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Why the NWO Theory Doesn't Work For Me.

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 08:28 PM
There are people that believe the nature of the world is one of tranquility, and there are people that are outside the norm that disrupt this inherent tranquility, and cause the problems we find in the world today. There are others who find the world's natural state is one of entropy and chaos and that order must be maintained or the world as we know it will crumble. I, being a nihilist feel that the only way to fix our horribly malformed civilization must collapse entirely for any real change to take place.

"It's only after you've lost everything are you free to do anything."

I suppose the question is in all this what is wrong with our world? We have rampant poverty, famine, drought, bizarre weather, Socio-political/religious, war upon war over dwindling global resources. There is hate, lies, and scandals. We have the self-perpetuating WASP elitists. We have UFOs in the skies, alien abductions, secret bases, secret societies, governments that will lie to us about the color of the socks if it would serve them in some way. In the middle of it all is us, the average citizen trying to make sense of it all. Some of us throw up our arms and go about our daily lives. Some of us try seemingly in vain to fight back in some way. Finally some of us, ultimate reason, and drive and source of all this worldly torment. Those people are people like us, here at ATS, who discuss and try to find the reason behind systems without reason. Are there conspiracies in the world? Yes, are we surrounded by them, at the city, county, state, and world level? I think we can all agree to that as well. But, is there a unified world conspiracy controlled by a select group that are the be all to end all puppet masters? I don't think so. I don't think it could possibly be that simple, as horrific as all make it sound, it's the simplicity of it that makes it feel natural, logical, and easy for us to accept. It's not what any of us want, but at least then there will be a reason for the mayhem. It's the simplicity of it, that makes it unbelievable to me. There has to be an acceptance that there is insanity in this world for many reasons.

There are many smaller aspects of this overall belief in the NWO puppet masters that have some proof, have some relevance, and in the end aren't necessarily part and parcel to some grand worldwide scheme. I wanted to go into all the pieces of the puzzle that many would like to fit together. From UFO conspiracies, to Area 51, Skull and Bones, Lock and Key, the illuminati, the reptiles, etc etc etc. When I took into account how much info I needed to really get into this, I was looking down the barrel of a close 15000 word essay. Not only do I not want to do that all at once, I wouldn't want people to have to read that much in several posts in order to start responding. So... we will start the conversation with this, and I will try to be as active as possible in this thread. I'm on most evenings. All agreeing and opposing view points welcome. Lets all be civil here, all who are familiar with some of my threads, know that I listen to all points of view, and tend to not get combative.... So please post opinions.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 08:38 PM
Anyone interested? LOL, I'll be back in a bit.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:13 PM
The lizards from outer space thing is false. The REAL NWO, the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's et c took a respected idol, "David Icke" the great soccer player and made him spread dis-info.

It started of as a nice thing, 9/11 was staged and they had good evidence. 1/4 of Americans (those bother to listen) believed them.

Then came the reptilians and world leaders being alien/lizards. It was to counter and make the truth seekers idiots.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 03:29 PM
Well thanks for responding. Figured I would have gotten more responses. Oh well, guess this thread fizzled out faster than expected.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 03:53 PM
I am not sure what to believe.

I agree that the NWO therory is easy to believe as it is simple and answers all the problems that we face in society today.

The things that make it difficult to accept is the amount of seriously long term planning that is involved (we are talking 100s/1000s of years), the huge amount of co-operation required and the organisation and level of detail to pull such a thing off.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by YarlanZey

Yes I agree... if there were a worldwide shadow government that spent many generations to secure global domination, why waste the time, money, and effort in maintaining secrecy. If they have such a stranglehold on all the nations of the world, just come out and admit it. Why waste time on secrecy if the general public could do nothing against you even if they had the knowledge.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:08 PM
They have to be secret or they'll awaken the 7 billion people who'd be all sorts of pissed if they found out. Believe it or not, even in America, if there were an armed revolt it would be over for the development of the country. Every man, woman, and child would have a gun, especially in the south

Also, I wouldn't say "new world order," I would say "globalization." And that, my friend, is very real.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:14 PM
There's a first time for everything, Osiris1953.

It just so happens that in this instance there can only be one winner, ever.

It's like the ultimate win, really.

EDIT: If you believe in such a thing as 'competition', at least.

[edit on 27-10-2007 by Throbber]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:18 PM
If you are referring to globalization in reference to how corporations control everything in one way or another and that American consumerism is taking over the globe I most definately agree. I do not however believe there is one singular organization of a select few running the world.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:20 PM
See how dependant we are on our goverments and the people who supply our basic needs? They control our food, water, electricity/gas and money they can do it now.

Why wait? All they have to do is stop or limit the above and we are at their mercy.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Osiris1953

Do you agree that there are several individual organisations working to acheive that goal?

If so, why can it not have happened already?

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Throbber

Tesco seems to have quite a stronghold in the UK. I think they deal in most sectors. You can buy your grocerys, electricals, furniture, insurance, mobile phone and internet, loans, insurance, and I believe even houses and cars through them.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Throbber

Considering the greed and paranoia that seem to exist cross culturally, I don't see that organizations are working together for any particular goal. They all have their own, and I just don't see even elitists working that well together. There are people that want to control this or that, but in the end it seems more geared towards short termed selfish benefits. The very notion of NWO and shadow governments is inherently selfish as far as the people running them....I don't know. Just so much of it does in fact seem like a simple explanation for a multitude of complex problems.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by YarlanZey

The Tesco chain of supermarkets has the potential to acheive that goal, however supermarket companies rarely exceed the level of power that is expected from a inter-nationally based company.*

I was thinking more about Arms manufacture.

That or the oil companies if you want.

*A good example of a supermarket company going international would be the corporate synergy of Walmart/Asda.

Although the two groups operate individually, they do co-operate, and as such they share power between them, thereby ensuring that Asda does not make an appearance in America and that Walmart does not make an appearance in Britain.

Perhaps the largest company i can think of at this moment in time with a large power base would be Maersk shipping ltd.

[edit on 27-10-2007 by Throbber]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by YarlanZey

lol sounds like the evil joy that is Wal-Mart.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Throbber

Oil companies have in much control over the world simply because of the necessity that oil and oil based products have become, and yes they stifle progress at any opportunity to achieve their goals, which are also based on greed. Yes I would agree that they have an ungodly amount of power, but are they behind the scenes of everything, most certainly not.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Osiris1953

There are people that want to control this or that, but in the end it seems more geared towards short termed selfish benefits. The very notion of NWO and shadow governments is inherently selfish as far as the people running them....I don't know. Just so much of it does in fact seem like a simple explanation for a multitude of complex problems.

You have some extremily good points there, often the case is that many company Chief executives are merely looking towards the fulfillment of their own sense of gratification, and my note about maersk provides a counter arguement to that.

Originally posted by Osiris1953

Oil companies have in much control over the world simply because of the necessity that oil and oil based products have become, and yes they stifle progress at any opportunity to achieve their goals, which are also based on greed. Yes I would agree that they have an ungodly amount of power, but are they behind the scenes of everything, most certainly not.

Ah, but it is but a short leap for them to acheive that power, at least - shorter than the rest of the gaggle of greedy so-and-so's.

The difference between the bigger companies like Maersk and that of corporate chains like supermarkets is that the larger ones are usually owned by families, and as such - it is the current heir whom takes over when the current owner dies, there is no real transition of power other than that it goes directly to the next-in-line.

Even if the father does not want to seize power, the Son might.

Note that this also ensures loyalty within the group - although group this time being a family.

[edit on 27-10-2007 by Throbber]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:42 PM
It seems to me that human nature dictates that there would be a group of the very rich and powerful controlling things. People who are attracted to and driven by the accumulation of wealth and power don’t just wake up one morning and say, “well, that’s just about enough wealth and power. Guess I’ll go fishing now”. They will always continue to accumulate, and then pass on what they have to their children, who have received the skills and temperament to carry on. In time alliances are formed, competitors eliminated and politicians bought and sold. You take this type of mindset to it’s ultimate, illogical extreme and you get a single world government that oversees total control of every aspect of the individuals life. Surely you can see how quickly we’re approaching this very condition.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Where do you think the pharma companies fit in?

They keep the masses ill whilst contolling the "cures" at massive profit to themselves.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Where do you think the pharma companies fit in?

They keep the masses ill whilst contolling the "cures" at massive profit to themselves.

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