I was browsing Illuminatus Observor and there is a new post put up there that makes me question some aspects of reality. Are the bulk of the so called
"mystical systems" really based on forms of "acroamatic ciphers" as Fetch maintains?
In this article, Fetch alludes to a Ginsberg's Noahidist site called "Inner.org". Now I have been fortunate enough to speak with Fetch on a few
occasions to ask questions and get clarifications, and what he is telling me is that the primary basis of the NeoCon movement is philosophically
encoded into the Ginsberg's views on "Kabballah".
On that site, there is an article called "The Jewish Heart".
Ginsberg is supposed to be one of the most respected "Kabballists" within the rabbinical systems. What Fetch did was literally break down the
article by Ginsberg, and what he is claiming is that Ginsberg article is an acroamatic cipher for the Suit of Spades, while, as Fetch puts it, by
necessity, the "non-Jewish Heart", by default when set against this form of "Kabballah", can be shown to use the same "mystical channels" to
reveal the foundation of the Suit of Hearts.
This is a pretty fascinating one. Fetch even breaks down the coding of the HEART set against the Isisian Codes.
He has supplied many pictures to try to make it all understandable for beginners, but here is a sample:
Solving for the Esoteric Formula of the Heart
So how is "the Heart" really crafted? Essentially, a "heart" is comprised of the letter J mirrored on itself. JJ, reversed 180 degrees on center,
with one J mirrored against the other creates an acroamatic cipher describing the Letter J.
Further, the use of such terms as "hooker" to describe a female can be derived from a "single J", as a single J is that of a "fish hook". For
the more astute here, I am sure you can see that the shape of the Letter J can then be seen in the walk of the female from behind and that further,
although there are many "phallus symbols" the world over, in truth, the "HEART" is a female sexual symbol.
The "heart's" design in Nature is "the Goddess", or "the Sacred Feminine". When set against Isis, the "antennae" are as the "horns", with
the phonetic parallel of "horns" and "whores" rather closely linked. The two "horns" are thus divided in the center on the crown of the head of
Isis, hence creating "two J's".
What this is saying is that the "headdress" is an artistic representation of the larger Occult craft of "1's" and "0's" representing "males"
and "females". The TWO J's are as the two "parents", or the "male and the female" as spoken of by our rather deceptive and misleading rabbi.
The inference is that to "make a U", or a "you", it is necessary to have "two "J's" mirrored on each other, or a union of male and female.
Furthermore, the combination of one J mirrored on itself creates the letter U, and it is from this letter that is derived such words as "uterus" (U
T R US), UTTER, meaning "to speak", with a reference back to Isis and Speech, etc.
In otherwords, what we have is the Heart is a code for the Sacred Feminine. The Sacred Feminine is linked back to the head dress of Isis, which shows
two J's mirrored on themselves.
When the rabbi says that only Hebrew has words of creation and power, he lies, for he describes merely the letters used to formulate the Suit of
Spades, while our system is used to craft the Suit of Hearts.
Furthermore, we recognise that the Heart and the Spade are uniquely different in that the Heart is the Sacred Feminine, while the Spade is that of the
Male and Female in sexual union.
It is no secret that to "neuter" a pet is to have it "spade". This is but another glimpse of reflections and mirrors and opposites and directs
being used in the formulation of the language via an oral tradition.
This does not conclude the totality of the Esoteric formulation of the word HEART, for the word HEART too has a number of "power" in that its number
is 85124. The way this formula works is to recognise that numbers are used correlationally. This means that decimals and other parts of the
mathematical equation may or may not have value, but rather, the numbers being used are the totality of the value.
For instance, on St. Valentines Day, the number is 2/14, meaning February 14. The Number 2 is summed to 3 to create the hidden equation of 3.14, or Pi
and the Holiday surrounding the Heart.
By utilizing the formula as shown in the Bicycle card above, we can see the number 808. This is important because the number 8 sums to 36, so 808 is a
code for 11011, or 36036 or 66066, which then leads you back to the number of years of the Earth's precession cycle.
By taking the number 808, and transposing it to 884 (36*36*10), we create the following formula:
884 = 36*36*10 = 12960 = LIFE
884 as LIFE + the following formula creates the word HEART:
884 + (6*6*6*10)+(6*6*6*10)+(6*6*6*10)+6*6*6*6*20)+(6*6*6*6*20)+(6*6*6*6*20) = 85124 = HEART
Again, this formula is crafted. There are precisely 21 (U) 6's in the formula, and the sum of 1:6 is 21, or the Letter U. There are multiple
dimensioned channels going on.
Each 6*6*6*10 has a total value if 1/12 of the Precession Cycle of 25920 Years.
Each 6*6*6*6*20 has a total value of 1 Precession Cycle of 25920 Years.
Thus if we have 3 units of (1/12) of a cycle, then the value for this portion of the formula is 3/12, which reduces to 1/4.
And if we have 3 Precessions Cycles as represented by the 6*6*6*6*20, then we show a new formula of
3 1/4
Which correlationally is what? Remove the "/" from the formula, and we have remaining 314, which is what?
Pi. The Omnific Word. Pi and Life."
When we use his "correlational method", I think he forgot to say that the "21" '6's" creates a correlational 216, which is equal to 6*6*6. I am
sure that was just an oversight in his article.
The full article with all the artwork is here at
[edit on 23-10-2007 by brotherforchrist]