posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:38 PM
Hi, a little over a year ago I held something I can't identify so far. I'll try to describe it.
It look to be a "healthy speicimen" to me. It's overall length is about 3 inches.
Picture your left hand out and there is a triangle about 5/8" equal sides with a point facing you (center bottom) and the other points are top left
and top right.
The top left and top right are extended out about 3/16" where they then turn in "hooks" which look more like "thorns" about 1/8" long at a 90
degree angle. The bottom center point extends down abot 2" like a tube of 1/8 or 1/16" width and abruptly ends. The "creature" is clear. I see
things in it but what grabs my attention is the blood red vein like thing going from each "hook" down to meet in the center of the central
triangluar body and then runs down the "tail" and ends at the end of the tail like tube.
I freaked because it was like something out a horror sci-fi movie/book and let it go down the drain.
Since then I seen 2 more but those 2 "seemed dead or near death" and they weren't clear/see threw. They had a white geletin cover/coating all over
Any one can tell me what this is????