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Greenlands WW2 glacier planes 268' under ice

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 01:23 AM
So what's the deal with these? How did they get so far down underneath the surface of the glacier? Some big-timer arguments are being put forth on this issue, including by New-Earth Creationists.

The story didn't end there. In 1992, a privately funded team located Smith's mostly intact P-38 entombed beneath 268 feet of ice. Over four months, workers used a thermal generator to melt the ice and steam hoses to carve a cave around the wreckage before hoisting the fighter piece by piece to the surface.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Greenland cooling:

The Glacier Girl story in Global Warming or Global Governance?:

Google Video Link

At about time 38:00

ROBERT C. BALLING, JR. and Contributing Editor RANDY CERVENY are climatologists at Arizona State University.:

“Finally, area temperature records from the United Nations’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) verify what other climatologists have found about cooling in Greenland. Monthly temperature anomalies for the area near the landing site reveal a cooling of 2.25 degrees F from the time the Lost Squadron touched down in southeastern Greenland until the P-38 Glacier Girl was restored to sunlight 50 years later.

Complicated Cooling
What does that climate information mean? Contrary to what people might expect, southeastern Greenland has been cooling for the last 50 years. Scientific literature indicates that linking temperature trends to changes in ice volume involves a complicated set of processes that defy the simplistic notions about global warming.” org/00nd.cerveny.html

I've even heard 6000 year old Earth Creationists arguing that it proves false 5,000 year+ old ice core proxies:

It is the same sort of conditioning which makes many people instinctively think in terms of millions of years for coral reef growth, for stalactites to form, and so on. This is in spite of ample demonstrations that these things do not need vast time periods.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by IgnoranceIsntBlisss]


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