posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 06:37 AM
Do any search w/ the aforementioned words and you'll find some awful info about this loser. I just started a book last night about a woman who was
in MK Ultra mind-control programs since (almost) birth, seasoned to be this Senator's slave. Some of the stories are beyond awful, I can't even
bring myself to include excepts.... he physically rapes, tortures and controls her at a really young age.
The book is called Trance: Formation of America, by Cathy O'Brien.
HERE is her website. And
HERE is an Amazon link for the book.
One aspect that was telling, she's writing this book, some hero saved her and her daughter from these maniacs and deprogrammed them in Alaska. She
has a brother who is still victimized by these people, says his house is decorated in all Disney garb, wears Disney clothes, etc. Disney was a Nazi
sympathizer and these brainwashers use his movies often in these MK Ultra cases.
I did find this piece of evidence about this "Democrat" Senator piece of waste trash. In this video, you can see a younger Byrd in forest clothes,
standing next to someone recently hung.
[edit on 23-10-2007 by anhinga]