posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:33 PM
I think personally that the religious texts that are enlightened and not instructions to slaughter, are inspired by a creator. I also believe that our
lives we live, from Abraham to zena are vessels of Gods expression. And how can we see what God is trying to tell us. Well the bible says we will
need eyes that see and ears that hear, meaning we need to be open. Now this goes along with many native cultures who claim a deity(s) and have
ritualistic practices.
Our lives are gods story to himself and us. The universe he created becomes a pallette of his expression, and he/she/it demonstrates its power from
the macrocosm to the microcosm of our existence. Those that dont believe in a creator, make yourself a universe and swim around in it once. Do it
come on I know your holding back.
Random chaos of a perfect system, flawed to the victim of a disease of course because hey, God would never let his loved ones get sick, even after
they betray there origins a billion times.
So the basicly those that think that there isnt a god because theres appearent flaws because we die or get sick are deluding themselves by ignoring
the probable intent of God, which to God, all things are living always, and our universe is an offshoot of reality. Meaning were trapped in an
observable bubble. Intentionaly because "the snake" and "adam and eve" made god angry, then so did the jews alledgedly, and look at us today,
technological retards still seeking money rather than enlightenment. Is it any wonder God wants us to feel pain. I would too.