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It doesn't matter what happened on 9/11

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:56 PM
9/11 was an inside job no matter what happened. Whether the towers fell by themselves or a plane flew into or over the Pentagon, this video links banks, corporations and government agencies directly to the psy-op and the cover-up.

Many of you have been asking Craig about these renovation companies that supposedly had access to WTC and the Pentagon. This video will answer all of your questions.

There's a even a skeptic/debunker character in this video, I think you'll all find it pretty entertaining as it eventually turns into a sort of a bulletin board style discussion.

It's 1 hour 40 minutes long. please don't bother to reply unless you have seen the video from start to finish, thanks.

Who Killed John O'neill:

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 11:09 PM
Interesting points that were brought up in the video:

"What's more likely, that Al Qaeda is a group of religious fundamentalists bent on destroying our freedoms, or they are security for the exportation of 70% of the world's heroin?"

Think about it.

Mohamed Atta is often seen doing coke and hanging out at strip clubs. Does this sound like a religious fundamentalist to you, or a drug dealer?

One of you debunkers pointed out that several Arab men with the same name of one of the hijackers had attended that same flight school, helping to dismiss the possibility that he was still alive and it was someone else with his same name who the FBI had confused (even though the FBI list is still the same to my knowledge). Now, why would so many Arab men be going to a particular flight school? Well, now we've found connections between the flight school, Al Qaeda, and the former South American CIA drug smuggling connection. Duh. Al Qaeda is a drug ring, "they" only perform terrorist activities as a cover. The ISI funds Al Qaeda, the CIA funds the ISI. It's the perfect cover.

Anyways, I thought that was a pretty interesting take on the whole operation. Hope you enjoyed the film.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 08:13 AM
I have seen this video from start to finish and despite it's off putting "actors studio" style, the madness of "the method" you might say and the excruciatingly slow start, it IS WORTH VIEWING. If you are about to watch it, you have my sympathy. It's an "art film" experience. It is a good film but in the context of 911, the style is annoying.

Having said that, I should add that it does marshal a lot of useful data, and creates dialogues to communicate what might be very dry material otherwise. It really goes into layers of connections between the perps. In some ways it is a good cinematic reference to the labyrinth behind 911. A collector of these 911 videos would definitely want this in the collection, but I don't think many would view it over and over.

It's at the other end of the spectrum from a minimalist film like Rick Seigel's 911 Eyewitness.

I very nearly did not write anything on this thread becase I thought that the OP was "puffing" this video. I believe it has been puffed before in this forum. Whoever made the video has my sympathy if it needs to be puffed. A lot of work went into the making of this video and it is unfortunate if it is not getting an audience.

I think this video will gain in reputation with the passage of time because in many ways it is finely crafted and goes into a lot of detail. It could be seen to be something of a cult classic at some point in the future.

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