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The Kingmaker Plot

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:23 PM
Ready - Fire - Aim

There are two rules of war.

1. Know your enemy
2. Defend first

What better way is there to do both at the same time than to become your enemy?


Raised through the ranks before being trained at Catti Castle, home of Fairy Tales.

Before doing his work. Then taken away.

So, who was it that captured Napoleon, rowed from ship to ship to avoid a court subpoena, and rejected Napoleons final appeal?

The same one who captured entire fleets without firing a shot and won more prize money than any other Admiral.

Lord Admiral George Keith Elphinstone, Viscount Keith of Elphinstone

Second wife, Hester Maria Thrale (Queeney)

Finally burried in Keith Mausoleum.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Masonic Lodge Number Zero

Here is where Masonry was established in Scotland, the center of the Compass.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Malichai]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 09:28 PM
I hope that you all enjoyed the new Nostradamus show. I'll watch it later.

Did you notice anything?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 10:09 PM
I suspect these will add to the info in the show.

The Templar Papers: Ancient Mysteries, Secret Societies, and the Holy Grail By Oddvar Olsen

The St. Michael Line

Those Templars keep turning up everywhere...

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:58 PM
Jesus Christ!

Listen, before posting all of this with a shotgun, could you sit down and organise it first.

You're trying to give us the new Da Vinci Code without bothering to edit it together in any way.

None of what you (and I highlight YOU) say is particularly helpful.

Try going back to the start and writing an introductory paragraph.

Then write a short table of contents with chapter headings.


There was a conspiracy centred among Scottish nobles to bring all of Europe together under the Scottinsh King. This conspiracy was called "??" and its cheif architect was "??".

1. Dramatis Personae
2. Timeline
3. Chief Architect
a) positions in Scotland
b) positions outside Scotland
4. Major Supporting players and their plays
a) plots in France
b) plots in Germany
c) plots in Russia
5. Heredity/Descent of major players
a) children
b) appearances through history
c) where are they now

So far all you've done is post non-sequitors and follow them with unhelpful quotes and apparently random links with no editorial narrating the investigation from yourself.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by HowlrunnerIV

I'm sorry that its not what you expected. If you don't like the format, move on.

Its part of the content. But, I don't expect you to understand, yet.

I thought that posts attacking the person, while ignoring the content, were against the terms here...

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:18 AM

So far all you've done is post non-sequitors and follow them with unhelpful quotes and apparently random links with no editorial narrating the investigation from yourself.

I heard the first time, the second time, the third time, etc...

Who are you, my mother?

From here on out I will not be replying to anyone who again says that they don't like the format.

You think I have not done my research? Read all of the sources listed first.

All legitimate questions will be answered, but you should expect a riddle in return.


Michael Malichai Alan Keith

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Malichai]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Malichai

Read again, it's not the research, it's the presentation.

The title got me. The references to the Jacobites got me. Somewhere in amongst the random blasts of info I could discern some interesting facts which promised to tell an interesting story, which would give an even more interesting discussion.

But right now it's like Stanley mapping Africa, listening to the locals describe in vague terms what might be up ahead.

We jump from 17th Century Scotland to 20th Century Palestine like the TARDIS with a short-circuit...

Where's the roadmap?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by HowlrunnerIV

Did you miss the part where I said that the format is important, and that I am not done yet?

Then let me say it again.

The format is part of the content.

And, I am not done yet.

I know, you want it all laid out in a neat order like a Grim fairy tail.


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:34 PM
I don't have all of the answers. My information is incomplete. But, I do have a few keys.

I saw the show and should have expected as much. They only showed a few of the plates, but the backgrounds were very enlightening...

You know Crystal links, right? Some of the plates are posted there as the author was part of the program. I'd like to see all of them, but it may be a little while before they're all out on the web.

Plate 54

Keith Crest

The symbol under the 10 point buck here and in the coloring book is a stylized FORK [Trident], like the ones the priests used to take their offering meat.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:37 PM
Plate 70

Here you can see the eight spoked wheel of Kilwinning.

The crescent in the flower.

And the double V, Veritas Vincit, Clan Keith motto.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:38 PM
Plate 67

Again we have the wheel. And the king with three fingers over the page that says one man, the one man whos shield King Malcolm II of Scotland drew three lines of blood on.

Two red blocks at the bottom that are separated are the two bloodlines that divide then reuite.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:43 PM
Saint Helena

The woman behind the man who created the Christian Bible.

It is in the life of Tiboen or Helena the eldest, that we have much of interest to relate. She was educated and fitted by her father to succeed him. Beautiful and brilliant though she was, she was destined to be the storm center and target for political attack much of her life; and as such, to be the victim later of the pens of more than seventy historians, most of whom, apparently, failed to see the source of the attacks made upon her, or the reason for them. So clearly do these facts stand out before the unbiased reader of today, that one marvels at the thinness of the mists which were permitted to obscure them at all.

Concerning the much disputed point as to where Helena was born and who her parents were, the principal and vital evidence regarding her birth is to be found in the "Colchester Chronicle," preserved in that city. According to that document she was born in Colchester about 242 A.D., four years after her father became King. This testimony is universally confirmed by British historians, as well as many others, too.

Helen in childhood was known by several names; the British name was Tiboen, and her surname was Lueddog. The noble name of Flavia was given to her upon her marriage to Constantius, the descendant of Vespasian, who derived it from the Emperor through his great-uncle, Claudius Gothicus.


Christianity did not come out from Rome and go around the world. It came from Britain, invading Rome.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:13 PM

You have seen all of the important ancient stone sites, right?

Catti Capital City...

Does the stone work remind you of anything in South America?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:19 PM
Ollantaytambo and Sacsahuaman

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Malichai]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:46 PM
Hey, I am a Keith.....actually both parents are Scots.

Interesting stuff, I'm still trying to wade through all the links.

Have the Nostradamus special Tivo'd. I need to watch it tonight!

What does it all mean??

Persephone Kinnaird Keith

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
O. Wilde

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by Perse
Hey, I am a Keith.....actually both parents are Scots.

Interesting stuff, I'm still trying to wade through all the links.

Have the Nostradamus special Tivo'd. I need to watch it tonight!

What does it all mean??

The first Keith was the last Highlander King. Going back further you find the German Kings which also led to the Merovingian kings. Going back further you find them as the Hittite Kings and Israelite priests. Back even further they were the Pharaohs of Egypt. Back even further.....

We'll get there.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:16 AM
If anything, Freemasonry has been about bringing down king, princes and potentates, not propping them up...nice story though.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 10:20 AM

You think highly of yourself

[edit on 30-10-2007 by RWPBR]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:30 PM
The pictures in the coloring book are all stylized versions of ancient Hitto-Phoenician symbols and art.

Here you see the Swastika of Resurrecting Sun transfixing the Serpent of Death

The night sun and the day sun are both winged disks, but they are not alike.

Through it all you see the same or similar symbols repeated.

And they all point to the Grand Cross following eclipses. There is one place that I can agree with the TV show.

Signs are always important. Beatrice Fiori is Ares and Prince William is Gemini.

Ares is the ram, or goat. Gemini is the Twins, or two towers.

The tops of the watercolors are the sky, the middle is events, and the bottom is bloodline relationships.

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