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Gearing up for another world war?

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posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:44 AM
There are several discernible things going on involving the United States, Iraq, and Iran. I've noticed a few things in the news recently that could just be 'bad-business' as usual, continuing in the tradition of the United States' ass-backwards foreign relations, or could be setting up for a much larger scale conflict.

There are a few reasons why I think things are being set up for a middle eastern war backed by the superpowers and fought over there. There's no direct evidence, but there are several things which help set up the scenario.

One thing is Bush inviting the Dalai Lama to the United States to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor. (The highest honor available to non-military people in the US). Now the reason that this seems a bit fishy is a) Does Bush really care about the Dalai Lama? He's a warhawk and he's meeting with someone who believes in peace. b) This is the killer.. the Dalai Lama was the 'leader' of Tibet who tried to have a peaceful revolution and was unsuccessful. The Dalai Lama was the unofficial leader of that. Now consider that Tibet is controlled by China and have already made it known they were not happy with the US honoring "the leader of a seperatist state"

Another thing is the recent bombing in Pakistan. The ex-Prime Minister who was widely popular among the nation came back after a self chosen exile. When she finally came back to the country I was listening to NPR in my car and they were talking about how there was going to be this big rally and all these people were turning out to see her. HOWEVER, they would be beefing up security to try and prevent pro-taliban fighters from attacking her. This seemed to me to be a perfect set up, think about it.. World War one was partially started with the Archduke Franz Ferdinand being assasinated. So here is this important and beloved leader finally making a homecoming trip.. and sure enough 130 people are killed, in a bombing on the motorcade. Luckily the former PM was not.

Another is the recent involvement with Turkey in Iraq. The Turkish, who back in 2003 denied sending troop support and denied the US access to bases, only giving the very minimum access they could. Now, they are planning on moving into the relatively stable area in North Iraq to fight off Kurdish rebels. This seems to be a very complicated situation. There are several rebel groups all fighting to have a revolt the way they want it.

"A Kurdish insurgent group known as Pejak--supported by the US government and working with US Special Forces and intelligence agencies on the ground --a dvocates the violent overthrow of the Islamic government in Iran."

This throws up all sorts of flags, just think about us backing Osama and Afghanistan, only to have them use the weaponry we gave them against us. (Or at least on video tapes in the desert shooting off guns to make us fear them). But still, the same idea. And keep in mind the Turkish military is going to fight Kurdish rebels, however, we are backing some of them.

To wrap it up,
The Chinese government, much like many other nations are being insulted by our foreign relations, and seemingly defiant actions. Now consider the added bonus of the Pakistani people trying to be sided with us, in the name of freedom, and united against the Taliban. Not to mention the added Turkish involvement in Iraq, our siding with the anti-Iran rebels, and the placement of the country (being a very important location). Now this is only what I've seen in the past week or so, not to mention the continuing threats to Iran from the US, but it all just concerns me a little bit. I'm very weary of the way we are stepping on toes and the loose alliances that seem to be forming. And with Iran looming overhead, the first violent action by us, or them, or some other inciting action will break this open..

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 09:50 AM

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Of course Bush cares he took his time to liberate Iraq for crying out loud. Bush is a great man, and he is only preparing America for the Tribulation.

Red China is occupying a land where the people don't want them. Dalai Lama is a freedom fighter, I'm glad they gave him the honor.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 10:41 AM
It is very true that the Dalai Lama is a true hero, and should be rewarded for his actions. But I just question the motives of it.. it seems to be more to antagonize China than to reward a great man.

It's not something that will antagonize enough to seriously incite anything, but with enough pieces of the straw you will soon have a heaping mound thats too heavy to hold (excuse my bad analogies).

I don't seriously believe Bush is a supporter of the Dalai Lama, especially considering his views for peace and Bush's views for his profiteering, war-mongering hell.

And no offense, but I can't help but laugh at the statement "Of course Bush cares he took his time to liberate Iraq for crying out loud. Bush is a great man, and he is only preparing America for the Tribulation." If you mean he is preparing us for the tribulation that Isreal/America is bringing upon the world, you may be right.

I wish we could elect the Dalai Lama for president..

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Eclipse_Solar
Of course Bush cares he took his time to liberate Iraq for crying out loud. Bush is a great man, and he is only preparing America for the Tribulation.

Bush liberated nothing: US/Coalition soldiers did all the "liberating" And considering the destruction that has been wrought apon the civilian population, id say he's done more to oppress them.

Besides, there a number of countries that actually require "liberating" where their governments are brutally oppressing its population (Bruma comes to mind as it is a recent incident) and bush does nothing for them. Why?

Red China is occupying a land where the people don't want them.

You should actually do some heavy reading on the history of Tibet and the theocracy that previously ruled that country. It was anything but peace and love.

Dalai Lama is a freedom fighter, I'm glad they gave him the honor.

No he isnt. He's a spiritual leader. He isnt leading guerilla attacks against Chinese assets in Tibet.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Mind_Wanderer
I wish we could elect the Dalai Lama for president..

The history of Tibet is riddled with brutalities, desperate poverty, sexual abuse, and mutiliations. That is to say, the theocrats that previously ruled the land of Tibet brought those things onto the heads of the civilian population.

The Dali Lama is a spiritual leader and should NEVER be the political leader of Tibet. Theocracy is a terrible thing.

More information can be found here:Friendly Fuedalism

[edit on 19-10-2007 by InSpiteOf]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:47 PM
I said "I wish we could elect the Dalai Lama for president" fully joking. A theocracy does not equate to a peaceful existence, and can be just as oppressive as any other government, including communist governments and democracies. I was just joking to the fact of having a president who doesn't believe in war and actually fights for peace.. the things that the Dalai Lama is supposed to base his life on.

I was completely unaware of the massive amount of corruption in Tibet amongst the Dalai Lamas and everyone else. I'm very surprised to see a nation that bases beliefs on Buddhism to be more of a slave state, where the leaders are just as rich as the kings of old and the leaders of today. I am very surprised to learn of the CIA's involvement and support too. It actually clears up the question of 'What does Bush care about the Dalai Lama for?' Very enlightening, thank you

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by Mind_Wanderer

Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding then. As per the article, that is why I dont shed a tear for those monks that were deprived of their vast holdings and "servants" If you liked that article, you should check out the rest of his posted works (just delete the tibet part from the link, should take you to an index) Or better yet, grab some of his books, they are highly informative.

On topic: I dont know if we will se another "World War" as much of the world is Western friendly. Though i can definately forsee the Middle East drowning in the bloodshed of a future war.

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