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Bin Laden Question

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:31 PM
Can someone straighten something out for me?

I've read somewhere on this board that Bin Laden never admitted being responsible for the 9/11 attacks, instead he just praised those responsible.

But I could have sworn that Bin Laden was talking in an interview about how he and Al-Qaida were responsible, and said something along the lines of "We just wanted to damage the towers, we never meant to actually bring them down."

Am I way off base on this? Someone please correct me

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 08:35 PM
Actually he completely denied having any part in the attacks. And yes, he had praised Allah for the attacks. Not a good guy believe me, but not the 9/11 guy. Osama should've been assassinated during clinton but the republicans impeached him regardless of being such a great president.

Clinton regrets being impeached every day. That's why he has set up so many non-profits and raised like a billion dollars in 3 days to go towards global warming. So anyone who didn't like clinton really must suck.

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