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Journalist Leslie Kean wins lawsuit with NASA to disclose Kecksburg!

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:04 PM
If the object recovered from Kecksberg is part of a satellite, that doesn't really explain why NASA are being so secretive and evasive about it. Russia has to know that if they lose something like that on foreign soil they aren't getting it back.

Unfortunately, I think NASA will, once again, 'find nothing' and drag the whole thing out for another 4+ years

[edit on 10/28/2007 by uv777bk]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:29 PM
Another aspect to add into this is I remember seeing a witness interview where one of the people who was on the edge of the woods heard a blood curdling scream or roar come out of the forrest that night that made their hair stand on end. Could have well been an animal or perhaps a screech owl, but they said it sounded very eery and unlike anything they had heard around that area before or since.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Yeah I remember hearing about that too. I think it was on the Sci-Fi Channel's Kecksburg UFO: New Evidence.

You can watch it on google video, here (1hr28m).

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Access Denied
Minor detail.

(the same modular approach to building spacecraft is being used)

So it's your opinion ALL spacecraft designed to fly on multi-stage rockets satellites/probes/manned vehicles look like "acorns"?
Even after being blown into 8 pieces in LEO? Even after re-entry and impact?

Let me guess the next argument... Americans are so stupid they would all describe the Cyrillic Alphabet to be Hieroglyphics!
This not only explains Kecksburg, but Roswell, and Aurora, Tx too!

Also AD you'll note that my use of 'smileys' makes my post authoritative and immune to rebuttal!!!

[edit on 28-10-2007 by lost_shaman]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:43 PM
I saw another thread about this subject and I'll post the same here.... My sources tell me to follow this story closely. This is something that NASA does NOT want the public to know about! They have been fighting it for some time in federal court to stop it. People have been fired over this now. So, my interest is peaked like crazy.

Think about it.

When space junk falls to earth that earthlings put up there and NASA goes and gets it, there's NO secrecy.

The Solid rocket boosters fall back to earth after every time the space shuttle goes up.

Does anybody care, no, plenty of other boats are in the area when the SRB's come back down from the upper atmosphere.

When a crash happens during the free love pharmaceutical 1960's, every local yolk is going to go check it out, and they did! (Seems to me that Disney's "Flight of the Navigator" was based on this?)

When NASA arrives on the scene to take something away and the national guard are called into secure the area, then something is up folks!!

Here's a link to the article I saw: Fox News

Its nice to read that a Federal judge wouldn't let this one go due to the fact that the papers that were first handed over were NOT at all responsive to the request. Nice one!

[edit on 10/28/2007 by TheExaminer]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:18 PM
I can only assume the fact that NASA does not want to disclose (assume it's not institutional classification that is the delay) because even after all of these years, it is still relevant enough to impact current events and put the government in negative situation with either the American public or our enemies.

I believe what fell was ours, and it was space junk. I guess it has something to do with the early attempts to weaponize space. Seeing as that is still such a hot topic today, I can see why if this is the reason no one is talking.

Just a guess.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:30 AM
Yay! Now we get to hear NASA lie to us again.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Space Junk?

That doesn't explain the eyewitness reports of a soft landing that a piece of space junk would not do nor the change of direction it took in the sky to land IN the wooded area as opposed to open area that was all around it.

If it was a warhead there would have been more damage. Even if the explosive didn't go off, the warhead wouldn't have stayed intact. They are made to break into a million little pieces so that our enemy can't make sense of it or build something like it.

Cross examined eyewitness reports all say that they saw some sort of carved "Hieroglyphics" on the base of the craft.

I'll wait for Ms. Kean's report.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:20 AM
I hear you TheExaminer -- I've been trying to follow this story too. Its strange that they won a court order from the first FOIA request, yet I understood after going thru those 30 or 40 pages of documents from 1996 -- they all said the same thing, a different person per paragraph and their cred calling it "space debris" more often then not.

Does anyone know what Kean will do w/ the info? Maybe a Sci-fi special? I see she's got a book already on the subject, rather see a magazine article or something quicker -- this case seems relevant, wish ATS could do an interview w/ the new papers they just got.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:54 AM
I don't know if it has already been posted, but here is a link to the CFi press release PDF:


It seems that NASA will be closely monitored in their search for these files. So, they're left with a couple of opportunities to wriggle out of this:

1. Shout 'National Security'
2. 'Lose' the files (if they haven't already)

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:59 AM
This CFi group seems legit and seems to use the FOIA to their advantage better then (do they even file them?!?!) the Disclosure Project -- seems like the latter just sits on their 'evidence' ie: witnesses and expects the world to change.

I wish we could get some advanced info on this, let alone when NASA SHOULD be providing them w/ this info, even a date, anything.

Does anyone have a contact/know anyone within this CFi organization? This is the first time I've become aware of the group. It'd be awesome to get a sneak peak of what is released to them.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by anhinga

Hey anhinga

You can find Leslie Kean's email address here:

CFI - Contacts Page

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:20 AM
Great idea, thanks UV -- I will try to email Ms Kean now and see if I even get a response, others should to, keep this story moving/put pressure on NASA to forward the documents to her group ASAP.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by anhinga

No response from Ms Kean yet I take it?

My sources tell me that disclosure on this subject is coming soon and is related to the 17P comet getting brighter.

I don't know how its related, but that's what I'm told so far. I'm watching the skies too. Anyone can see the orange fuzzy ball on a clear night now. It looks like beacon to me...but for what?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:07 AM
OK, I just found another news item here which reads:

Residents of a small Pennsylvania town in 1965 who witnessed blue lights and a crashing fireball want to know what armed soldiers - who came to their doors to tell them not to say anything about it - removed from the woods that night on a flatbed.

Journalist Leslie Kean says her suit against NASA to get them to release their records on the case is getting a boost from a Washington judge, who is giving NASA until year's end to come forward, rejecting their claim that the records have been lost.

"NASA has been stonewalling and now it's required to do the search it didn't do in the first place. It's a victory for those patriotic people who didn't like being told that they were making things up," said Kean.

Sorry if something along these lines has already been mentioned. I hadn't read anything about the "until year's end" thing before now.

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by TheExaminer

Oh, yeah I did here back from her. Said she was busy until mid Nov (we're about there) and would be glad to do interviews then.

I posted that in another thread, so I think/hope the powers-that-be know...

....this is an interesting case when you got witnesses in the area, seeing an acorn-shaped ship w/ hieroglyphics land and take off in the woods around their area. Seems really weird, but interesting. I'd love to know what Ms Kean uncovered w/ the documents received (hint, hint ATS).

I think she's just an investigator these days, she co-authored a book about this a bit ago, but now just focuses on their Freedom of Info group.

[edit on 14-11-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 09:41 AM
So, I suppose my question would have to be... what exactly does this judge intend to do if NASA doesn't come up with the goods?

Do they get slapped on the wrist because they're naughty boys and girls? I just don't see what the judicial system can do about this when they may end up with the likes of the NSA and CIA telling them to lay off

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 01:37 PM
I just finished Leslie Kean's latest book UFOs and I have to say it was the best book I've ever read about UFO's. It changed my mind about the subject.

UFO's are a fact now. They are 100% confirmed and real. We just don't know what they are.

She is a legitimate investigative journalist and spent 10 years(!) researching this book. This latest FOIA was supposed to be in the book, but obviously NASA stalled so long that it didn't make it in.

Leslie Kean is the UFO community's Carl Sagan of this time.
edit on 27-10-2010 by harrytuttle because: typo

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective
The December 9, 1965 crash landing of an object in Kecksburg is one of the most prominent cases ever. Multitudes of witnesses described seeing the object, an acorn shaped craft with heiroglyphic-like symbology etched into it. Military and NASA employees quickly cordoned off the area and removed the object, then went through status quo coverup protocol.

Journalist Leslie Kean began a lawsuit with NASA officials 4 years ago to obtain disclosure, and now it seems that U.S. District judge Emmit Sullivan is siding with her, refusing to throw the case out as NASA had requested.

Congrats to Leslie, and a big thanks to the judge for standing his ground. Hopefully something good comes out of this!

In a way I'm glad that Leslie may yet win the lawsuit but it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings! NASA's military connections won't allow disclosure of what the object was/is and if it comes to pass that they will reveal it, chances are good that it will be a Russian satellite since its description seems to match one. And the "hieroglyphs" will turn out to be Cyrillic, a Russian language.

What may prevent the actual revealing is how Russia will react should revealing take place, even in "peacetime". The military acted in quick fashion in retrieving the object because they probably were tracking it as it lost altitude plus witness reports.

Of course, the "believers" won't accept anything other than an alien UFO and will deride NASA for "lying".

Mark my words.

posted on Oct, 27 2010 @ 07:34 PM
This from...

> On November 23, 1965, the Soviets launched Kosmos-96 into orbit carrying a > Venera probe; but the rocket suffered an engine explosion as it entered > orbit, and the Venus injection stage and spacecraft entered orbit > tumbling. > On Dec.9th, the vehicle decayed out of orbit over Canada; on the same date > something was seen falling out of the sky in flames at Kecksburg Pa., and > soon government vehicles were supposed to have arrived at a creek bed and > taken something away. Much information of this incident is still > classified. > So the question is, are the Kecksburg UFO and Kosmos-96 related?

The Kecksburg, PA, fireball of 1965 Dec 09 occurred near 21:46 UTC. Analysis of the orbital elements of Cosmos 96 (1965-094A) reveals that Earth's rotation took Kecksburg through the northbound side of its orbital plane within a few minutes of 05:07 UTC; and through the southbound side near 11:31 UTC. Since those times are nowhere close to the time of the fireball, the re-entry of Cosmos 96 could not possibly have been the cause. > Did another part of the spacecraft decay over the United States... Seven other pieces from the launch were catalogued, all of which were reported to have decayed from orbit between 1965 Nov 28 and Dec 08; in any event, they would have been in substantially the same orbital plane as Cosmos 96; therefore, could not have caused the fireball in question.

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