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The WTC Collapse Debris Field doesn't look right.

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posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:30 AM
So I am channel surfing the other day, and I catch something that reminds me of 9/11. They showed a total global collapse of a 10 story building, not sure where it was

What was interesting was it was a building failure without fire or any other mishap. It just failed and they weren't sure why, all though they investigated it.

How it looked, in the end was interesting, huge massive chunks of concrete imbedded in steel that sat quite high, it seemed just as high as the WTC after collapse. But it looked like it should debris wise. Similar to a building that an eathquake brought down.

There is something about the WTC debris field that is unnatural for a building of that size. To much concrete was pulverized before it hit the ground. Sure some would break up but not to the extent of a natural global collapse.

What are your thoughts on how the concrete was pulverized so much and so fast compared to other structures that have collapsed?

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

[edit on 18-10-2007 by Blue_Jay33]

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