posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 07:00 PM
All the fires that occur in California, this year is by for the worst and occurred a few days after there were 50 strange tornadoes in the mid-east
from Canada to the southern coast... are these HAARP experiments or just mother nature? California has had cool weather lately after a very hot run
for a few weeks, but that was months ago.
I find it strange with all the satellites facing down on California that none are monitoring heat, maybe the CDF needs to start manning 24 hour posts
like the military does?
Who benefits from fires, logging companies, creditors, bankers, and persons covered by insurance.
Is lighting really the cause of these persistent and timely fires? PG&E would know that they lost a grid as soon as it occurred and the location of
where it occurred, this would indicate a loss of power do to a line and/or transformer malfunction, do they honestly not have a policy in place to run
one of their 24/7 employees out to check it out and make repairs ASAP? Would those employees not notice a fire staring up? My fiat FRN say that they
I say that this was a PSYOP test for FEMA to see where they stand in the eyes of the public, the West Coast is do for some forced repression and Fox
News is on their side enforcing the "terrorist" theory. People need to be reminded of their fears from time to time... expect something for worse
to occur very soon, but only if you live in NYC or in Washington D.C. (don't worry Bush and Cheney and team will happen to be away elsewhere on
Of course this tragedy also served to help buffer and cover the Federal Reserve collapse, which is do to either collapse within the next 6-months or
loss 1/2 of its remaining 3-cents per dollar value... Remember IRAN and a few more Eastern/Asian countries just dumped the dollar because they know it
is total crap and/or are playing along with the MARCH TO WAR!!! NWO game.