Pff please... shes going to use the powers bush has grabbed in his presidency which have already limited or nullified certain freedoms, and use them
to further take away even more freedoms...
This two party system will be the end of this once great nation, each party takes away certain freedoms, while doing so they focus attention onto what
freedoms the other party is chipping away at, while ignoring the ones they themselves have chipped away...
Two sides of the same coin people
Your personal views on gay marriage are just that personal, Congress cant Constitutionally pass any laws regarding it as doing so would be a violation
of the 1st amendment,
congress shall pass no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
Regardless of rather or not that law is for or against a religion, congress shall pas
NO laws...
Your stance on guns like em or don't like em, should have no bearing on who you vote for, why? because congress cant vote on it constitutionally, its
a right rather you agree with it is again your personal opinion..
And just because they do vote on these things, doesn't mean they can, they get by with it because we allow it..
Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness people, If someones not violating your individual rights, then what they do, own, or say, to be perfectly
honest, is none of your damn business, if that offends you, then well thats your problem.
Stop falling into the trap of voting for the lesser evil, or voting for people over issues they have no power to vote on, Vote on a person who will
protect your constitutionally insured rights,
(you know what they swore to do in that little oath they take?) Don't vote Democrat,
Don't vote Republican, Vote American.
[edit on 24-10-2007 by C0le]