Originally posted by Shade O. Danzer
At the risk of going south when I die, I think that the bible may prove that god is not a single being, but may be aliens, that used their own DNA to
create mankind.
From the Bible:
Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.....
Genesis 2:21 - And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept; then He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in
that place.
Genesis 3:8 - And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking.....
Genesis 3:9 Then the Lord God called to the man and said "Where are you?"
Genesis 3:22Then the Lord God said "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, .....
God was talking to angels when He said 'us'/'our'
Eve was made from Adam. Adam was created from dirt. There is no abduction here.
My KJV Bible says, "And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day" To me, it sounds as though they were
walking and heard God. They then hid and He called them saying, "Where art thou?" Because God likes to talk with men. He could be like, 'Hey, you,
hiding.' But, He gives man a chance to come out from their darkness. It is why He created us, WILLINGNESS. God knew where they were, and knew why
they were hidding. He wanted to see if they would confess.
Ever play hide-and-seek with a little kid? Even if you know where they are, you say, "Where are you." -To get a reaction.
I used to believe in aliens and all kinds of crazy ideas, until I was filled with The Holy Spirit. And the Lord spoke to me and gave me truth to many
things I thought. (ie, I thought cannabis was okay, because it comes from the ground. But, it came with the curses that came from Adam and Eve eatting
from the Tree Of Knowledge, it came from sin, therefore is sin.)
The Bible is very clear that there were giants in the early days. Aliens did not build the pyraminds. Giants and slaves did so. Imagine what you could
do if you were twelve feet tall, like some used to be.
The first commandment is: The Lord thy God is one.
There is nothing in the Bible about God creating any beings outside of the earth, aside from the angels. I believe that aliens are a tool of satan to
take belief from God. And on the day of the Rapture, "ALIENS ATTACK!" Is going to be the headline. Because the true children of God will be taken
up, and there will be so many church goers who will not believe they could have missed the Rapture, because they think they are one with the Lord, but
they do not have truth. So, they won't know what to think. And non-believers will be so influenced by the spirit of Anti-Christ, aliens will be the
only thing that comes to their mind.
Genesis 4 states very clearly that Adam knew (which is Bible for had sex with) Eve and bare Cain.
God led the Israelites with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. He doesn't need mans technology to do that. He created a pillar of FIRE. He
also gave them water from out of a rock, where is the alien connection there.
God is more powerful than you could ever hope to dream about (why you are on earth anyhow) After death, we will all bow before Him and confess that
Jesus is Lord. We will all wintess His glory. But if you keep on thinking that God is an alien, or even that God does not exist... You will be "going
south" when you die.
The Bible is the word of God. Read the tablets if you want it straight from the times. The KJV was translated from the early works. The Chatolic Bible
and newer versions of the Bible are variations. They add their own "insight" to them. There is a big difference from translation and variation. The
apocrypha is not the word of God, hence it's not in the Bible.
There are people born with two heads, four arms, extra limbs, etc... So, a person with 24 fingers and toes doesn't make him someone from outterspac