posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:48 AM
I have a question regarding space exploration. Many Government in the world have a NASA like program. Many countries study space and send satalites
up and probes to conduct tests, and a lot of people in the general public in my opinion are interested in exploring space, so my question is this:
Why hasn't NASA or any of these other governments asked for a volunteer to be sent on a life long mission to see what is out there?
I think it would be pretty feasable (and I am no rocket scientist here) to have one person in a device that would initialy once into space, have some
sort of propulsion to get it going. Once the fuel ran out of the propulsion system, it would have enough speed to keep moving through space. This
person could have supplies for a few years or so and write down his findings, contacts or whatever and send them back to Earth's direction through a
smaller rocket or something attached to his craft. Would this not be a good way to collect data or information about the universe?
Has this secretly been done before? What does everyone think?