reply to post by Xangi
Search my posts and replies to find out my history with the shadows, but to keep it short in order to defeat their body-lock you need to remain
defiant. What I mean by that is simple: You need to decide from balls to bones that it/they have no power over you, and this is not easy to
I dealt with them all through my childhood up until my teens in VERY vivid dreams, and only once did I manage to destroy them with, for lack of a
better example, dragon ball z-style bolts of flaming white light from my palms. They had pushed me around and scared me #less enough times in my
dreams that I had enough, and it played out purely by instinct.
My first experience was at the age of 3, and I was wide awake to witness it appear from beneath my bed. There are other accounts on a few other posts
if you would like to search my username. I havn't seen one in over 6 years, and no, I havn't been able to get over the hump preventing me from
forming psy-balls.
Lastly, when dealing with shadows remember that they steal energy from you through your feelings of panic. They feed off of it, and if you learn to
defiantly hold your energy and rechannel it, they lose interest. It's all in mental clarity, and calling out what you want and focusing only on your
goal. Their hold, while it feels like iron shackles all over your body, will dissipate if you control your fear.
That is the key, and if you bear that in mind your shadow problem will take a turn for the better. As for means to destroy them, I cannot offer you
any help. As I said, my nightmares were constant all through my childhood and teens, and stopped when I made my stand against them in my dreams. Most
of them felt so real I could feel the pavement/carpet/linolium under my bare feet, or the wind on my face, along with the other negative feelings
involved with shadows.
I can feel them when they are near, and I suppose that is why they leave me in peace now. I hope that these words are of some assistance, and I wish I
could engage them for you myself.
[edit on 31-10-2007 by Knightshadowz]