Hello everyone. While reading a thread posted by
realanswers, he posted a pic of a supposed Grey on a rooftop taken in Mexico I believe.
While intriguing, as with MOST pictures of UFO's or ET's it was out of focus and grainy....so I searched for the original image and could not find
it. Months later, I was watching a compilation of purported
"alien visitor" photographs or stills, and in this video was a much better series
of pictures than the one shown originally...
( Here is the original thread )
original image..
new image
I ran some common filters on the new image. Isolated the eye region and found, in the detail, what appear to be pupils (eyeballs) under the
"protective lenses". From this point on...everything is conjecture, I am merely submitting my findings for this community to study and comment on. I
really do NOT want to start another
CGI thread... but I thought this image, and its anomalies, were interesting enough to post.
isolated eye region
And finally, a compsite made up of all the images referenced as to what exactly was in the photo, whether it is authentic or
CGI still remains
to be seen and proven.
As it sits now, if it
is real, could be the BEST photo of a
EBE ever taken and shown in a public domain. So while all comers
(debunker's) are encouraged to post their ideas...I would like to direct this thread to all the people whom have claimed to have had contact with
extra-terrestrial beings, to comment on this photo. (sleeper?)
* Are these the beings you witnessed?
* What are your
feelings of this photo?
The truth is out there..we just have to find it....