound (Alex didn't make it, by the way) . Here's a link:

Google Video Link

What this video makes very clear, is the rough complexion of a developing fascist state, guided by legislation like the "Patriot Act".

I've read more than the average person about the beginnings of the Nazi dictatorship and I can tell you there are signs that this sort of thing is beginning to emerge in the US. This is not an academic matter. If things progress much further down this road, Alex Jones's faults are going to be the least of our problems.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by ipsedixit]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:49 PM

Originally posted by enigmania
He exposes so much of their secret society, just because he doesn't link it to the Vatican he's disinfo?

No, not all. But his connections coupled with his out right lies makes me believe that is so.

Originally posted by enigmania
What would be the gain in that?

To preempt the tactics of the movement that would start shortly after 9/11.

Originally posted by enigmania
If they want the Vatican to stay out of the picture, wouldn't it be better for them to have AJ not saying anything about any conspiracy at all?

No, because if he wasn't mentioning any conspiracy at all, what's the point in having him be a disinformation agent conspiracy theorist?

We wouldn't know who he is if he wasn't mentioning any conspiracy theories, so he'd be useless to them.

Originally posted by enigmania
it doesn't make the truth that he exposes less true.

It does when he tells lies.

Originally posted by enigmania
And maybe he doesn't link things to the Vatican cause he is a christian himself, and maybe he as a person isn't ready for the implications.

That was just mentioned, and as I said before, if that is the case, and he means no ill intent, and he is who he says he is, then that is bias and ignorance to ignore these things simply because of christian faith.

Originally posted by enigmania
how could they possibly gain by that amount of exposure of their society?

Well, let's put it this way..

What damage has been done to them for this "exposure"?

They're still in control, they're still getting their way, they're still passing their laws, they're still having their wars.

The plan is still on track.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

I don't mean to sound argumentative in my responses either. I promise you, I'm not trying to argue with you. So if you took it that way, I apologize.

I am fully aware of the PATRIOT Act and other such criminal laws. Believe me, all of this Nazi Dictatorship in the US stuff, all of that, I've looked into it, and I know it to be true. I know 9/11 was an inside job. I'm not doubting all of this. I know it seems as if I'm one of these "sheep" because I'm attacking Alex Jones, but I'm very much a "conspiracy theorist".

I'm for change. I see the road we're heading down, and I don't like it. So I don't want people like Alex Jones standing in the way, so that's why I'm trying to encourage people to question his motives, his credibility, and his facts. All I'm asking is at the very least to ask question about him. Do some research on him. Don't just look at the headlines on InfoWars and say "well, that's GOT to be true!".

Look it up elsewhere. That's all I'm saying.

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