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Water Politics in Dalton & Atlanta GA

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 08:43 AM
I’m trying to fit all the pieces of an extended puzzle together involving the water politics in the southeast. As you all know, the southeast is involved in an exceptional drought. But what most may not know, or want to believe, is that this drought is man-made. I’ve noticed that everytime a front comes into the area that extensive chemtrail spraying comes with the front. This chemtrail spraying causes a high pressure area that the rain moves around and therefore we don’t get any precipitation (although Texas floods for it). The question of the day is WHO IS PROFITING FROM CREATING AN EXTENDED DROUGHT IN THIS AREA?

There’s some background information that comes into play here. Before Bob Corker was given the election over Harold Ford, Jr (can anyone say electronic voting machines??? EVERYONE I know…50 some odd people…voted for Ford…and Corker was the sole Republican to win a new seat…right…), he was mayor of Chattanooga. While he was mayor of Chattanooga he was involved in a rather nasty attempt to take over the private water company providing water for Chattanooga- Tennessee American Water Company. One of the stories we heard is that Chattanooga was going to sign a contract with Dalton, GA to provide them with water and a pipeline was going to be built. Several environmental groups had problems with this, as water was going to be moved from one watershed to another. This went to court and some nasty underhanded tactics by the city occurred but TAWC won out. Next thing you know, Corker gets his doggy bone through the power of Electronic Voting Machines and then the year after we have man-made chemtrail drought.

What I’m wondering is if this man-made drought has something to do with the government wanting access to private water companies in the area…and why?

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by tnangela

I think it's a "water for carpet" conspiracy.

It's a way for energy CEO's to toss out their old shags and blackmail the carpet, tile and flooring industy into getting rid of their dust mites. My opinion.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:16 AM
I can't speak to the situation in TN or the chemtrail issue, however, the water shortage crisis is definitely man-made.

First, the Army Corp of Engineers cotrols the major water shed for the metropolitan Atlanta area, Lake Lanier. The Corp releases 33,000 gallons of water per minute downstream for industrial, environmental and water consumption purposes. The Corp has continued to release at this rate dispite the 16 inch rain fall deficit in the region.

Additionally, this summer the Corp had an "accidental" release of 10's of millions of gallons of water within a 24 hour period - resulting in a three foot drop in lake level. They failed to report the incident and only when pressured by the city of Cumming, GA and local community groups did they admit to the release and blamed it on a faulty valve. They did not curtail or reduce subsequent releases in order to compensate for the accidental relase. They owe us three feet of water!

Now, add to this scenario the ridiculous and unchecked growth and development in the Atlanta area and you have a crisis looming. New neighborhoods with empty houses and identical strip malls every five miles. Who is moving into these houses and how many nail salons does one city need?

By many estimates, the Atlanta area has only a 3 - 4 month supply of water left. Water dependent businesses, such as Coca-Cola, beverage bottlers, car washes and plant nurseries have been put on notice that within the next few weeks they may be prohibited from operating at full capacity, if at all.

Certainly, for the past few years, Corporate America has been successful in converting water from a natural resource available to everyone to an income producing commodity. Based on the principle of Supply and Demand, someone will be making a lot of money in Georgia soon - at our expense.

[edit on 16/10/2007 by kosmicjack]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:24 AM
I mean really - After the failed levees in New Orleans and the sham of rebuiding them to the exact same specs, can anyone say that the Corp of Engineers is competent or trustworthy?

Rest assured, in the next few months, barring any significant rainfall, the crisis in the Atlanta metro area may just be as huge as New Orleans, only instead of too much water, we won't have any.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:12 AM
Originally posted by kosmicjack

I can't speak to the situation in TN or the chemtrail issue, however, the water shortage crisis is definitely man-made.

to add to this scenario the ridiculous and unchecked growth and development in the Atlanta area and you have a crisis looming. New neighborhoods with empty houses and identical strip malls every five miles. Who is moving into these houses and how many nail salons does one city need?

I'm glad somebody understands how ridiculous Atlanta's growth has been.

From cheap materials (wood chips & plastic siding), to mundane, clonelike, A-frame architecture, fake lawns (they tear down the natural landscape, replacing it with fake looking trees and sod)... to the goofy names like "Glenwood landing by the lake" or " St. edwards fire on the Chattahoochee" and not to mention the endless cul de sac's.

As you say... these strip mall developers, contractors are playing on the Walmart mentality & just lack of taste.

Atlanta is in trouble... What moron laid out this city?? They don't even have a sign or north bound exit for Atlantic station off the freeway ---- Idiots!

And, then there's the water problem...

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by tnangela
I’m trying to fit all the pieces of an extended puzzle together involving the water politics in the southeast. As you all know, the southeast is involved in an exceptional drought. But what most may not know, or want to believe, is that this drought is man-made. I’ve noticed that everytime a front comes into the area that extensive chemtrail spraying comes with the front.

Stop right there. Prove to me that the contrails are really chemtrails, and prove to me that there’s actually a correlation between their frequency and the approach of storm fronts.

I hope I’m not asking too much.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Chemtrails are being sprayed in E.TN this afternoon therefore we will be getting little rain out of this front tomorrow.

Contrails dissipate. Chemtrails expand. Furthermore there is a type of swirling fluid dynamics that can be seen in chemtrails that contrails don't exhibit...after a few minutes these swirls expand and you can see finger projections every so often. Also if you use time lapse photography you can notice an obvious, concerted effort to spray in patterns. Also lately before a front or during a front the chemtrail spraying starts and then we recieve little precipitation.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by tnangela
Chemtrails are being sprayed in E.TN this afternoon therefore we will be getting little rain out of this front tomorrow.

Contrails dissipate. Chemtrails expand.

So do contrails.

Furthermore there is a type of swirling fluid dynamics that can be seen in chemtrails that contrails don't exhibit...after a few minutes these swirls expand and you can see finger projections every so often.

Show me.

Also if you use time lapse photography you can notice an obvious, concerted effort to spray in patterns.

Show me.

Also lately before a front or during a front the chemtrail spraying starts and then we recieve little precipitation.

Prove it.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:06 PM
Prove it to yourself. I've proven it to myself. Do your own homework. BTW, how much do they pay you to be a disinfo know it's quite obvious.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by tnangela
Prove it to yourself.

No. Y’see, YOU are the one making extraordinary claims. It’s up to YOU to prove them. Not to me to disprove them.

I've proven it to myself.

You’ve convinced yourself. You haven’t proven anything.

Do your own homework.

Practice what you preach.

BTW, how much do they pay you to be a disinfo know it's quite obvious.

I’m not a disinfo agent. I just don’t like people bringing this forum down by posting unsubstantiated or downright bogus crap.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:39 PM
There is a government spraying program...of that you can bet. The drought is man-made. PERIOD.

What exactly ARE the odds of exceptional drought conditions??? Think about it.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by tnangela
There is a government spraying program...of that you can bet. The drought is man-made. PERIOD.

You have no proof. PERIOD.

What exactly ARE the odds of exceptional drought conditions??? Think about it.

I don’t know Georgia, but low odds don’t mean no odds. If the odds were 1 in 100, and Atlanta hasn’t had a significant drought in 100 years, think about that.

You see drought and look for a reason for it. But you’re no meteorologist, are you?

[edit on 17-10-2007 by NRen2k5]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 09:26 AM
The Contrail/Chemtrail Debate- AKA- The Chemtrail Declaration

For the past decade or so, people across the world have noticed a phenomenon of persistent tracks in the sky left by jets that develop into persistent, wispy cirrus type clouds. Even my three year old noticed these on his own and innocently enough calls them “sky scratchers”. Others call them “chemtrails”, and claim they are the result of a government spraying operation. Others refute that our government would ever do such a thing and claim they are only “persistent contrails”. It is my contention that the argument between chemtrails or persistent contrails is only superficial at best, and that legally and constitutionally it makes no difference.

‘The Constitution of our Country’ by the American Book Company states that ones’ liberty ends where it affects the liberty of another. It is my contention, whether they be chemtrails or only persistent contrails, that legally and constitutionally it makes no difference. This pollution and obstruction of the sky affects my liberty (and others) and is therefore unconstitutional. I have set up a time lapse camera aimed at the sky and have recorded many a day turned from blue into grey- with an obstructed sun, caused directly by jet airplanes. I have recorded this phenomenon time and again for posterity to be used as evidence. It is irrefutable. I can watch an entire days worth of air traffic in about twenty minutes or so. Never mind the fact that on time lapse photography one can notice an organized persistent spraying operation involving more than one plane that operates in patterns with great predictability (along with the normal airplane traffic with normal contrails that dissipate quickly). Also never mind the correlation that with every front that should bring potential precipitation into the southeast; as of late, instead of precipitation one can notice “persistent contrail” spraying the day before or the day of the front and the resulting little to no precipitation out of that front. The three seem to coincide…a front, “persistent contrail” spraying, and the result: high pressure and no precipitation. Never mind the correlation between the ‘exceptional drought’ in the southeast and the seemingly sharp increase in “persistent contrails”- coinciding with that ‘exceptional drought’ (what are the odds???). The simple fact is that time lapse photography shows a blue day turned into a grey day caused directly by jet traffic. This simple fact cannot be disputed. It interferes with my life through climate modification and, at the very least, obstruction of the sun (not to mention my pursuit of happiness) and is therefore constitutionally illegal. People have a right to fly up to the point where it doesn’t interfere with my right to have blue skies (or rain- as the Creator so deems).

I took an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and to protect it against enemies- both foreign and DOMESTIC…so do all the leaders and military members of our great nation. If our government is so broken that they can’t address this issue and redress our grievances and have some accountability on this issue then it is our job to do something about it. If I have to single-handedly overthrow the criminal element within our government, by violent means if necessary, to restore our constitutional liberties; then so be it- it is my civic responsibility to do so. Kapish? I would much rather have leadership that would examine this spraying program and the illegality thereof (…where’s the EPA when you need them- as this most definitely qualifies as a form of environmental pollution), than single-handedly fight a revolution. But, if I have no representation before the Federal government, then it is my legal right and civic responsibility to do so; and under the circumstances, cannot be considered treasonous. YE BE WARNED.

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 01:04 PM
Talk is cheap. You can complain about the weather and babble about contrail patterns until you’re blue in the face. But where’s your proof? You aren’t even talking about specific amounts of air traffic or precipitation.…

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 07:44 AM

These videos are obviously relevant to the discussion as they are visual representation of the phenomenon being spoke about.

posted on Aug, 24 2010 @ 07:54 AM
In Atlanta here and totally agree on the drought being oddly coincidental with heavy contrail days. The entire weather/contrail pattern has been bizarre for 10 years now. The 10 years prior we got every storm front that passed through Texas/Lousiana/Mississippi/Alabama, then all of a sudden these fronts started to veer left sooner and sooner. Always figured it was the jet stream had changed or something.

Our county sells water to the next county over who didn't plan for growth, while we've remained on odd-even restrictions for over 10 years with a total restriction two years ago.

In addition GA has lawsuits going with Florida and Alabama about water downstream

This complicates the issue of keeping our own water. Remember when the governor organized a pray for rain rally?

I haven't read of any privatizing in the works though.

[edit on 8/24/2010 by ~Lucidity]

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