posted on Jun, 26 2010 @ 12:47 PM
The Wogan episode was where people claimed he said the island of Rothesay here in Scotland would slip into the sea. However Im pretty sure that global
warming will indeed see Rothesay get a bit damp at some point.
As for the 'son of god' thing, I think youll find that he was trying to explain his take on God, that being that each and every one of is part of
the spiritual element we choose to refer to as God. Appatently the only one who can get away with saying God doesnt exist is George Carlin LOL
He does make the point fairly regularly that freemasonry is not the same thing to all members, the majority of whom are unaware that an element uses
it to control things if possible. A point you could make for say....the US govt? The CIA ? FEMA? NATO ? MI5 ?
There are quite a few writers who attach an occult view to freemasonry, other than by its very nature IS occult! American freemasonry is quite a
different beast elsewhere on the planet, a fact you can very easily check on yourselves. At its most basic, it is NOT a secret society, as a large
proportion of its members are happy to display their masonic status, it IS a society of secrets, where not all members are aware of what goes on.
Lets get to the zoological section, I couldnt care less whether people refer to them as annunaki, nephilim or the watchers, or in Ickes case the
lizards. But there does some to be a link across the years of the same line making it to the top of the pile and staying there, how or why I dont
know, I dont go for the lizard thing either, but theres something there worth looking at.
One thing Icke states time and again is his wish that instead of following his beliefs by wrote, do some research yourself, ask questions, read books,
anything but make up your own mind, dont have it made up for you.
So, no...Im not about to get on the 'lets slag Icke' bandwagon, had you actually read some of his stuff you would be aware of where that leads and
its dangers. But I cant believe some of shallow responses this thread has had on a forum like ATS of all places.
'Open minded' you have to be kidding!