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The Rodin Coil - Overunity Device ?

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 07:09 PM
Chapter 4 self agrandizements, accredidtion, copywrite, etc.

Chapter five, discussion of multiplication tables and "archetypal values". Time and logrithmic spirals. recursive scrolling and fractals.

Chapter seven

primal point of unity, mod 9, infinity lambda

chapter 8 would not load

chapter 9

horizontal symmetry of the system

Chapter 10

indtroduction of 3, 6, 9 cycle. Parity.
Stereoscopic projection.
Questions about Prime Numbers

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113

2,3,5,7,2,4,8,1,5,2,4,1,5,7,2,8,5, 7,4,8,1,7,2,8,7,2,4,8,1,5

chapter 11
bilateral symetry
zero is the absence

chapter 12 (is labeled 13)
369 doubling duality
vertical axis

condensed matter physics
The closer you are to the center of mass the faster time goes.

chapter 34 spirals imbedded in spirals. Nested vortices on the torus. Harvesting white and black holes.

I will say that there was a lot of dead time; it needs to be edited.

He does present some very interesting number theory. I am going to present the information to some of my friends. I know someone that is graduating this year in electrical engineering and I have a man that rewires my power tools for me... I'll let you know what they think. I definately cannot pass judgement at this point. I do feel the connections are vague at times... perhaps I need to see all chapters to get it. Out of time for now.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:43 AM

Professor Rodin,

All of your mathematics occur in base 10. You arrange 1-9 around your circle and place zero in the center. You obtain the loop 124875 and the vibration of 3,6. 9 mapped to itself.

I have experimented with base 16 and base 7. Base 16 is common to computer programming and base 7 was chosen at random as an odd numbered base.

For base 16 I arranged the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e, and f around the circle and placed 0 in the center. I obtained three distinct loops when counting in base 16: 1248, e7bd, and 36c9. There was a vibration of A5 and in this instance F mapped to itself.

For base 7, I arranged the digits 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 around the circle and placed 0 in the center. Counting in base 7, I mapped each digit. I found the following patterns:
.542424242..... and
Which covers all digits; if you begin at 6 it will map to itself and if you begin at either 2 or 4 you will simply vibrate.

Can you confirm my calculations, and if so how does the incorporation of alternate bases apply to your toroidal space mathematics?

I sent Mr. Rodin another email. I was curious as to how alternate counting bases would factor into his toroidal space mathematics. We will see what he says.

Sri Oracle

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 11:13 AM
Quickly scanning over the website, it reminds of

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:41 PM
I have just finished watching all 44 videos of Marko Rodin on youtube, and while waiting for some of them to load i also searched the net for more info on the dude and his theory...I will post some links to more infomation and later give me own conclusion...
talks about handon experiense with marko and others (note: many dead links as this is old news)

Links to radiointerwiev:

I also noticed some pattern-simularities with certain cropcircles i have seen on the internet ( you can find them yourself, when you have seen the pattern of vortex math.)

The lesson in his videos show how his system can be implemented into all things we know of and he actually calls it "the fingerprint of god", he talks of the old sumerian civilesation and the name of god.

He seems to be very into the whole "Bahai" religion and therefore he has this philosopical aswell as mathematistic look upon things.

I personally take great interest in this theory and believe it will or already have opened up a new perspective on things and how it all connects.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by hinky
Now let's put this in perspective. How old is this new invention of Rodin coils? Just search "toroidal coil radio" and you will find that this goes back to crystal radio days. In reality, it was probably introduced in the 20's. I've rebuilt radios that had them from the late 30's.

Nice generalization of toroidal coils....There's many types of coils which all have different characteristics. I'm sure his coil is exactly the same as the ones you played with.

Originally posted by Pilgrum
Looks like a pile of snakeoil quackery to me.
I noted he's asking for investors on page 1

Originally posted by lonemaverick
This guy is full of it. I mean, his page is full of self-referencing idiocy that for the most part makes NO sense whatsoever.

Originally posted by Astyanax
Someone is claiming to have repealed the Second Law of Thermodynamics by twisting wire into a funny shape?

He mixes mathematics with religion?

And says to people 'give me money'?

Yes, this all sounds very credible to me. Let's give him a spin. How many dollars does he want?

That many? You're kidding.

Looks like 'free energy' isn't that free after all.

Is it a reflex in that whenever someone makes a big claim, someone else has to come along and try to smash it? Yea.. I'm sure he's aching to post here...

I've been watching the utube videos and they seem quite interesting...thx for the links. - And yes, he should not wear wb t-shirts.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Freezer]

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 08:02 AM
Well, I will take the time to read it properly, but the first two things that caught my eye on the quick scan didn't bode too well.



posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 08:19 PM
For the interested here is a link to a .pdf file containing the work with the rodin coil theory as of june 2007.

I most say that this is not a hoax, its a mathmatical theory witch can be aplied into many fields of science.
Vortex mathmatics is nothing new, it has just never been put down to numbers like this before, and i am sure it will be of help in the future.

And yes, the guy is kinda special...there is a thin line between genious and crazyness!

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Bluess

I agree, considering how is discoveries can be applied to just about everything and fit like a glove.

I like how he describes time as being non-linear, a concept I've always believed in and also agree with.

I really feel this alone can explain why the Earth is actually ~2Billion+ AND ALSO 6,000 years old.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 09:49 PM
An audio interview, very recent:

Marko Rodin @ Red Ice Creations


posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Freezer

Is it a reflex in that whenever someone makes a big claim, someone else has to come along and try to smash it? Yea.. I'm sure he's aching to post here...

I've been watching the utube videos and they seem quite interesting...thx for the links. - And yes, he should not wear wb t-shirts.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Freezer]

Some of us here have spent many years and a lot of our hard earned money going to college to learn how the science really works, not sitting around watching a few videos.

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 10:34 PM
here is some of the natual doubling sequence mapped to
rodins 1,2,4,8,7,5 trinity pattern
( try some mod 9 math on it and see the results)
1) 1 = 1
2) 2 = 2
3) 4 = 4
4) 8 = 8
5) 16 = 7
6) 32 = 5
7) 64 = 1
8) 128 = 2
9) 256 = 4
10) 512 = 8
11) 1024 = 7
12) 2048 = 5
13) 4096 = 1
14) 8192 = 2
15) 16348 = 4
16) 32768 = 8
17) 65536 = 7
18) 131072 = 5
19) 262144 = 1
20) 524288 = 2
21) 1048576 = 4
22) 2097152 = 8
23) 4194304 = 7
24) 8388608 = 5
25) 16777216 = 1
26) 33554432 = 2
27) 67108864 = 4
28) 134217728 = 8
29) 268435456 = 7
30) 536870912 = 5
31) 1073741824 = 1
32) 2147483648 = 2
33) 4292967296 = 4
34) 8589934592 = 8
35) 17179869184 = 7
36) 34359738368 = 5
37) 68719476736 = 1
38) 137438953472 = 2
39) 274877906944 = 4
40) 549755813888 = 8
41) 1099511627776 = 7
42) 2199023255552 = 5
43) 4398046511104 = 1
44) 8796093022208 = 2
45) 17592186044416 = 4
46) 35184372088832 = 8
47) 70368744177664 = 7
48) 14073748835528 = 5

[edit on 23-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by MBF

Originally posted by Freezer

Is it a reflex in that whenever someone makes a big claim, someone else has to come along and try to smash it? Yea.. I'm sure he's aching to post here...

I've been watching the utube videos and they seem quite interesting...thx for the links. - And yes, he should not wear wb t-shirts.

[edit on 7-11-2007 by Freezer]

Some of us here have spent many years and a lot of our hard earned money going to college to learn how the science really works, not sitting around watching a few videos.

Wow...are you ever bitter there lad.
so colledge did not teach you this new science.
but you have the "if its not in school then it does not exist" attitude.

I don`t think marko rodin watched a couple of videos and then
all of a sudden had cracked the vortex codes.
if he is anything like me then he left school early because he knew what was being taught was missing so much of the pieces.
so he figured it out himself.....Amazing.........the man is a genius.

wish I had 10% of his vision.

I think Rodin is the real deal.


posted on Jan, 24 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by Maya432

if he is anything like me then he left school early because he knew what was being taught was missing so much of the pieces.
so he figured it out himself.....Amazing.........the man is a genius.

I am very sorry, I didn't realize how intelligent you are.

That's got to be the BEST reason to QUIT college.

posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 02:28 AM
Nope..never said I was intellegent.
just said that lots of what you learn in school is crap.
And noticed that myself and got out.


posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Well I can't honestly say that everything they make you learn is useful. A lot that I had to learn was totally useless. There were things that I actually said that I would never need that I found out later was very helpful.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 02:11 AM

Originally posted by MBF
reply to post by Maya432

Well I can't honestly say that everything they make you learn is useful. A lot that I had to learn was totally useless. There were things that I actually said that I would never need that I found out later was very helpful.

that sounds right.
it can`t be all bad.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by MBF
Some of us here have spent many years and a lot of our hard earned money going to college to learn how the science really works, not sitting around watching a few videos.

Wow, what a insightful comment. Must feel good to insult people over the internet with your superior college intellect? And yes, I finished college years ago, so you can take your assumptions and ...

Of course someone like Rodin couldn't teach a master like you huh?

My turn for an assumption -> Probably didn't even give Rodin a chance did you? No worries, your loss.

[edit on 28-1-2008 by Freezer]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 04:54 AM
You guys should stop bickering and check out the latest Rodin interview by The Edge radio and see why he can't persue this much further. He has even let the intellectually property go to some guy to take it further...which in my mind means he is probably genuine.


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by Freezer

Wow, what a insightful comment. Must feel good to insult people over the internet with your superior college intellect? And yes, I finished college years ago, so you can take your assumptions and ...

Of course someone like Rodin couldn't teach a master like you huh?

My turn for an assumption -> Probably didn't even give Rodin a chance did you? No worries, your loss.

Well, my field was mechanical engineering and specifically, power generation. I did give Rodin a couple of minutes of my time and all I saw was Fluff and BS, so I guess Rodin can't teach a master like me. But he is a master...of BS. My suggestion to you would be to take all your money and all the money you can borrow and invest in this great invention. Maybe you will become very rich.

posted on Jan, 30 2008 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by MBF

Originally posted by Freezer

Wow, what a insightful comment. Must feel good to insult people over the internet with your superior college intellect? And yes, I finished college years ago, so you can take your assumptions and ...

Of course someone like Rodin couldn't teach a master like you huh?

My turn for an assumption -> Probably didn't even give Rodin a chance did you? No worries, your loss.

Well, my field was mechanical engineering and specifically, power generation. I did give Rodin a couple of minutes of my time and all I saw was Fluff and BS, so I guess Rodin can't teach a master like me. But he is a master...of BS. My suggestion to you would be to take all your money and all the money you can borrow and invest in this great invention. Maybe you will become very rich.

Ironically you would become rich off something like the Rodin Coil. Actually Rodin is dirt poor and is not interested in making money or marketing his ideas...He gives it away for free to anyone who can understand it.
For example the guy at Microsoft who was afraid Rodin would sue him for taking Rodins theory and developing code from it, but as Rodin stated, thats what he wants people to do.

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