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I can't speak to the situation in TN or the chemtrail issue, however, the water shortage crisis is definitely man-made.
to add to this scenario the ridiculous and unchecked growth and development in the Atlanta area and you have a crisis looming. New neighborhoods with empty houses and identical strip malls every five miles. Who is moving into these houses and how many nail salons does one city need?
Originally posted by tnangela
I’m trying to fit all the pieces of an extended puzzle together involving the water politics in the southeast. As you all know, the southeast is involved in an exceptional drought. But what most may not know, or want to believe, is that this drought is man-made. I’ve noticed that everytime a front comes into the area that extensive chemtrail spraying comes with the front.
Originally posted by tnangela
Chemtrails are being sprayed in E.TN this afternoon therefore we will be getting little rain out of this front tomorrow.
Contrails dissipate. Chemtrails expand.
Furthermore there is a type of swirling fluid dynamics that can be seen in chemtrails that contrails don't exhibit...after a few minutes these swirls expand and you can see finger projections every so often.
Also if you use time lapse photography you can notice an obvious, concerted effort to spray in patterns.
Also lately before a front or during a front the chemtrail spraying starts and then we recieve little precipitation.
Originally posted by tnangela
Prove it to yourself.
I've proven it to myself.
Do your own homework.
BTW, how much do they pay you to be a disinfo know it's quite obvious.
Originally posted by tnangela
There is a government spraying program...of that you can bet. The drought is man-made. PERIOD.
What exactly ARE the odds of exceptional drought conditions??? Think about it.