posted on May, 12 2010 @ 10:12 AM
The only conspiracy here is the conspiracy to separate the human race by the NWO.
The NWO are on their last legs, having proven their greed, craveness, villany and outright incompetence. They will do anything and everything to gain
back control, after the masses had their eyes unblinkered to see what their Master's collaborators and puppets truly are.
The last trick left on the book to protect themselves is the racial card, always successful, tried and tested. Most of the NWO are descendents of the
thieving colonnial past, and are white.
Should push comes to shove, these overfed NWOs will be easily recognisable at a glance, and the first targets for wrath.
The only way they will hope to survive public whiplash as well as incalcating fear into humanity is to divide and conquer, the tactic used by the
Colonial Brits to rule its empire where the sun never sets, enslaving whole mankind even of the white races.
There are plenty of dissatisfied and foolish rednecks and KKKs whom they will use to do the dirty job for them.
Thus you can see them regularly spewing the hate in various manners to insidiously and cunningly repeat and reinforce the race issue until many get so
used to it and would believe that whites are being targeted, which in reality is a lie or ill perceived misconceptions.
Evidences are thrown into the wind, just repeat that white are maligned and it will sink into many a mind. Fear of non-existant persecution abounds.
Laws will be re-enacted to curtail all rights, white or black, police steps in, army called upon, and the NWO wins again. They read humans like a
NO!!! We must not be divided! White or black or yellow or blue, we bleed the same and aspire the same - progress, prosperity, equality and peace in
our lifetimes and for our generations. Let not such insidous and non-existant fears permeats and divide us!
It's time to Hoist the Colors!!!!