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Is this state healtchcare???

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posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 12:59 PM

Apparently with dwindling numbers of "state sponsored" dentists, people are either running to private dentists or are being forced extract their own teeth or superglue crowns back in place. Is that what Hillary means by free, government sponsored health care?

WOW, she can keep it. I'll take my co-pays any day vs. that!

Now thats scary!

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:40 PM
This example is of a state apparatus failing under the weight of private competition. Dentists see its more profittable to go private, leaving a gap of public dentists.

This isnt the expected level of socialized healthcare at all, its the product of a failing system due to privitization, and is not representative of socialized healthcare.

This is what happens when you have an already existing social healthcare system and you move to a two tiered system; those that would be paid by the state see more money in private practise and they move there, creating a shortage of workers. The shortage of workers leads to a decrease in funding to the program, which in turn leads to more job cuts and longer lines. Thus privitization reigns supreme.

This is a possibility in Canada, and it scares the hell out of me.

Im not sure if Hillary is trying to include denistry in her socialized healthcare system or not, but setting up a system where all US citizens get some level of healthcare is not a bad thing, regardless of your knee jerk reaction.

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 03:57 PM
Dentistry, Pediatrics, Pulmonology... Who cares!?!?! Socialized medicine DOESN'T WORK!!! The UK is pulling away from it. Canada is considering introducing a model similar to the UK's. Heck, Canadians are piling across the border for cancer treatment because they realize it's their only chance for survival.

When in God's name are people going to realize that there is no such thing as something for nothing? EVERYTHING has a cost. Free medical care costs quality and timely medical care - not to mention increased taxes to pay for a sub-par system.

Keep what we have! For the most part it works. Those who cannot afford to pay for medical care already have medicare, Medicaid and social services. In other words, we already have a safety net in place. For those who are too stupid to take a part of their income to provide medical care for themselves or their families... not my problem and I shouldn'y have it forced upon me either!

posted on Oct, 15 2007 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Dentistry, Pediatrics, Pulmonology... Who cares!?!?! Socialized medicine DOESN'T WORK!!!

Its worked well for my family (a family of hardworking and decent people)

The UK is pulling away from it. Canada is considering introducing a model similar to the UK's. Heck, Canadians are piling across the border for cancer treatment because they realize it's their only chance for survival.

Canadians that can afford it are piling across the boarder, but the many that cannot afford it are happy its there, like my mother for instance. She would have died 4 months ago if it wasnt for socialized medicine as we could not afford the lifesaving stint put into her kidneys threw her back, the chemo-therapy treatments she is currently undergoing, or her initial surgery.

When in God's name are people going to realize that there is no such thing as something for nothing? EVERYTHING has a cost.

Your right, thats why I pay taxes. Im glad to know that at least some of my tax dollars will prop me up when i need it, instead of being syphoned off into the paychecks of local and federal politicians.

Free medical care costs quality and timely medical care - not to mention increased taxes to pay for a sub-par system.

System worked just fine for me and my family in our time of crisis. Granted the initial wait in the waiting room sucked, but it didnt take days to get her in for treatment.

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