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STS 48

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posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 07:03 PM
"The cover story is "Star Wars Initiative" to prevent missiles from being fired from Russia as was feared at one time. Now, we don't expect that would ever happen. The story was that, if they were fired, we could destroy them incoming. This was the story given to the public and to the Congress in order to appropriate money for the "Star Wars Initiative." It was never intended to be a defense against war between the US and Russia or whomever. It was designed for the sole purpose of keeping aliens out. Any one beam is so powerful that, literally, they can fire into space. Of course STS 48 shows this, and that strangely captured document (sent from space to the ground station and the guy that recorded it on his own, not at NASA facility but parallel), shows the system firing from the ground at a craft, which was moving at what Dr. Holtman said was approximately 100,000 mph. Then, it made a right-angle turn, was fired upon and accelerated to something like 400,000 mph. So, by the time the beam hit the point where the ship should have been, the ship wasn't there any more and didn't get hit. The beam is essentially instantaneous, but they have to focus and the ship got out of range. This showed something firing from the ground. This probably was one of the early tests of the particle-beam weapons system."

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 07:09 PM
providedaliens exist, they cant all be nice..

posted on Jan, 25 2004 @ 07:24 PM
If u look in that video, u can also see that in the first shot there are two other (what appear to be) craft which also deviate course at the exact same time that the first one does (right hand side of picture). Also the other ships look like they too are fired upon with what looks like a simliar method of weapon maybe. Team of craft possibly? Maybe it was the start of the real independence day!

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:17 PM

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by PuPP
That is a strange and compelling piece of video evidence on ufo aircraft that I have ever seen, although I've seen it before, it still amazes me.

I believe that there are ufo's that aren't made by humans.

I have to find out more about these "star-wars" weapons that are being employed.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:38 PM
IMMORTAL, from my research and communications I received, there is more than one ET race.

The video, to me, shows a war is taking place in space.

It's also obvious to me that all of this advanced technology we use today came from somewhere.

Whether it was reverse engineered from crashed saucers such as Roswell, I am not totally convinced as yet.

There's a lot of evidence that UFOs have been around for thousands of years.

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by PuPP
There's a lot of evidence that UFOs have been around for thousands of years.
I know what you mean. I am in awe about all the art and artifacts of early civilizations depicting aircraft when the first airplane was supposedly developed by humans not too long ago.

An example is in the Egyptian hieroglyphs where they depict aircraft similar in shape to our present day.

My only question is, why would human defence systems be firing at these UFO's?

posted on Jan, 31 2004 @ 11:58 PM
Because we're afraid of anyting that is remotely more powerful than us.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:16 AM
Yeah those ancient hieroglyphs in Egypt depicting what looks like a helicopter and other craft is amazing.

There's also gold scupltures resembling modern day aircraft fround in S America too.
You can find some links for the aircraft below...

I believe those being fired upon are the good ETs. Currently what is reigning on Earth are NOT the good guys.

All the evidence is there when you look at how THEY are laying waste to Earth and mining for ore.

From nuclear waste, toxic waste, pollution, poison in the lands and waters to hazardous products being produced and distributed worldwide to synthetic addicting pharmaceutical medicines being "pushed" instead of using their natural counterparts.

Look how certain bloodlines have been waging wars for profits for centuries and slaughtering vast amounts of people in their insane lust for greed, power and control.

Look at the decadance and immorality "pushed" onto society via TV and movies.

We are distracted and lured into many things such as Sin City (Las Vegas) and pornography

We live in a society plagued with beastiality and pedophiles (specially those in Catholic Church-same bloodlines as the current rulers).

It's obvious to me and anyone who's watching that we live in an evil, sick and decadant society.

Though there is some good left, we are a dying breed.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:16 AM
There are many anomalies on video from space missions. The most amazing I saw was the disks around the tether experiment on STS75. I can't seem to find video of it now, but it is out there. One disk clearly passes behind the tethered satellite and must be quite large. It is not ice crystals floating by the window. This is the one example that clearly shows large objects in space that are not part of any publicly disclosed project.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:22 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention the suppression of clean and free energy.

I believe the good ETs would like to see us living in harmony with our environment instead of destroying it.

Arch Angel, I'll try and locate that video.

It may be in one of the links above.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:26 AM
STS - 75 Tether Incident

"Dozens of large round objects with triangular indentations appear to swarm around the broken tether. The tether was an experiment where a satellite was lowered down a thin copper cable for 11 miles before it broke, the idea was to generate electricity by doing so. The tether is glowing brightly in the video because the electric charge in it is ionizing the gases it is quickly passing through. Some of the objects appear to pass behind the tether (or under it) which would mean they have diameters of miles. NASA's official explanation is the objects are ice crystals in the foreground."

Requires Real Player to view.

I'll try and find a media player file.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:29 AM
I've found four places with dead links to the STS75 video. Strange?

Here is one site that has many other anomalies on video(including dead link to STS75).

Here is a pic of it though:

[Edited on 1-2-2004 by ArchAngel]

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:31 AM
Requires Real Player to view.

I'll try and find a media player file.

That file is not found either.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:33 AM
Dang, smells like cover up to me.


I'll keep looking.

Thanks for the heads up, I don't use Real Player.

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:40 AM
That NASA tries to pass it off on the infamous disk shaped ice crystals in space shows......wait a minute.....Ice crystals never form disks....

posted on Feb, 1 2004 @ 12:51 AM
Ok, I found some footage. 3 videos, downloaded one and saved to HD already. Wish it was clearer though.

STS-75 Footage

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