posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 05:04 PM
This is a post that i wanted to share with you guys. Now i'm around 30 years old and live in Scandinavia. When i was younger around 18 to 19 years
old, i took a bank loan of 13.000FIM that is around 2500$ of todays currency, to pay my rent cause i had some problems being unemployed.
Then i got to an car accident and was hospitalized for 6 months, after this i had to lend more to support my self, and the intrest kept growning. I
could not work because of the accident for several years, and now that i can it's too late. In reality i own around 12.500$ to bank's, but after all
the intrest and payments, it has turned out to be staggering 65000$. Now, if i pay that sum back, i would make 1600$ a month from work. my rent is
600, food is 500 and other bills are 300, i could pay 200$ back each month. Now as the intrest keeps going up, i can never pay it back.
If i pay 3000$ back each year, the damn intrest of it is more, MUCH MORE! Now the repoman has taken everything in my house, in recent years. Maybe
worth 6000$, but he sells them for 700$ (real value on market 6000$).
This is horrible... Now if i work the repoman take's most of my paycheck before it ends up in bank, i get 700$ for living each month if i work. If
i'm unemployed the social security pay's my rent that is 600$ (in helsinki the rents are very high even for small appartments) and i get 380$ to
live each month that the repoman cant take.
So if i work i get 280$ less money, than i would if i'm unemployed HUH? Thats correct, now last week the repoman called me and told me he was going
to make a visit, and when he came we had a little chat.
I told him that i refuse all work offers, and i will stay unemployed for the next 10 years. After 20 years, they cannot get it back no more, and i'm
free from all credit marks and loans.
So the lesson is, bank's are crooks! They wount get a penny back from me, i rather wait 10 more years, to make the loan old.
After i have been like this, for the last 10 years, it's really starting to affect me. It's hard to get a girl friend when you owe that much and you
are unemployed, much of my friends look at me as a looser. They tell me to start studying something that pays really well, but if i do the intrests
just keeps growing and it will not help.
This has really destroyed my life, and kind a taken 20 years of my life when it's over.
Each time i get a letter from bank, i reply:
(ofcourse each letter costs 25$)
I have so much anger inside me, i don't know what to do. I saw another story similar to this in these forums and decided to tell my story. I don't
think i'm a loser, i'm just in a bad spot where it's impossible to get out. The whole banking system is criminal, now i know this.