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Is NASA on our side?

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posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:05 PM
NASA bashing seems to be all the rage here. I find this phenomena fascinating and comparable to biting the hand that feeds you. The way I see it, if it wasn't for NASA releasing their planetary data to scientists worldwide and the public we wouldn't have a clue what the Moon and other planets look like or how they were formed etc... let alone have anything to argue about when it comes to interpretation right?

I often wonder how many here really know what NASA is about and what "they" believe? In an effort to "deny ignorance" allow me to show you what NASA believes so you can't say nobody told you.

NASA Vision & Mission Paper April 12, 2002 (pdf - 1.4 MB)

Some selected quotes from this presentation...

The World has Changed (p. 1)

- Life is pervasive; we believe it must exist beyond our planet

When the History of the First Quarter of the 21st Century is Written... (p. 2)

- We have sought life's abodes: NASA missions have mapped continents on dozens of planets circling nearby stars, some of which show signs of life-supporting atmospheres. Evidence continues to mount for the existence of life on planets within our own Solar System, as revealed by advanced generations of robotic explorers. Humans and their robotic partners assembled complex science facilities in space to unveil even more challenging cosmic questions.

NASA's Vision (p. 4)

To improve life here,
To extend life to there,
To find life beyond.

The NASA Mission (p. 5)

To understand and protect our home planet
To explore the Universe and search for life
To inspire the next generation of explorers only NASA can.

[Note: I believe the first line has since been removed for political reasons related to global warming. -AD]

To Explore the Universe and Search for Life (p. 7)

Exploring the Universe and the life within it... enabled by technology, first with robotic trailblazers, and eventually humans... as driven by these compelling scientific questions:

- How did we get here?
- Where are we going?
- Are we alone?

Implications for NASA: What is Different? (p. 9)

To Explore the Universe and Search for Life

- Decisions are science-driven; not destination-driven
- Human presence beyond low Earth orbit will be enabled - as a means to scientific exploration, not an end in itself
- Investments are justified by their contribution to the long-range vision

What Does America Gain from NASA? (p. 10)

- A deeper understanding of life, ourselves, and the universe

Sounds like we're all on the same page here doesn't it? Why on Earth would NASA be hiding anything from us? Has it ever occurred to you they simply haven't been able to find that conclusive piece of evidence either... yet?

Anybody remember President Clinton announcing that evidence of past life had been discovered in a meteorite from Mars and the world didn’t freak out?

President Clinton Statement Regarding Mars Meteorite Discovery

It is well worth contemplating how we reached this moment of discovery. More than 4 billion years ago this piece of rock was formed as a part of the original crust of Mars. After billions of years it broke from the surface and began a 16 million year journey through space that would end here on Earth. It arrived in a meteor shower 13,000 years ago. And in 1984 an American scientist on an annual U.S. government mission to search for meteors on Antarctica picked it up and took it to be studied. Appropriately, it was the first rock to be picked up that year -- rock number 84001.

Today, rock 84001 speaks to us across all those billions of years and millions of miles. It speaks of the possibility of life. If this discovery is confirmed, it will surely be one of the most stunning insights into our universe that science has ever uncovered. Its implications are as far-reaching and awe-inspiring as can be imagined. Even as it promises answers to some of our oldest questions, it poses still others even more fundamental.

We will continue to listen closely to what it has to say as we continue the search for answers and for knowledge that is as old as humanity itself but essential to our people's future.

Sure, the announcement was later retracted after peer review revealed the data to be inconclusive but is this not proof that NASA wouldn't hide such a discovery?

No? OK well I tried.


posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 11:07 PM
Do you think NASA would say,"nope, there is NO such thing as life beyond Earth"
..I think not, but at the same time, it seems pretty obvious either they, or someone else is going to some extent to make them cover things up

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:07 AM
Im not too sure about if they are on our side or not. I personaly think that they might be, yet they still are probibly withholding information from the public in terms of "UFOs", ETs and black projects etc... But I believe that is for good reason, I mean... what would the public be like if they had to deal with all other situations aside from affairs on our own earth. Also they probibly wouldnt tell simply because if they did then they would need to go and be publicaly scrutinized which may or may not be good in terms of the powers that be being able to go and do what they need to do to get the job done (hope that makes sence, sorry if it doesnt).


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:42 AM
Interesting to read NASA's vision and mission. Thanks for posting it. So unfortunate that it is a United States government controlled organization.

I'm not 100% sure of who you are referring to as "our side". I believe they do have concerns for all of mankind, but first and foremost they are on the side of the United States military and government followed by the people of that same nation. I believe that what is learned can help the people of the Earth, but will it be used effectively or even shared? I believe most of the people in NASA are doing amazing research on amazing technology and making amazing discoveries. Will the common man have access to that information or will it be supressed and kept confidential as a matter of "national security"? I believe much has been hidden and much will continue to be hidden.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 12:44 AM

I like to think there is a slight difference between looking for microbes on the Planets and the Moons in our Solar System and publically addressing and solving the UAP 'mystery' which NASA declined to accept in the past.

You seem to be suggesting that NASA's self described dedication to the 'search' for 'life' would mean NASA would jump on the chance to test the ETH for UAP IF ONLY they could find the evidence.

That's just not the case. NASA refused to address the subject officially or even handle the mail when asked to do so by the Carter Administration!

At the same time according to Steven Spielberg NASA wrote him a 20 page letter claiming that 'Close encounters of the Third Kind' was a "dangerous movie" that shouldn't be released to the public. Of course some of the 'UFOs' in the movie were based on actual reports from the public over the years!


That is interesting because the movie 'Close encounters of the Third Kind' was based in part on actual reports of 'UFO' encounters. Consequently SOME of the UAP in the movie are visually similar to actual UAP reports, like the BOL that is present in the movie.

That movie truly does present the most accurate representation of the type of UAP I witnessed to date and it was made 30 years ago! I've told people before that the closest thing to the UAP I witnessed in 2002 represented in movies or T.V. was the 'BOL' in 'Close encounters of the Third Kind'. Steven Spielberg claims that NASA wrote him a 20 page letter asking that the movie not be released because it was "dangerous" to the public!!!

Why is that? It's one of the ONLY movies that I know of that truely has a 'grain of truth' to it! And I'm not talking about the ETH which was part of the movie, but the visual representation of a couple of UAP that were very accurate in the movie according to what people actually report.

At the end of the day NASA's already made it clear that it will not be NASA answering the "UFO" question.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Access Denied

Is NASA on our side?
Know! - No!

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by elevatedone]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Access Denied
if it wasn't for NASA releasing their planetary data to scientists worldwide and the public we wouldn't have a clue what the Moon and other planets look like or how they were formed etc...

you miss the point, to some extent NASA does release some info about planets but they don't have to reveal everything such AS UFO, planet X etc..

the coming of planet X is obvious, they still deny it

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 12:15 PM
Our side? No, no way. The fact that they work w/ CIA on MK Ultra and other brainwashing programs that kidnaps people, turns them into slaves of the gov't and are behind so many other conspiracies -- I can't say I'll ever trust them.

Also, the amount of airbrushing that goes on is getting obvious. I wonder what the future will look like w/ or without NASA? I'm hoping for the latter.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 10:58 AM
Maybe this is a good read for a few of you.

Why do we go into space ?

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