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Is Icke a mason?

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:26 AM
Icke's website is full of square images, and he is quick to defend his mason friends. Masonry is a satanic religion. Is Icke the antichrist?

Your thoughts...

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 06:10 AM
You'll have to give examples of masons that he defends. I've only heard him talk trash about them. He claims that the lower levels are not aware of what the higher levels are doing.

Icke is an anti-mason, not the other way around.

BTW, there's nothing satanic about masonry.

[edit on 21/10/07 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by JOHNK46
Is Icke the antichrist?

No he is just a run of the mill attention seeking silly old man that doesnt even believe how much he can get away with, funnily enough not in his own country as we laugh at his craziness and bad predictions and rather lame b-movie stories, and why does he always do that stupid thing where he quote everyone with a strong brummy (Birmingham) accent

He if anything is a dis info agent, that is the only reason why I can think he does a lecture for 2 hours with valid points (albeit stolen points but never mind) and then he ruins it all by stating lizard people from another planet are behind it all.

To me its obvious, to some of the people on here, well, lets just say people are entitled to their own opinion, no matter how stupid and deluded it may be.

I like the idea of proving he is the anti Christ through any silly little thing you can find though, then maybe they will see that your findings are just as believable as any of the lizardmen stories regurgitated on here.

[edit on 24/10/07 by eagle32]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:33 PM
Icke thinks that masons are part of the global elite. I don't know if he was ever involved in masonry in the past, but from everything I have read and seen about him, he sure doesn't like them, now.

Who are the mason friends you have heard him defending? I have a hard time imagining Icke as friends with any mason.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:35 PM
No, he would be a lot more stable than he is. The guy is so fairweather on every subject I've ever heard him speak on. Too bad he was a decent footer.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by JOHNK46

Icke's website is full of square images, and he is quick to defend his mason friends. Masonry is a satanic religion. Is Icke the antichrist?

Your thoughts...


Icke friends with Masons?

Icke is not a Mason, thankfully.. and no, hes not the antichrist, however his ego may say otherwise...

And Masonry is not a satanic religion ...

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 08:38 PM
Icke is...

Well... Icky...

He's no Mason, Freemason, or member of anything else commendable, upright or decent. He did wear a lot of turquoise and proclaim himself the "Son of God" and he sees a lot of reptilians...

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 05:22 PM
Gee, I guess that means that my grandfather and one of my co-workers are "satanists"! Right. As I've stated in the past ( I even made a thread just for the people who think he is a nutbag), Icke is a damaged individual. Who can honestly look someone in the eyes and say that they believe in the humanoid reptilians that run the planet and are farming us for food? I believe that my girlfriend works with them at the zoo. They are known as snakes, crocodilians, lizards, etc. Those are the only reptilian species that I'm aware of, and they don't shapeshift or run the zoo!

[edit on 10/25/2007 by venom79x]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 05:42 PM
Why isn't this thread in the Secret Societies section?

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 10:56 PM
icke has declared himself the son of god, and was a soccer player, but I doubt he is a mason, see they are a charitable bunch who spend time helping out families in the community, and trying to improve themselves.

the don't run around making videos about lizards and crap like that

my father in law and his satanic blood thirsty masonic buddies go to NYC every winter and hand out coats and coffee to homeless people

those evil old white men !

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by JOHNK46
Masonry is a satanic religion.Your thoughts...

Oh for f#%k's sake!
Here we go again.
Would you please back that statement up with something other than opinion?

I myself have bought and read a few of Icke's books.
Some of the research seems sound, but quite a bit of it, it's,'s just wacky.
But, what's that saying?...
Nothing is so strange to not have actually happened...
Or something like that.

And Icke isn't a Mason, or an AntiMason and he makes that very clear in his books.
He even goes as far as to say that he does not believe that all Masons are involved in the conspiracies he talks about.
He does however, point out the "coincidence" that many of the powerful people involved in said conspiracies are Masons.

Now, I'm not an Icke supporter, but I'm not against the guy either.
I'd like to think that I have an objective opinion on the matter.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:30 AM
Ive read "Children of the Matrix", "Love is all there is" and "The Biggest Secret" AND I am a Mason.

My conclusion: 3 books by Icke is enough. While the guy has a great sense of humour and vivid imagination, he has a problem with authority a little kid...will project fantasies into them. Anyone with a bit of authority is a child-eating reptilian. Way too pessimistic.

As far as masonry being "satanic": Did you know that at our initiation into the mysteries of freemasonry we were required to kiss the bible? Probably not.

posted on Jun, 17 2010 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by JOHNK46




posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by dreaded209

Yeah, this did happen, and I've seen the recording, though Icke claims he meant something else somehow.
He was also back on the show again, not sure on what date but it was obviously like 20+ years later based on his appearance. The funny thing was, he completely destroyed Hogan on air the second time around. Even if you hate everything Icke stands for, you have to find this on youtube, it's so awesome!

edit: because the word 'date' has a D in it

[edit on 18-6-2010 by DragonsDemesne]

posted on Jun, 18 2010 @ 05:27 AM
I don't think he is a mason, but I do think he is a Reptilian.

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
The Wogan episode was where people claimed he said the island of Rothesay here in Scotland would slip into the sea. However Im pretty sure that global warming will indeed see Rothesay get a bit damp at some point.

As for the 'son of god' thing, I think youll find that he was trying to explain his take on God, that being that each and every one of is part of the spiritual element we choose to refer to as God. Appatently the only one who can get away with saying God doesnt exist is George Carlin LOL

He does make the point fairly regularly that freemasonry is not the same thing to all members, the majority of whom are unaware that an element uses it to control things if possible. A point you could make for say....the US govt? The CIA ? FEMA? NATO ? MI5 ?

There are quite a few writers who attach an occult view to freemasonry, other than by its very nature IS occult! American freemasonry is quite a different beast elsewhere on the planet, a fact you can very easily check on yourselves. At its most basic, it is NOT a secret society, as a large proportion of its members are happy to display their masonic status, it IS a society of secrets, where not all members are aware of what goes on.

Lets get to the zoological section, I couldnt care less whether people refer to them as annunaki, nephilim or the watchers, or in Ickes case the lizards. But there does some to be a link across the years of the same line making it to the top of the pile and staying there, how or why I dont know, I dont go for the lizard thing either, but theres something there worth looking at.

One thing Icke states time and again is his wish that instead of following his beliefs by wrote, do some research yourself, ask questions, read books, anything but make up your own mind, dont have it made up for you.

So, no...Im not about to get on the 'lets slag Icke' bandwagon, had you actually read some of his stuff you would be aware of where that leads and its dangers. But I cant believe some of shallow responses this thread has had on a forum like ATS of all places.

'Open minded' you have to be kidding!

posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 01:03 PM
Quick note:
Kissing a bible could well be a local lodge thing, as an entered apprentice you must affirm your belief in 'a' god nothing more, you are certainly not required to kiss a christian bible, a fact that any moslem ledge member will put you right on. The prominent letter 'G' is supposedly to accomodate all beliefs in the Great Architect isnt it? Whatever god that may be.

An audit of the grand lodge in the Uk showed that such charitable donations on behalf of the lodge were made to strictly masonic charities, donations to exterior organisations were almost non-existant and even then, tended to be on a local level from the brethren themselves.

I am NOT a mason, but have & had several family members of the craft going back longer than my family can remember. I do do support the ideals such as relief and brotherly love on a personal level though, as it was how I was raised.

posted on Jun, 29 2010 @ 03:25 PM
I think Icke is a disinformation agent. He always goes on about the Illuminati and others being reptilian beings. I believe there is an Illuminati and I believe they have a new world agenda. I don't believe they are reptilians from another planet. As said earlier he is laughed at in the UK and seen as a bit of an idiot.

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 09:13 AM
I would bet that Icke is you know. A dissinformation source.

posted on Jul, 5 2010 @ 05:16 PM
I have seen videos of his eyes shape shifting as well as alex jones

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