posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 05:04 PM
Hi, I'm new here...I found this forum while I was looking for an answer to a question that's bugged me for nearly a decade.
When I was nine years old, I saw something that I, nor anyone else, has been able to explain scientifically.
I was outside on evening, around 10:00pm. (It was summer, so I know it had to be about 10 or 10:30, because it was pretty dark out, save the street
I was walking up the street with my sister, who was 11, and a couple of our friends, who were about 12 and 13. We had gotten to a pretty dark part of
the street, and were headed toward a street lamp, when, about 30-50 yards in front of us, just past the street lamp, this THING comes jogging out,
into the open. It's really hard to explain, but it was like the shadow of a human, but it had no features. I want to say it was a man, simply because
it was tall and shapeless. It appeared to be wearing a widebrimmed hat on it's head, and was running in extreme slow motion, that I cannot begin to
duplicate. It looked so unearthly. As it ran, it appeared double jointed in every part of it's body, because it just moved it's arms and shoulders
as though they were hanging loose. It disappeared between two trailers, and just as we started to talk, it reappeared and ran back the way it came, in
an identical fashion.
We freaked out and tore back to the trailer, where we got our friends' mom to walk back up the street, to see if she saw it, but it didn't come
back. I can't find any legends or folklore to match what we saw. Has anyone else seen, or heard about such a creature? Please help!
Thanks --