Do you think with the raid that took place on David Copperfield that his secrets of his magic will be revealed?
"On Thursday, FBI officials raided a Las Vegas warehouse used by Copperfield. Seattle FBI agent Robbie Burroughs said Thursday the case was related
to one in Washington."
Wow that is #ed up! What a shame it is to go accuseing someone of something like that... I mean its not like the dude isn't famous and even IF he
were that type of person I'm relativly sure he has had hypnotisim training and could of used it to commit such a vile act IF he were that type of
person...but he aint. He's a married man with kids.
I think the FBI is aware that there's a high chance that the accusations are totally groundless but nevertheless they are obliged to investigate. The
reason for the FBI's secrecy in this investigation, in my opinion, is to avoid unnecessary embarrassment for the accuser and/or the Bureau if the
investigation comes up empty-handed.