posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 02:56 PM
Does it ever go into NAU -- shadow government already has merge plans for transportation, military, commerce, education. Then, a chart showing
humanity de-evolving in a post-industrial world.
World ID cards. Superhighway toll roads, confiscating land for wildlife, turning smalltown into ghosttowns.
"All roads led to Rome." They had taxed highways all thru Europe, pre-motor and similar slavery.
NAFTA ruining farmers and middle-class gone from overtaxed lives, foreclosure and debt. Right to bear arms removed.
"We the people" -- a decent Texan's speech.
RFID tracking chips, nasty little things, need to do some research on them myself.
Still got about an hour to go! Over two hours, nice work, more 'put together' then his last few -- nothing annoying replays or him at a desk --
many interviews, photo/footage material.
[edit on 26-10-2007 by anhinga]