posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:54 PM
Sleek12 I'm very impressed with your new invention, hopefully some day soon you will make your fortune, and we will all get to see your invention in
action and even get to see the proud inventor.
Drawing upon my past experiences with static electricity and electromagnetism what worked for me, might also work for you; except yours would have to
be controlled by your computer in some manner.
What you need Sleek12 is a disrupter. A disrupter in this particular case is something simple like a piece of metal, possibly a copper wire in the
shape of a cirlce or rectangle, somewhat similar as an antennae. Except in this particular case as it moves around your single transmitter,
controlled by your computer, it would in effect cause a disruption in the magnetic and static fields you are generating. Depending on the strength of
your device, you may need to add more wraps in the coil to cause more disruption of the field it is in.
The coil may differ in regards to the metal you use also; I suggest you use coils of copper, and coils of steel and see which one works better. If
you can make it so your computer can move this disruptive coil all 360 degrees around your field you are creating, I'm sure you will be on the right
track to getting your craft to move in a certain direction with the proper programing.
I wish you good luck on your endevour, and I hope you will be very secretive about your discovery, because even your best friends can't be trusted
with such a secret, and if your married, you are really in for rough times, because your spouse would always want to know what you are doing, and it
would be hard to keep your secrets from your spouse. But... you simply have to tell them like it truly is, and that is "Loose lips sink ships", and
if your lips are loose, it will be your fault and your fault only when your sink ships. So, stay afloat my friend. Others of us have stayed afloat
with our discoveries; but it is very hard at times.
Also Sleek12 a word of caution, please be very careful when you try making your lateral movements with your craft. At the speeds you state, you know
that if it gets out of control, and you know it will in your experiments, simply because that is how things work out, then it could kill you or
someone you love, or something of that sort. So be very protective of yourself, others and things around you my friend, and may your craft become
better than your best wished for dreams.
And... please keep us informed of your progress, I'm sure everyone hear would love to help you out in any way any of us can. But... keep those lips
closed my friend as to your secrets....