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Foo Fighters Acknowledge NWO??

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:24 PM
More and more everyday the oppressed and repressed get a new spokesman.

Now correct me if I am wrong but it sure seems to me via lyrics and the video itself that Dave the gang from Foo-Fighters are quite aware of the NWO and have a very clear message for it.


They Should dedicate this song to RON PAUL'S CAMPAIGN!!

Gives me the Chills

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Chicagofreedomfighter]

[edit: title - all caps]
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[edit on 16-10-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 03:43 PM
I like this one too, by Muse, a British band. The lyrics combined with deep bass and cryptic piano makes this a killer. The song is called "Ruled by Secrecy."

Muse - Ruled by Secrecy --Lyrics

"Repress and restrain
steal the pressure and the pain
wash the blood off your hands
this time she won't understand

Change in the air
and they'll hide everywhere
no one knows who's in control

You're working so hard
and never in charge
your death creates success
rebuild and suppress

change in the air
and they'll hide everywhere
no one knows who's in control

change in the air
and they'll hide everywhere
no one knows who's in control"

[edit on 16-10-2007 by Unplugged]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 06:18 PM
A lot of rock bands have something against the government and their songs reflect it

Rise Against, Sum 41, Bad Religion to name a few

[edit on 16-10-2007 by bluewagon]

[edit on 16-10-2007 by bluewagon]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:40 PM
Another one by Muse - Exo Politics, to me seems to be hinting at the 2012 fiasco!

And it's also an awesome song


Open skies over me
I am waiting patiently
I wait for a sign

As conspiracies unwind
Will you slam shut
Or free your mind
Or stay hypnotised

When the Zetas fill the skies
Will our leaders tell us why
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

And I've waited patiently
And I wait for the sign

Carried through the centuries
Secrets locked up
And loaded on my back
Well it weights me down

When the Zetas fill the skies
It's just our leaders in disguise
Fully loaded satellites
Will conquer nothing but our minds

I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign, yeah
And I'm waiting patiently
And I'll wait for the sign

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 07:57 PM
those are good songs and its good more and more people are being outspoken about everything the Govt. tries to cover up with dumb excuses.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 06:42 AM
I have noticed messages I can get behind in both Muse and Foo Fighters lyrics. I would also throw American Idiot in there, though Green Day got too much play from it and when you ask someone about Green Day they will say "I used to like them but now they got too political.

But back to Muse, I really like their album "Black Holes and Revelations" (I'm working on getting into their old stuff now) And they come right out and say it in the song "Knights of Cydonia"

"Come ride with me through the veils of history,
I'll show you a God falls asleep on the job,
How can we win when fools can be kings?
Don't waste your time or time will waste you
No-one's going to take me alive
The time has come to make things right
You and I must fight for our rights
You and I must fight to survive"

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 10:14 AM
Thats awesome... I wasnt aware of the lyrics for 'Knights of Cydonia'
. I dont think I have 'Exo-Politics'...downloading it right now.
I just recently started listening to a month and a half ago, great band.

If you want to hear something thats angry about the NWO, look up a rapper named Immortal Technique. Hes absolutely vicious, has a clear voice, and an excellent delivery. Best rapper out there as far as Im concerned, most everyone else are trash.

...shot lyric snippet:

"I hacked the Pentagon for self-incriminating evidence
Of Republican manufactured white powder pestilence
Marines Corps. flak vest, with the guns and ammo
Spittin' bars like a demon stuck inside a piano
I turn a Sambo into a soldier with just one line
Now here's the truth about the system that'll [****] up your mind
They gave Al Queda 6 billion dollars in 1989 to 1992
And now the last chapters of Revelations are coming true
And I know a lot of people find it hard to swallow this
Because subliminal bigotry makes you hate my politics
But you act like America wouldn't destroy two buildings
In a country that was sponsoring bombs dropped on our children
I was watching the Towers, and though I wasn't the closest
I saw them crumble to the Earth like they was full of explosives
And they thought nobody noticed the news report that they did
About the bombs planted on the George Washington bridge
Four Non-Arabs arrested during the emergency
And then it disappeared from the news permanently
They dubbed a tape of Osama, and they said it was proof
"Jealous of our freedom," I can't believe you bought that excuse
Rockin a m********n flag don't make you a hero
Word to Ground Zero
The Devil crept into Heaven, God overslept on the 7th
The New World Order was born on September 11"

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 08:46 PM
matt embree of rx bandits always knows whats going on the day things happen
it amazes me
and it what eventually led me to here months ago..
they are comming out
hope people listen to them more

matt embree (overcome) the re-capitulation

all our problems in that song
check them out more to see what im saying

[edit on 18-10-2007 by alwaysinvert]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:18 AM
When I first read this, I instantly thought about all those protest and anti-establishment songs of the 60's and 70's. This has been a common theme in a lot of rock/rap songs for a while now. They may not have said "NWO," but they were on the right track. Buffalo Springfield's "For what its Worth" comes to mind, Circa 1968.

"There's somethin' happenin' here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun, over there
Tellin' me I got to beware

(I think it's time we)
Stop, children, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's goin' down?

There's battle lines bein' drawn
Nobody's right if everybody's wrong
Young people speakin' their minds
Gettin' so much resistance from behind

(It's time we)
Stop, hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's goin' down?

What a field day for the heat
A thousand people in the street
Singin' songs and carryin' signs
Mostly sayin', "hooray for our side"

(It's time we)
Stop, hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's goin' down?

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away

(We better)
Stop, hey, what's that sound?
Everybody look - what's goin' down?"


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:44 AM
Please dont take this the wrong way.
I am a huge Foo Fighters and Rise Against fan, listening right now actually. But as far as acknowledging the NWO in their lyrics, sorry, no sale, they are tapping into a market.
Just like rock bands have been doing for 50 years.
Why would they have any more information regarding the allegded NWO than you or me.
There muso's, not movers and shakers. Guaranteed if it came down to it, they will tow the line of the record company's that pay their way. They have bills to pay just like the rest of us, you think their going to risk that.
Their selling records man, thats all. Do you think TOOL are in contact with aliens as well. Do Ironmaiden have esoteric knowledge of the pyramids. Have Venom really sold their souls to Satan.


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:55 AM

I agree

I wish lyrics could be more convictious and less poetic. tell us some names, point the finger at something everyone can look at

I like this one from disturbed "land of confusion"

lyrics arnt too striking but the video pretty much says it all

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by tom goose

Id agree Tom except "Land of Confusion" is a Phil Collins song. Right there i'm thinking commercial marketing ploy.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:09 AM
ya ive been told that before, but given the content of the video, a marketing ploy with the lyrics of phil collins could help broaden the target market a bit.

didnt make much of a stir by itself, but i hope its one of the media peices that might help trigger more trend in voiceing opinion over such subjects.

exposing the banking elite, to me, should be concern #1 so i cant hate this video one bit.

[edit on 19-10-2007 by tom goose]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 03:26 AM
reply to post by Chicagofreedomfighter

Excellent video, I like the bit where the cops are rushing at them with the sticks and the guitar noise breaks the glass! that looked great

What is the name of this song so i can go check the actual lyrics


posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 04:18 AM

Cool thread.

Here's another great Muse song that really resonated with me the first time I heard it.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by mojo4sale
Please dont take this the wrong way.
I am a huge Foo Fighters and Rise Against fan, listening right now actually. But as far as acknowledging the NWO in their lyrics, sorry, no sale, they are tapping into a market.


You could be right but at least they sound like they care about something instead of just rapping about how great they are, how many women they sleep with, how rich they are, or even my gf broke up with me boo hoo.

They have a louder voice than you and I do on this forum and they may be trying to make as much of a difference as they can.

Oh and I took a rock history class at a university and they taught us without flinching that Rock and Roll was started by Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil. No it was not a Christian University.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by JimmyBlonde

Thanks for posting that video, that was the song I was talking about earlier. Not only does it have great lyrics, but the instruments are excellent as well.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by mojo4sale
Do you think TOOL are in contact with aliens as well.

I think Maynard IS an alien.

Unless someone goes up to Maynard and asks him his beliefs..then we won't know. Sometimes I wonder when I listen to "Rosetta Stoned", even though his 'person' in the song was apparently on drugs. Might be masking for something that could have happened, albeit not that flashy or fashionable (A flaming banana splitting the sky? lol)

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 11:37 AM
I know Dave Grohl personally. He lives 5 mins from me in Va. He is very aware of what the government is up too. I can't speak for any of the other musician you posted about the the Foo is not just trying to hit a market of demograph, they are aware.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 06:09 PM
Another musician who has released anti NWO, police state music is Dave Mustaine from Megadeth. Check out the new album "United Abominations". It has lots of anti NWO, police state lyrics.

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