posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 09:04 AM
hi there, i was "googling" for superhuman abilities and i found out this foruns, i was watching some of them and i decided to post here something
i has born with a rare desease named "anemia talassemia"
its a rare desease of the blood that decreases the red blood cells, making me get tired fast, and i need a lot of oxigen to get a life like any normal
i recently knew another person with the same desease i have, she is a 22year old girl, and she cant do her life without remedies or medical treatment,
she passed most of her life in hospital beds.
i had a start of a leucemia when i was 7years old. but i dnt have it anymore, since that i had measles and skin deseases that were cured in 3-4hours.
i had heart deseases that all my family from the side of my mother had and it was cured after some time, all my other deseases that have anything to
do with the blood i can heal from them.
does any one has the same i do? is this normal? if yes, why is that girl with the same desease i do in a hospital bed?
i wanted to know if anyone knows more about this and if anyone can tell me what can or what cant i do, i mean, i wonder if i can heal from AIDS, i
dont have, and im not thinking of geting AIDS, but if my blood can heal AIDS?
i really apreciate your replys.
thanks for reading this