posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:47 PM
I am impressed that so many are not willing to read and pay attention.
I mean no offense by that; it just seems that too many people are assuming rather than figuring out the point.
LOOK at the north star. Ask yourself the question, "Why are there no clear pictures of the third brightest object in the sky?" IT would seem to me
that somebody is trying to get us to think.
For those who wish not to think, the motto here is to "Deny ignorance". Therefore, we think.
It is not good to simply give out information. It is better to give clues and let someone figure it out, being the person who may accept the reward
for being able to solve the puzzle.
Simple kindergarteners understand this concept.
The OP is clearly not saying that the North star is the third brightest object in the sky. The OP is also probably not referring to Venus.
How often do we see pictures of the Space Station from earth?
What other importance does the north star have except for being a guide for sailors once upon a time?
Maybe it is possible that the Space Station is acting like a beacon much like Polaris once used to be...
Or maybe this is just a thinking exercise. Don't beg people for information, though - it doesn't suit an entity which claims to "Deny
Another possibility: if the OP is referring to Venus, it does not make sense that we are not able to receive good pictures of Venus OR the moon - and
yet we can see Polaris Ab on top of Polaris A from many light years away.
(Though, I would like to point out that most everyone already realizes that we are being jipped as far as the "galactic perspective" is
Good post either way.