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The Shocking Video Hillary does NOT want you to See!!

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by drumist69
I wish people would pay attention to what is going on with these candidates now instead of digging through their past to find dirt. Simple truth is I am very liberal, and I will not be voting for Clinton or Obama, should they be nominated. They blew it on the Iran resolution, in my opinion. They have failed to be effective congress-members, so why should I believe either would be a good president. Not all of us liberals march in lock step, ya know. Andy

Digging through their past??? Hillary filed her fourth false FEC report in Jan. 2006. It is still a false report. The FEC determined in Dec. 2005 that the campaign hid 721K. The business fraud case is coming to court. This is hardly the past. A US Attorney hid evidence for her while investigations were ongoing. They claim not to have other pieces of video evidence. Hillary has compromised all three branches of the government in this coverup. This would all be exposed if Woodward and Bernstein were still alive. Yes, I know. That's just a slap at them. They know this info; they just won't write it. The mainstream media continues to protect her. Thanks to the owner of this site for this discussion.

The 14-min trailer has been No. 1 on google videos for several days. By the time of the screening at Harvard next Friday evening, it will have had over a million views.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:49 AM
I knew we were in trouble right when Bill and Daddy B seemed to become best buds after Katrina. I don't know about you but I never saw a Dem. and Rep. past Pres. so buddy, buddy.

The next thing Hillary is in the rinning for Pres. IMO weather Hillary knows or not ??? I believe Daddy bought Bill and the next Elections are already fixed.

If Hillary is not Pres. I give my KUDO'S to the people for being wise enough to see what has been going on. I know many may vote for her just because she is a women and I believe this is an asset in this day and age that Daddy and Bill are counting on.

Let me see here, "what do you think best Hillary or Martial Law and Georgie issueing the Executive Order allowing himself to continue as Pres."

It's all up to the people and I do fear the worst, will the people see what they are doing and pull a quick one on them and take them (elitist) by surprise.

IMO I'm not feeling it are you? We just may be doomed if the people don't wake up, stand up and pull a quick one on them.

[edit on 21-10-2007 by observe50]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by dougfromupland

This would all be exposed if Woodward and Bernstein were still alive. Yes, I know. That's just a slap at them.


The 14-min trailer has been No. 1 on google videos for several days. By the time of the screening at Harvard next Friday evening, it will have had over a million views.

I'm surprised google didn't censor it... They don't like controversial videos making it into the popular lists.

We show the 1-hr documentary at Harvard on Oct 26, Dartmouth and UNH Durham on Oct 27, Saint Anselm on Oct 28, and in New York on Oct 30 at the Metropolitan Republican Club. If you have a group who wants to sponsor a screening, I'll take it anywhere in the country.

If i may recommend, you should also post the whole documentary on google. Now, i understand that you have worked hard on this and you deserve to recoup your production costs, but people really need to see this.

One example of effective google video marketing is Aaron Russo's America: Freedom To Fascism which exposes the fundamentally unsound principals behind the Federal Reserve System, and the unjust taxation system that is required to pay the interest payments on our own money.

He posts it free, then asks people to visit his site and buy the DVD. It appeared to work very well and reach lots of people that wouldn't see it otherwise.

Google, of course, deleted it a few times.

Google Video Link

[edit on 10/21/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by dougfromupland

All I was meaning to say, in my post, was that to me it seems more important to look at the voting record of the candidates. Our system has devolved into one where a candidate's position on real issues of national and global importance are hardly even discussed, in favor of discussion of scandals. I guess its more sensationalistic. I've looked at Clinton's record, heard her talk about various policies in her platform, and have decided not to vote for her. Therefore, any improprieties don't concern me. Now, if she were to win the nomination, the have at it! Andy

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Don't be so shocked. This is what happens when people become professional politicians. This is why I will never vote for any candidate who is affiliated with any political party. For America to move forward and get away from political graft and corruption, it will be necessary to do away with parties and professional politicians. Every politician running for President is the same as Hillary. They are all professional politicians. Politics is their career and livelihood. It will be necessary to establish term limits on all political positions so that no one will be able to become a professional politician. All professional politicians will then be replaced by CONCERNED CITIZENS who will serve their term, then graciously step down and return to private life and allow another CONCERNED CITIZEN the opportunity to take the position they previously held. This was, I believe, the intention of our founding fathers.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:26 PM
I'm pretty sure this is the video Hillary doesn't want you to see.


(Mod edit: Link removed. Let's stay on topic and save the reptilian videos for Skunk Works. --Majic)

[edit on 10/21/2007 by Majic]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

You've got it all wrong. Our founding fathers were professional politicians, after all. What do you want to do, get average joes or jills into the White House? That's a grand idea-they'll be just as easily corrupted or misled as a poor person who has won the lottery.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by uberarcanist

I totally disagree. They will not be professional politicians who make their livelihood from lying to the people. They will be motivated by public service. Unlike the criminals we have now who are motivated by greed and power from years in office sucking the life's blood of the American taxpayer. The founding fathers were mostly farmers and tradesmen, not professional politicians.

[edit on 10-21-2007 by groingrinder]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Was Jefferson an average Joe? What about Washington? How many people actually do things out of ulterior motives? No, I would rather have someone with experience. There are plenty of professional politicians who are not corrupt, Hillary just isn't one of them.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by observe50

Good observation, I think Bill and the daddy Bush might have been friends a lot longer than anyone realizes. Here is a link that you might find interesting, there is a book and movie out about this incident.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 06:15 PM
All this hype over HRC for no reason. Great post, there is no doubt that gal is evil as hell. This country will not elect a woman or a black man to POTUS. Will not happen. Maybe in another 3-4 election cycles, but not yet. If you are honest with yourself and take a good hard look at this country you will see I am rught. All the GOP has to do is find a hispanic VP and they will win in a landslide.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by uberarcanist

I think what a person is experienced at makes a difference to, if a person is experienced at turning control over to corporations, and deceiving the American people, that is not the expert I want running things.

On a side note, saying the president runs things is a bit naive, I just watched an interview with a Watergate player, he said when it was all going down, Nixon called a Rockefeller and was heard saying on the phone, that he did not think a president should be put in jail. Who is really pulling the stings.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 07:50 PM
Saying that HRC is less corrupt than Bush is an invalid argument to dismiss the alligations. If someone is corrupt 'a little bit' they are still corrupt, yes?

Corruption is a lot like being dead. One cannot be less dead or more dead than anyone else. If a politician is corrupt, this shows that they do not have the people best interest and are motivated by selfish endeavors. Thats scary on any side of the political spectrum.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 08:14 PM
Everyone talks about taking the government back and then everything will be alright.

What a bunch of crap!

The only people that will get hurt is the little people, because the people in high places will just piss off when things get ugly, then the corporations that manufacture weapons will profit from the idiots shooting at each (little people). Things will calm down after a bit and the same scumbags will work their way back in quickly.

I wish I had an answer.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

Every revolution is based on this basic premise. Those seeking power speak out about any number of the injustices we see in society and claim that they are going to fix it. Once they win public support, then throw out the old government.

Once the new government is in place, its the same old #. The idea of "revolution" is used by the rich to get more power once they grow tired of the old government. Nothing ever changes.

It's very machiavellian. It's also very Orwellian, as this was "the secret" that Winston Smith was reading about in the brotherhood's banned book.

[edit on 10/21/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by uberarcanist

With what the powerful, wealthy, and corrupt people like the Clinton's have, I'm sure that many of the politicians are afraid to speak out for fear of being assinated. Suicides are so 'easy' to fake for these people with money to pay professionals to clear the way toward thier political victories.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Realtruth
I wish I had an answer.

I had an answer, nobody has argued it in a way that would make it any worse then the system we have today. Well unless you are powerful or rich, but I am speaking equal system for all Americans.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by TXMACHINEGUNDLR

So all the polls showing Hillary with a commanding lead (all of them do, BTW) are bogus?

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 10:31 AM
Might as well play those videos on Comedy Central. They're as funny as anything the station regularly programs. Like corrupt politicians are "a threat to the country and the rest of the world." HAHHAHAHA!!! That's just the most ridiculous thing that anybody could say today. Why? Because 99.9% of them are corrupt. And all the damage they've caused can only be undone with long term, extremely long term, solutions. That is it. Damage and collateral damage have been done. Corrupt politician are NORMAL. Doesn't make it right, just that it is what one expects them to be.

Don't get me wrong, I'd vote for the good guy (I'm an idealist) every time , but I don't think he or she would get too far since a den of predators would be waiting to be dealt with. It kind of makes more sense to vote for the dirtiest one can find, because at least we know he or she is going to hold their own against the other.

In this day and age, I'd be surprised if this would matter on voting day. Oh, folks will scream and shout for days on end, but I doubt the effect would be rendered any differently had these allegations never surfaced. Folks already have their minds made up about who they would vote for. This is so regardless of all the sick, pedophilia, embezzlement, racketeering, fraud, coercion, and a bunch of other words that all mean the same thing, charges and allegations of the past regarding any politician.

"A dirty politician fleeces a felon."
Whoo! Gonna set the house on fire with that one. Really, put this stuff on the Cartoon Network-Adult Swim. Call it, "The Felon Who Cries Mommy!"
Nothing like watching Batman beat the crap out of all those jokers. Only problem is, who's Batman, really?

[edit on 22-10-2007 by Areal51]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 05:41 AM
Well in reply to voting with our feet and leaving he country. I totally agree with that statement because I have great foresight on alot of things and I forsee that we will not be able to fix this because this is something bigger than all of us. The only thing we can do is go somewhere where their rules don't directly apply.

Bush is working on an NAU and the UN is already its own entity so neither of those would be good places to reside. I do have some good ideas though...

Venezuela is still selling land that is yours to keep without having to pay taxes and Venezuela is not cooperating with Bush. Another idea is to go hide in the lion's den and live in Russia or China. I really don't think they hate Americans... I think they hate our govt and Bush. Switzerland doesn't sound like a bad idea either. Amsterdam ( the netherlands region ) will probably soon be locked down and will become patrolled by military forces as well. That was recently mentioned in the news as being talked about. I wouldn't doubt it if it happened. The whole point of them doing what they are doing is to create two entities and basically monopolize things so to speak. It all has to do with money, greed, and power.

I dunno about anyone else but Venezuela is sounding good right about now. Also wouldn't hurt to do some research into Bearden's motionless energy generator patent and see how viable that is.

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