posted on Oct, 14 2007 @ 02:17 PM
That brings us to the situation in Guantanamo Bay. Enimies of the state we have been told or better yet ennemy combatants being held without trial,
without due process. Some could be held for the rest of their lives. I have no doubt that most if not all harbor ill will to thies country and are
indeed terrorists. So charge them in our courts. Don’t feed us this tripe about secret tribunals that are meeting out justice. Try, convict, and
sentance these hate filled animals using the system of law with which we live our daily lives. If the government IS that sure they are guilty, take
them to trial in the time honored manner of our constitution. Even our own citizens are being denied these basic rights. From the most brutal murderer
to the petty thief WE all should be tried under the same system of law.
How can we be any better than those we decry if we cannot live up to the ideals we hold so dear? How can we with good conscience call for the building
up of democracies in other countries all the wile we support oppressive regimes AND ingnore our own basic laws and tennants. How can we in conscience
preach our values, our way of life if we throw them along the side of the road like so much trash?
What have we done with our freedoms? What have you done with YOUR freedom
What kind of country do we leave for our children?
Will my son be able to enjoy the same rights of free expression, confident in the knowledge that his government for the people, by the people can ONLY
invade his privacy after justifying their actions before a judge? Confident in the knowledge that if he is indeed charged with a crime he is
guarranteed the right of habeous corpus, will actually be charged and be able to present his side in a jury of his peers?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just
powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to
alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them
shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness
Will my son go forth an be able to live in the same United States in which I and many of us were born? Or are we doomed to foreever known the
gneration that let it slip away. Previous generations like my grandfather faught and died for those principals so at the very least we should give it
a bit more than lip service. I am guilty as the next man as in regards to going with the flow as our revolotion was co opted.
If we fail to use our rights and defend them aginst enemies BOTH foreign and domestic then the revolution is lost. If we passivly allow the principals
and ideals that this great nation was founded upon then the revolution is lost. If we as a nation decide to selectivly applty the principals of our
Constitution and Bill of Rights to certain groups, only the most naive among us would think that those in power would not turn around and use them on
Republics do not sucumb to external pressures and forces untill they decay from within. If we can so casually discard parts of our constituion and
bill of rights then that decay may already be under way.
What have you done with your freedom?