posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:06 PM
Okay, I don't mean to complain, but the spinning girl illusion was first posted by me on this site. Since then there have been 2 other topics about
the SAME thing posted and yet mine got the lowest views/replies. I don't post very much, just look at my points. I thought I stumbled onto some thing
cool but as my bad luck would have it, my spot light was siphoned away by others who I'm sure didn't see my post as it was posted here in BTS, not
the first time it's happened. So I'll just say this. from now on I'll just keep my mouth shut and deny ignorance, if what I say is ignored and is
repeated by others who get the credit, I'll just continue to do what I've always done in life. Observe.
Anyone else have this happen to them?
I do love this site and know that the mods can only do so much, but I still feel cheated, so I'll sit here and just lurk from now on unless I feel on
commenting on another topic. I give up trying to post some thing new only to be beaten to the punch, or to be ignored while other posts about the same
topic are started and get the credit.
Take care guys.
[edit on 16-10-2007 by Slash]