posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 02:53 PM
hey all hows it going? well yea im not a regular poster everyday i do check about every day the forums just for some news/laughs/ and tips on movies
games and so on.
anyways i was just asking for some prayers and maybe some advice on what to do.
Long story short. mom went into hospital complaing of chest pains (not heart) but like that area. the did cat scan and everything and diagnosed it as
pneunomia (yea cant spell sorry) everything was fine pain went away cam ehome about 3 weeks later they wanted a follow up exam. so she got another Cat
scan and they found a mass about the size of a finger nail on her left lung. that was the same mass they "treated" earlier. but they wanted to do a
lung biopsy (needle in to take tissue sample) and they did that today. bad news.... lung cancer.
im not really pointing fingers now or anything yes
she did smoke but she quit and yes my dad smokes and everything so i dont really care if they brought it upon themselves or not. first in family line
on moms side to have it. dads side had my grandma have it. but tomarrow we find out whether it can be operated/kemo-ed on or not.
i guess im just looking for someone who has been through or nos what its like and kinda wondering what i should expect. hasnt spread and everything
but still....
so just asking for some prayers and tips...
Thanks all i will update and i love BTS (just havent posted regularly on it)
thanks again