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Has Anyone Else Heard this Dragon Theory???

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Thanks for the post Esoterica but no cigar for you. I don't remember anything about eating rocks or honeycomb bellies, but hey, nice try.

Thanks again for the post.

No, I'm pretty sure I'm right. Next time, If you're gonna be patronzing, at least make sure you're correct

Probably the first thing you will notice is that dragons never flap their wing to fly (okay, sometimes they do, but excessively rarely). Their body is also obviously disproportionate. Fortunately, they explain why relatively soon in the movie. According to the movie, dragons eat gem to crush limestone. limestone being rich in calcium creates hydrogen when in contact with stomach acid. Hydrogen being lighters than air makes the dragon "float" and is also flammable. An important point of the movie is that Peter is able to explain thing logically, which eventually prove to be something invaluable later in the movie. It explains why dragons look like small blimp and where the fire comes from. The reason for dragons hoarding gold is stretchier, according to the movie, this is because dragon could ignite normal furniture by mistake so they need a soft metal to sleep on. Gold remain a metal and while it is malleable, it is still hard by most standards compared to ground for example. At any rate, it's just a movie so, they still deserve praise for the effort.

Doesn't mention the honeycomb bellies or hollow bones, but i'm working off of probably a 15-year old memory here and a short blurb
. But the idea of dragons producing gas to fly is very present in the movie, I remember that much for sure.

[edit on 10-16-2007 by Esoterica]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by johnlear


Do you also believe in the secret government warehouses, ala Raiders of the Lost ark (one of the 3 best movies of all time)?

That whole concept fascinates me. While I think it was a bit exaggerated in ROTA, the idea seems plausible.


posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 11:17 PM
Why couldnt Dragons have existed? My example would be the Bombardier Beetle, Its not fire breathing but this creature mixes chemicals in its body to produce something that burns at about 220 degrees. Imagine being the predator that attacks that sucker!!!!
So, I guess my question here is, If an Insect can create something like this, can a Reptile?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by GiantPanda
Why couldnt Dragons have existed? My example would be the Bombardier Beetle, Its not fire breathing but this creature mixes chemicals in its body to produce something that burns at about 220 degrees. Imagine being the predator that attacks that sucker!!!!
So, I guess my question here is, If an Insect can create something like this, can a Reptile?

I agree, it is quite possible that a form of flying predecessor of the modern bird was capable of 'spitting' some potent acid as a form of defence/attack. Our stomachs use acid to digest food, but evolution doesn't always lead every creature down the same path. Take the common fly for example. It regurgitates onto it's food in order to digest it outside of the body.

So in my opinion it is quite possible that ancient people may have come across a creature, related to the dinosaur with the ability to fly, that also used an ancient method to devour it's food leading to tales of a winged beast that would "breathe fire".

We still have "dragons" today that have an infectious bight - the komodo dragon.

Where these ancient creatures went, or why we have no true evidence of them? Who knows. But as the common theme in this thread states, most myths do have a basis in reality.

I'm for this one, personally.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by badw0lf

The komodo dragon is a perfect example of a creature who's predecessors may have been the basis for "dragons'.

As to why these creatures are no longer walking the earth (if they did indeed exist), it could have something to do with their massive (supposedly) size overwhelming them and eventually driving them to extinction. Or, if they did indeed live during the time of man, it wouldn't be the first creature wiped from the earth by man's ruthlessness.


posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:38 AM
I seen a thread here awhile ago, showing a video that caught a spirit of a dragon on security camera in china.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by StarNeon

Can you find a link to said video? Or can you possibly get some screen caps.

I'm not calling you a liar here, so don't take it that way. Us ATS'ers like a bit of "proof" (for lack of a better word) when it comes to things like this. Plus, I'd just like to see it hahahahaha.


posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by Esoterica

I believe I have found the source of the information I posted.

Author Peter Dickinson postulated that dragons may have evolved from huge carnivorous dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex.. Dickinson believes that the dragons flew and breathed fire via the manipulation of hydrogen gas. The wings evolved from a modified ribcage and the chambered stomach was a huge gas bag. The dragon created hydrogen gas from hydrochloric acid in the gut mixed with calcium from the bones of its victims and ingestion of limestone. The dragon, according to Dickinson was essentially a living hot air balloon. It flew by inflating the expandable gut and using the wings to steer. To descend the gas was exhaled as fire. This also doubled up as a weapon.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 03:37 AM
Another explaination from the source above postulates a kind of quantum dragon.

But looking at dragons as mortal flesh and blood creatures may be wrong. Perhaps they were something much stranger. Maybe the dragon exists as an entity in a reality different to our own. This would explain how they could appear, terrorize a community, and then vanish. We know that atoms vibrate at certain speeds. Could it be possible that there are entities composed of atoms that vibrate at a differing rate, slower or faster than the norm. Usually they would be invisible to us but under certain circumstances they, or us, could "speed up" or "slow down" becoming visible to each other for a short time?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by sherpa
reply to post by Esoterica

I believe I have found the source of the information I posted.

Once again, Peter Dickinson is the author of "Flight of the Dragons," which is a book that was later made into an animated movie. It's fiction. I've posted about the movie three times already

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 07:50 AM
There are very many governmental records from the past that talk about REAL dragons. Marco Polo wrote about dragons on his way to China. I forget the source, but there was one land surveyor (for a king, I believe) that talked about dragons being in a certain area. Do an internet search on "marco polo dragon" or something similar.

Some of the "dragons" that were seen by ancient man were undoubtedly dinosaurs. But I do believe dragons were real, and that they really breathed fire. Incidently, the bible (in the book of Job) specifically states that at least one specie of dragon was aquatic. (i.e., "Leviathan".)

See how closely this description matches with our mythos about dragons (lower belly hard as steel, fire breathing, etc.)

Job 41 The Holy Bible: King James Version.

1Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?

2Canst thou put an hook into his nose? or bore his jaw through with a thorn?

3Will he make many supplications unto thee? will he speak soft words unto thee?

4Will he make a covenant with thee? wilt thou take him for a servant for ever?

[Mod Editing: Format - Jak]

[edit on 18/10/07 by JAK]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:10 AM
I think dragons did exist, my theory about the whole 'fire breathing' thing is, maybe they didnt breath fire, but used very toxic screations (spelling :/)
or such to in a way, 'melt' or even incinerate things, kind of like a komodo on steroids if you ask me


[edit on 17-10-2007 by Opulisum]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 11:29 PM
Well Dragons were seen in so many different cultures. Its hard to belive that from china to europe people were just seeing things....On the other hand, Doenst most cultures have a belief in vampires? It really could go either way if you ask me. I vote for extinct! but not forgotten!

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 01:36 AM
Interesting topic,

We have found many dinosaur fossils etc. so if dragons did in fact exist one of those theories of their bones being cremated must be true. I don't think we could mistake huge wing fossils for dinosaur bones.

If they were seen by humans they they didn't live with dinosaurs thus they weren't cleaned of the earth by a major disaster, so the question, why did they go extinct?

also i highly doubt prehistoric man could have wiped out the dragon population, i just can't imagine it unless we had heat seeking spears.

nonetheless i agree with the idea that in all myths there is truth inside, distorted. I can't imagine someone just making up what a dragon is and everyone just goes along with it for no particular reason.

It sure would be sweet to ride one of them dragons though huh, lol.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 05:59 PM
It's an interesting theory but I agree that it's convenient.I would love to believe that dragons really existed.Dragons are quite common in heraldry and so are chimeras.

I have always been fascinated with dragons and I have them all over my den in pewter, clay, glass, silver, brass and on letter openers, stationary, key chain and a bunch of other stuff. Man, they are all over the place.

Then we have something in common John.I have dragons everywhere.I recently completed an antique 4 piece set.The store owner originally parted with 2 and kept 2.As yet I have not been able to identify their origin or age.All individually cast but identical in design.

I've loved dragons since I was a kid.

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 06:34 PM
dragon myths arose from misunderstood fossils. I used to play rune quest, I was a dragon loving geek, but I think this the best explanation

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 06:53 PM
Just because we can think of how a dragon COULD exist, doesn't mean they ever did. I saw a show on the Discovery channel that talked about how people in medieval times thought that elephant skulls were the skulls of giant cyclops because the hole in the middle of the skull where the trunk was attached. Can you see how this type of thing can work for dragons also?

Hey, believe me, I think it would be great if dragons DID exist, the sad truth though is that they most likely did NOT. I can't see any reason why, if someone knows that they did, that they would cover it up.

[edit on 19-10-2007 by bigbert81]

posted on Oct, 19 2007 @ 07:17 PM
What is the difference between Dragons and Dinosaurs?

I think a touch of myth, which makes Dragons a bit grander than the boring Dinosaurs we have.

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 07:02 AM
Dragon, dragon... A beautiful creature. Dragon is one of the 12 animals that appears in Chinese astrology; Chinese loves the dragon year. For Christianity, dragon is evil. I would love to meet a dragon before my eyes, but I believe it is an imaginary creature.
The typical dragon description is that it breathes fire; but why fire? Is there other types of dragon that creates whirlwind, gushes out water, causes earthquake? The typical four elements are air, fire, water, earth. If dragon exist, then it would fulfill the position of the fire element. So what is the other mythical creatures that fulfill the spot of water, earth and air?

posted on Oct, 20 2007 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by DarkMonk

Im guessing:

Fire: Dragon
Earth: Behemoth
Water: Leviathan
Wind: Ziz

If only they existed

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